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Student Learning Outcomes

Discipline: Business: CIS
Course Name Course Number
Work Experience in Web Programming CISW 81
  • Students will be able to follow employment policies of the work site.
  • Students will be able apply skills learned in the classroom at the work site.
Advanced C++ Programming CISP 34
  • Students completing CISP 34 - Advanced C++ Programming Lecture will be able to create event-driven program, using Windows Forms
  • Students completing CISP 34 - Advanced C++ Programming Lecture will be able to connect C++ program to the database and incorporate SQL statements into C++ code.
Advanced C++ Programming Laboratory CISP 34L
  • Students completing CISP 34L- Advanced C++ Programming Laboratory will be able to apply their knowledge in event-driven programs by creating application using Windows Forms.
  • Students completing CISP 34L - Advanced C++ Programming Laboratory will be able to apply their knowledge in connection C++ program to the database and incorporating SQL statements to write GUI application
Advanced Java Laboratory CISP 24L
  • Students completing CISP 24 - Advanced Java Programming will be able to create an object oriented program that will use custom classes.
  • Students completing CISP 24 - Advanced Java Programming will be able to develop a program that handles their own designed exception handling.
Advanced Java Programming CISP 24
  • Students completing CISP 24 - Advanced Java Programming will be able to create an object oriented program that will use remote method invocation using the Java programming language.
  • Students completing CISP 24 - Advanced Java Programming will be able to develop a dynamic web page programming Java Server Pages.
Advanced Programming in Python CISP 74
  • Select appropriate data structure and algorithm to a given programming situation.
  • Design web scraping applications
  • Design web applications
Advanced Programming in Python Laboratory CISP 74L
  • Select appropriate data structure and algorithm for a given programming situation.
  • Scrap the web.
  • Create web applications.
Big Data Integration and Processing CISD 42
  • Use various Big Data frameworks and tools.
  • Use various sources and techniques to retrieve, acquire, and ingest Big Data.
  • Process Big Data at rest and in motion.
  • Get value out of Big Data by using a 5-step process to structure an analysis.
  • Integrate Big Data.
Big Data Modeling and Analysis CISD 43
  • Use various tools to perform Big Data modeling.
  • Differentiate between data mining and predictive analytics.
  • Use various tools and programming language to perform Big Data mining and text mining.
  • Use various tools and programming language to perform Big Data predictive analytics.
  • Use various tools and programming language to perform Big Data graph analytics.
Cisco CCNA Networking and Routing CISN 51
  • Students completing CISN 51 - Cisco CCNA Networking and Routing Lecture will be able to implement VLAN and VLAN routing.
  • Students completing CISN 51 - Cisco CCNA Networking and Routing Lecture will be able to configure and setup static routing.
Cisco CCNA Networking and Routing Laboratory CISN 51L
  • Students completing CISN 51L - Cisco CCNA Networking and Routing Lab will be able to implement NATand VLAN
  • Students completing CISN 51L - Cisco CCNA Networking and Routing Lab will be able to install and configure various wireless implementations.
Cloud Computing Database Essentials for Amazon Web Services CISN 72A
  • Students completing CISN 72A will demonstrate the ability to implement both a relational and non-relational database management systems in a hands-on assignment.
  • Students completing CISN 72A will demonstrate the ability to create, configure, manage, and manipulate data in an AWS database application in a hands-on assignment.
CNASM Service Learning CISS 29
  • Students completing CISS 29 - CNASM Service Learning will be able to compare and contrast various implementation of secured wireless network.
  • Students completing CISS 29 - CNASM Service Learning will be able to evaluate and demonstrate the use of ASA (Adaptive Security Appliance), Web, and Radius authentication services.
Computer Information Systems CISB 11
  • Students completing CISB 11 - Computer Information Systems will know the four primary operations of a computer and the hardware that performs these operations.
  • Students completing CISB 11 - Computer Information Systems will be able to define the following Internet terms: Internet, World Wide Web, browser, IP address, URL
  • Students completing CISB 11 - Computer Information Systems will be able to identify five ways to protect a computer from harmful attacks.
  • Students completing CISB 11 - Computer Information Systems will know the six phases of the system development life cycle and two activities that occur in each phase.
