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Student Learning Outcomes

Discipline: Certificate: Consumer Relations - M0479
Course Name Course Number
Business Communications BUSO 25
  • I am able to compose an appropriate, effective letter presenting good news, bad news, sales, or persuasive content
  • I am able to use informative and sales letters to convey information and influence people favorably
  • I am able to develop and deliver a 3-5 minute presentation on a business related topic
Consumerism: The Movement, its Impact, and Issues FCS 51
  • Students completing FCS 51 - Consumer Skills, Issues, and Strategies will be able to demonstrate their ability to write a consumer complaint letter.
  • Students completing FCS 51 - Consumer Skills, Issues, and Strategies and who complete the Advertising and Illth, Nealth and Wealth assignment will be able to identify products that promote illth, nealth or wealth.
  • Students completing FCS 51 - Consumer Skills, Issues, and Strategies will be able to identify consumer related government agencies and compare/contrast the services they provide to consumers.
Life Management FCS 41
  • Students completing FCS 41 - Life Management and who complete an assignment in an Area E course will demonstrate meaningful self-evaluation related to increasing their lifelong personal well-being. (Students completing the Mission Statement part of the My Goals assignment will be able to write clear, concise personal mission statements.)
  • Students completing FCS 41 - Life Management and who complete an assignment in an Area E course will demonstrate meaningful self-evaluation related to increasing their lifelong personal well-being.
  • Students completing FCS 41 - Life Management and who complete the Goal Setting assignment will be able to identify, prioritize, and evaluate their personal goals.
  • Students completing FCS 41 - Life Management will be able to increase their skills in the area of time management.
Oral Communications for Business BUSO 26
  • I am able to evaluate presentation preparation and delivery
  • I am able to develop topical outlines, note cards, and visual aids
  • I am able to apply communication skills in simulated business situations such as conferences and business groups
Personal Financial Planning BUSA 71
  • I am able to explain the importance of planning and saving for retirement during the course of my lifetime
  • I know how to evaluate my own personal spending patterns and create my own personal budgets
  • I am able to develop a personal definition of financial success
Personal Financial Planning FCS 80
  • Students completing FCS 80/Financial Planning will improve their financial capabilities based on the University of Wisconsin Financial Capability Scale (FCS).
  • Students completing FCS 80 - Financial Planning will be able to develop a personal and/or family budget.
  • Students completing FCS 80 - Financial Planning will be able to employ strategies for the wise use of credit.
  • Students completing FCS 80 - Financial Planning will be able to evaluate the importance of early retirement planning.