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Student Learning Outcomes

Discipline: Certificate: Tree Care and Maintenance - L0111
Course Name Course Number
Horticultural Science AGOR 1 (VOC)
  • Students completing AGOR 1 will be able to describe sexual and asexual reproduction in plants.
  • Students completing AGOR 1 will be able to evaluate various pruning practices and applications for common plants.
  • GEO- Students completing relevant assignments in Area B courses will evaluate the impact of science on their daily lives.
Integrated Pest Management AGOR 24 (VOC)
  • Students successfully completing this course will be able to demonstrate knowledge of Laws and Regulations of California Department of Pesticide Regulation
  • Successful completers will be able to identify local pests and disorders of trees, turf, and ornamental landscapes.
  • Students completing AGOR 24 will be able to give a professional quality oral presentation
Ornamental Plants - Trees and Woody Shrubs AGOR 30 (VOC)
  • Students completing AGOR 30 will be able to identify common landscape trees and woody shrubs using physical features of leaf, bark, flower, fruit, and growth habit.
Soil Science and Management AGOR 50 (VOC)
  • Course completers will be able to predict the potential effects that certain chemical and physical properties of soils will have on overall plant health.
  • Course completers will be able to identify and explain all aspects of a standard soil test.
  • Course completers will be able to evaluate the soil conditions at an existing site and make specific recommendations for the immediate and long-term correction of all problems
Tractor and Landscape Equipment Operations AGOR 51 (VOC)
  • Students completing this course will be able to demonstrate fundamentals of operating tractors and equipment covered in class
  • Students completing this course will be able to demonstrate safe operational skills and practices when operating tractors and other equipment
Urban Arboriculture AGOR 75 (VOC)
  • Students completing AGOR 75 will be able to describe the environmental, economic, aesthetic, and social benefits of trees.