Cyber Defense CISS 27
  • Students completing CISS 27 - Defending Computer Systems will be able to install a virtual server and configure the system to have all services running.
  • Students completing CISS 27 - Defending Computer Systems will be able to write a report and prepare a presentation that analyzes a network intrusion, breach, or attack.
Database Design CISD 40
  • Students completing CISD 40 - Database Design will be able to apply normalization rules to database design.
  • Students completing CISD 40 - Database Design will be able to create E-R (Entity Relationship) and UML (Unified Modeling Language) diagrams for a given database scenario.
Database Management - Microsoft Access CISD 11
  • Students completing CISD 11 - Database Management - Microsoft Access Lecture will be able to create effective queries that answer needed questions.
  • Students completing CISD 11 - Database Management - Microsoft Access Lecture will be able to use Microsoft Access to create a professional and user-friendly working database with little or no assistance.
  • Students completing CISD 11 - Database Management - Microsoft Access Lecture will be able to create effective reports based on given criteria.
  • Students completing CISD 11 - Database Management - Microsoft Access Lecture will be able to create useful and professional-looking mainform/subforms using Access
Database Management - Microsoft Access Laboratory CISD 11L
  • Students completing CISD 11L - Database Management - Microsoft Access Lab will be able to create tables and set appropriate relationships between them.
  • Students completing CISD11L - Database Management - Microsoft Access Lab will be able to create queries that answer specific questions about the data in the database.
Database Management - Microsoft SQL Server CISD 21
  • Students completing CISD21 - SQL Server Lecture will be able to understand functions for simplifying daily database tasks.
  • Students completing CISD21 will be able to understand the summary queries and know how to use the aggregate functions.
  • Students completing CISD 21 - Database Management - Microsoft SQL Server Lecture will be able to update database data using the SQL Server Data Manipulation Language commands.
  • Students completing CISD 21 - Database Management - Microsoft SQL Server Lecture will be able to create a program using scripts and stored procedures.
Database Management - Microsoft SQL Server Laboratory CISD 21L
  • Students completing CISD21L - Microsoft SQL Server Lab will be able to use the aggregation functions to create summary queries for database tables.
  • Student completing CISD21L - SQL Server Lab will be able to create database triggers to enforce referential integrity.
Database Management - Oracle CISD 31
  • Students completing CISD31 will understand exception handling and know how to take the actions when exceptions are raised.
  • Students completing CISD 31 will be able to understand subqueries.
  • Students completing CISD 31 - Database Management - Oracle Lecture will be able to create queries to retrieve data from multiple tables using Oracle functions, views, and scripts.
  • Students completing CISD 31 - Database Management - Oracle Lecture will be able to use decision making statements, loops, and cursors in order to create a business application.
Database Management - Oracle Laboratory CISD 31L
  • Students completing CISD 31L will be able to create queries to retrieve data from multiple tables using Oracle functions, views, and scripts.
  • Students completing CISD 31L will be able to use decision making statements, loops, and cursors in order to create a business application.
Deep Learning in Business CISB 62
  • Use artificial neural network (ANN) to solve real-world business challenges.
  • Use convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to solve real-world business use cases
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Programming CISW 17
  • Students completing CISW 17 - HTML, CSS, and JavaScript will be able to design web pages using tables and multimedia objects.
  • Students completing CISW 17 - HTML, CSS, and JavaScript will be able to design dynamic web pages using JavaScript.
Introduction to Cloud Computing CISN 71
  • Students will be assessed if they launch an EC2 instance and configure the instance in the cloud
  • Students are assessed in the networking and storage options and services in the cloude
Introduction to Data Science CISD 41
  • Use Programming language and other tools to scrape, clean, and process data.
  • Use data management techniques to store data locally and in cloud infrastructures.
  • Use statistical methods and visualization to quickly explore data.
  • Apply statistics and computational analysis to make predictions based on data.
  • Effectively communicate the outcome of data analysis using descriptive statistics and visualizations.
Linux Networking and Security Laboratory CISN 34L
  • Students completing CISN 34L - Linux Networking and Security Laboratory will know how to install an Apache web server in a Linux computer.
