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Student Learning Outcomes

Discipline: Technology & Health: Fire Technology
Course Name Course Number
Arson and Fire Investigation FIRE 10
  • The student will be able recognize the difference between the cause and origin of fires.
  • Students will Identify the various motives used in arson fires.
  • Recognize the difference between cause and origin of fires. (MO)
  • Recognize, protect and preserve evidence of an incendiary fire. (MO)
  • Use the technique of "known to unknown" to distinguish between an arson and incendiary fire. (MO)
  • Identify the various motives used in arson fires and court procedures used to prosecute. (MO)
  • Compare preserved evidence to determine if a fire is arson or accidental. (MO)
Basic Fire Academy FIRE 86
  • Students will be able to pass the State Firefighter 1 written and manipulative skills certification exam.
  • Analyze and describe differences between certificate, two-year, and four-year degree programs, and state certification. (MO)
  • Describe educational requirements, duties, and information sources for various occupations in fire protection. (MO)
  • Identify basic components of fire as a chemical reaction, the major phases of fire, and the main factors that influence fire spread and fire behavior. (MO)
  • Define and describe the purpose and scope of fire departments. (MO)
  • Analyze relationships between fire prevention efforts and resulting reduction of life and property loss. (MO)
  • Develop skills in: managing hose, using fire-fighting hand tools, knot-tying for hoisting and securing, and using power tools, the Hurst tool, jaws of life, generators, and power saws. (MO
  • Assess fire prevention, how to protect of life and property, and hazardous materials procedures. (MO)
Building Construction for Fire Protection FIRE 4
  • Describe building construction as it relates to firefighter safety, building codes and inspections, fire prevention, and firefighting strategies.
  • Identify building design, materials, systems and their relationship to fire behavior and potential structural failure.
  • Students will understand the dangers of light-weight building construction. (SLO)
  • Students will understand five types of building construction. (SLO)
  • Analyze, prepare, and present building construction systems that include building materials, occupancy requirements, and occupant and fire safety. (MO)
  • Differentiate between the loads that are placed on a building and describe each type of load.
  • List and compare the structural members on various types of construction. (MO)
  • Define flame spread, its hazards, contributing factors and possible solutions. (MO)
  • Demonstrate fire inspection practices that are applicable to individual buildings. (MO)
  • Identify firefighting practices and procedures that have developed for different types of construction. (MO)
Fire Academy Ladder Orientation FIRE 91
  • Students will be able to understand ladder terminology, analyze ladder placement, and determine proper climbing angles when placed against buildings.
  • Students will understand maintenance, cleaning and inspection functions for ladders.
  • Students will be able to understand ladder terminology, analyze ladder placement, and determine proper climbing angles when placed against buildings.
Fire Apparatus and Equipment FIRE 11
  • Compare and contrast different types of fire apparatus and equipment based on use.
  • Students will understand the National Fire Protection Association Standard for Fire Apparatus
  • Compare design types of fire apparatus and equipment and explain construction features and systems. (MO)
  • Discuss safety troubleshooting and daily maintenance check on an engine, aerial ladder truck and elevating platform and small motorized equipment. (MO)
  • Describe design variances between 2 and 4 cycle engines. (MO)
  • Compare and contrast gas vs. diesel engines. (MO)
  • Compare and contrast various pump types. (MO)
Fire Behavior and Combustion FIRE 5
  • Define classifications of fire and associated methods of extinguishment.
  • Define the terms and concept associated with the chemistry, and dynamics of fire.
  • Students will be able to explain the theory of fire and compare the applications of various extinguishing techniques. (SLO)
  • Students will understand the four phases of fire. (SLO)
  • Identify the Department of Transportation warning placards and labeling systems. (MO)
  • Analyze the transportation of hazardous materials; determine the proper placarding is in place. (MO)
  • Define in the physical properties of dangerous chemicals. (MO)
  • Explain the theory of fire and compare the applications of various extinguishing techniques. (MO)
  • Explain the importance of the various properties of the three physical states of matter. (MO)
Fire Company Organization and Management FIRE 8
  • Students will be able to explain principles of group dynamics and their impact on the function of the organization.
Fire Fighting Tactics and Strategy FIRE 7
  • Recognize and describe the need to implement rapid intervention at the fire scene. (MO)
  • Analyze and apply the incident command system at structure fires, wildland and Haz Mat incidents. (MO)
  • Analyze the principles of fire ground tactics and strategy and how they relate to fire behavior. (MO)
  • Evaluate different extinguishing agents and their effectiveness. (MO)
  • Determine appropriate staffing requirements for structure fire situations. (MO)
  • Determine scene size-up requirements for commercial fires. (MO)
  • The student will apply the incident command system at structure fires, wildland fires and HazMat situations.
Fire Hydraulics FIRE 9
  • Students will be able to calculate engine and pump pressure during fire fighting operations.
  • Calculate friction loss in various types of fire hoses, required engine pressure at ground level, engine pressure for elevated streams and pump capacity. (MO)
  • Calculate the number of pumpers required in relay operations and calculate the remaining pump pressure in drafting operations. (MO)
  • Summarize principles of hydraulic operations.
