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Mt SAC Alert: Campus remains open and accessible. Due to high winds, some branches and trees have fallen. If traveling to the college or on campus, please stay alert, exercise caution and report any safety concerns to Campus Safety at 909-274-4555.


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Student Learning Outcomes

Discipline: Architecture Degree: AS - Architectural Tech - Design Concentration - S0207
Course Name Course Number
Advanced Digital Design, Illustration and Animation ARCH 222
  • Students will be able to create animated walk-through and fly-through "movies" of building interior and exteriors.
  • Students will set camera-specific views of the virtual model or scene
Architectural CAD and BIM ARCH 147
  • Students will successfully plot 2D and 3D projections of virtual building model according to industry standards.
  • Student will be able to create and make use of "families" in their 3d model
Architectural CAD Working Drawings ARCH 247
  • Students will be able to create design development and working drawing sets reflecting refined job skills in current architectural CAD software.
  • Students will be able to use common and specialized architectural software to create refined 3-D computer-simulated models.
Architectural Drawings and Fabrications ARCH 146
  • students will be able to design simple object using CAD and use the file to fabricate the drawn objects with digital tools
  • Students will review and pass safety quiz to safely use the tools and equipment in teh shop environment
Architectural Materials and Specifications ARCH 142
  • Students will be able to identify the primary CSI divisions by name and correlated number
  • Students will be able to measure, cut and nail lumber of various length to frame a floor joist system
Architectural Presentations ARCH 122
  • Students will incorporate invisible grid form layout in a presentation board,
  • Students will be able to have basic knowledge of Adobe Software such as Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign to create a presentation boards
Architectural Rendering and Illustration ARCH 221
  • Students will be able to solve graphic design problems in shade, shadow, and view composition
  • Students will prepare perspective illustrations as they relate to the architectural and interior design professions.
Architectural Work Experience ARCH 290
  • Students will demonstrate competency using skills developed in the ARCH and ECT programs by developing and completing a project according to industry partner and/ or faculty advisor.
  • Students will learn punctuality, effective communication, time management, and team collaboration.
Building and Zoning Codes ARCH 145
  • Students will be able to follow typical government procedures in obtaining zoning approval and building permits of simulated building project.
  • Students will be able to determine the applicable current building and zoning code titles/editions for any given location.
CADD and Digital Design Media Level I ARCH 121
  • Student will be able to import images of human figures into Rhino3D software, and scale the height of the person in that image to an actual feet and inches height.
  • Students will be able to assign different line types and line weight to specific drawing types.
Design Drawing and Communication ARCH 141
  • Students will use basic architectural nomenclature related to the design of structures.
  • Students will be able to perform the various drawing standards and conventions used in architecture.
  • Students will execute orthographic and 3D drawing projections
Design I - Elements of Design ARCH 101
  • Visit and synthesize actual site, program and concept to produce small buildings for a specific location.
  • Students will be able to use design tools and equipment of the profession.
  • Students will be able to apply graphic principles/standards and conventions used in 2D/3D architectural design.
  • Students will apply subtractive process as a design methodology
Design II - Architectural Design ARCH 102
  • Students will apply their knowledge of selected case study project to analyze and understand precedence to their design
  • students will study the composition of planar elements to create architectural space
  • Students will re-contour a hillside creating flat buildable areas using the cut and fill method
  • Students will be able to apply the design process to create small building design(s).
Design III - Environmental Design ARCH 201
  • Students will develop a response to a site analysis
  • Students will be able to apply the environmental design process and procedure beyond the scope of a single building.
Design IV - Advanced Project ARCH 202
  • Students will demonstrate architectural design research techniques
  • Students will present and evaluate the pros and cons of particular architectural design alternative solution.
World Architecture I ARCH 250
  • Students will be able to compare the architecture of ancient and classic civilizations.
  • Students will identify the major architectural works of ancient and classic civilizations.
World Architecture II ARCH 251
  • Students will be able to identify the major architectural works from the Renaissance .
  • Students will be able to describe the impact of the Industrial Revolution on architectural design and theory.