  • Calculate the area and volume of appliances. (MO)
  • Calculate volume and capacity of fire hoses, water systems. (MO)
  • Calculate the horizontal reach of fire streams, water flow velocity, nozzle directions and hydrant and nozzle discharge. (MO)
Fire Prevention Technology FIRE 2
  • Define the principal functions of a fire prevention bureau. (MO)
  • Correlate the relationship between fire prevention efforts and the resulting reduction of life and property loss. (MO)
  • Classify the major types of fire hazards that could be found on a commercial fire inspection. (MO)
  • Describe the hazard correction process used by a fire prevention bureau. (MO)
  • Identify the model codes, standards, and regulations related to fire prevention.
  • Determine which fire codes would be applied based on different occupancy types. (MO)
  • Describe the common fire detection signaling systems found in commercial buildings. (MO)
Fire Protection Equipment and Systems FIRE 3
  • Describe the types, and the design of fire detection and alarm systems, and the codes and standards that regulate them.
  • Explain the application, use and maintenance of portable fire suppression systems.
  • Students will identify types of standpipe systems and water supply requirements. (SLO)
  • Students will understand the five fire protection systems. (SLO)
  • Compare heat and smoke detection devices and hardware. (MO)
  • Analyze, prepare, and present diagrams of fire protection systems that demonstrate complete knowledge of residential, commercial, and industrial, sprinkler systems. (MO)
  • Describe the required care and maintenance for portable and fixed fire protection systems. (MO)
  • Identify types, components, and operation of automatic and special sprinkler systems. (MO)
  • Compare detection, alarm, and supervisory devices and systems. (MO)
Fire Protection Organization FIRE 1
  • Define the field of fire protection technology.
  • List the educational requirements, duties, and information sources for various occupations in fire protection. (SLO)
  • Identify the types of common fire department apparatus, equipment, and personal safety equipment used for firefighting. (SLO)
  • Compare and contrast the relative effectiveness of positions in the fire department and their function using paramilitary structure.
  • Describe the history, functions, culture and development of local, state, and federal public safety, and emergency s organizations.
  • Define terms, equipment, facilities, and emergency management systems associated with fire service and public safety originations.
  • Describe career opportunities in fire protection and related fields. (MO)
  • Describe the overall problems of fire in the United States compared to other countries. (MO)
  • Explain the importance of fire behavior (chemistry) and how it relates to fire extinguishment. (MO)
Firefighter 1 Skills Review and Testing FIRE 93
  • Students will prepare for and be able to pass the IFSAC/PROBOARD written certification exam.
Hazardous Materials/ICS FIRE 6
  • Identify OSHA mandated safety training requirements for employers and employees when handling, storing, and using hazardous materials in the work environment. (MO)
  • Compare and contrast importance of evaluation, non-commitment by the fire department, and total withdrawal procedures. (MO)
  • Write a technical report on the health dangers within chemical classes, and describe their resultant symptoms during physical human contact. (MO)
  • Students will be able to identify and describe the difference between flammable, combustible, and toxic materials.
  • Students will understand the importance of the three haz mat zones of operation.
  • Describe the various DOT Hazard classifications. (MO)
  • Analyze, and then conduct scene isolation, scene stabilization and incident control. (MO)
Principles of Fire and Emergency Services Safety and Survival FIRE 13
  • Discuss the importance of code enforcement in residential structures. (MO)
  • Explain the national emergency services worker fatality problem, and the history of the 16-firefighter life safety initiatives.
  • Identity the national training standards as they correlate to professional development in leadership, supervision, and personal responsibility.
  • Evaluate the need for counseling and psychological support for emergency services personnel and, their families. (MO)
  • Identify access to local psychological resources and services. (MO)
  • Discuss how incorporating the lessons learned from investigations can support cultural change throughout the emergency services. (MO)
  • Explain standardized policies for responding to emergency scenes can minimize injuries and deaths. (MO)
  • Describe and evaluate circumstances that might constitute an unsafe act. (MO)
  • Defend the need for annual medical evaluations and the establishment of physical fitness criteria for emergency services personnel throughout their careers. (MO)
  • Identify the major causes of firefighter's line of duty deaths and injuries in the United States. (SLO)
  • Identify the means of preventing firefighter's deaths and injuries through the prevention of fires. (SLO)
  • Define and describe the need for cultural and behavioral change within the emergency services relating to safety, incorporating leadership, supervision, accountability and personal responsibility. (MO)
  • Explain the need for enhancements of personal and organizational accountability for health and safety. (MO)
Wildland Fire Control FIRE 12
  • Identify wildland fire terminology, tools, and equipment. (MO)
  • Predict fire behavior based on interpretation of operational data. (MO)
  • Evaluate fire loss report procedures for future prevention, attack and control design. (MO)
  • Identify wildland fire control problems and the functions of fire control organizations and personnel. (MO)
  • Identify atmospheric conditions and the impact of fuel availability and fire behavior. (MO)
  • Relate fire behavior standards affecting fire line locations and standards. (MO)
  • Determine fire forecasts, including interpretation and applications. (MO)
Work Experience Fire Science FIRE 96
  • Employers of Fire Technology Work Experience Students will rate the technical skills of their students as above average.