  • Students completing CISN 34 - Linux Networking and Security Laboratory will know how to install a SAMBA server in a Linux computer.
Linux Operating System Laboratory CISN 31L
  • Students completing CISN 31L - Linux Operating System Laboratory will know how to connect their Linux workstation to a network and the internet and run a word processing program.
  • Students completing CISN 31L - Linux Operating System Laboratory will know how to install a well-known Linux distribution as a workstation operating system.
Machine Learning in Business CISB 60
  • Implement supervised learning algorithms in business
  • Implement unsupervised learning algorithms in business.
  • Implement reinforcement learning algorithms in business.
  • Articulate the basic concepts and functioning of machine learning as well as its deployment in the business context.
  • Have a good understanding of the fundamental issues and challenges of machine learning: data, model selection, model complexity, etc.
  • Be able to select, design, and implement various machine learning algorithms in a range of real-world business applications.
Microcomputer Applications CISB 15
  • Students completing CISB 15 - Microcomputer Applications will be able to use Microsoft Word to create professional documents needed to create a computer security report.
  • Students completing CISB 15 - Microcomputer Applications will be able to effectively use formulas and functions in worksheets.
Microsoft Excel CISB 21
  • Students completing CISB 21 - Microsoft Excel will be able to effectively use formulas and functions in worksheets.
  • Students completing CISB 21 - Microsoft Excel will be able to properly format a worksheet, ensuring that it looks professional
Microsoft PowerPoint CISB 51
  • Students completing CISB 51 - Microsoft PowerPoint will be able to Use PowerPoint templates and design themes to create presentations.
  • Students completing CISB 51 - Microsoft PowerPoint will be able to incorporate appropriate text, graphics, transitions, and animations into presentations which can be delivered to an audience by the student as an oral presentation or as a self-running presentation.
Microsoft Word CISB 31
  • Students completing CISB 31 - Microsoft Word will be able to create a Word document in which text, paragraphs, and layout are formatted effectively and efficiently.
  • Students completing CISB 31 - Microsoft Word will be able to use Word's mail merge feature to generate customized letters and mailing labels in mass.
Natural Language Processing in Business CISB 63
  • Gain practical hands-on natural language processing and its implementation in business.
  • Tokenize text so it can be processed as symbols.
  • Convert text and words to vectors using term frequency-inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) and word2vec.
Network Analysis, Intrusion Detection/Prevention Systems CISS 23
  • Students completing CISS 23 - Network Analysis, Intrusion Detection/Prevention Systems Lecture will be able to explain the fundamental concepts of Network Protocol Analysis and demonstrate the skill to capture and analyze network packets
  • Students completing CISS 23 - Network Analysis, Intrusion Detection/Prevention Systems Lecture will be able to use various protocol analyzers and Network Intrusion Detection System as security tools to detect network attack and troubleshoot network problems
Network Analysis, Intrusion Detection/Prevention Systems Laboratory CISS 23L
  • Students completing CISS 23L - Network Analysis, Intrusion Detection/Prevention Systems Lab will be able to write Cisco/Linux IPS rules and configure Cisco/Linux IPS in line response
  • Students completing CISS 23L - Network Analysis, Intrusion Detection/Prevention Systems Lab will be able to use WireShark to capture and analyze network packets.
Network Security and Firewalls CISS 25
  • Students completing CISS 25 - Network Security and Firewalls Lecture will be able to configure and install a firewall.
  • Students completing CISS 25 - Network Security and Firewalls Lecture will be able implement a secured translation for service hosting through firewall.
Network Security and Firewalls Laboratory CISS 25L
  • Students completing CISS 25l - Network Security and Firewalls Lab will be able to configure and monitor Cisco ASA with ASDM and Linux firewalls with web interface management.
  • Students completing CISS 25l - Network Security and Firewalls Lab will be able to deploy Access Control Lists (ACL).
Network Vulnerabilities and Countermeasures CISS 21
  • Students completing CISS 21 - Network Vulnerabilities and Countermeasures Lecture will be able to penetrate service vulnerability.
  • Students completing CISS 21 - Network Vulnerabilities and Countermeasures Lecture will be able to implement counter attack measurements.
Network Vulnerabilities and Countermeasures Laboratory CISS 21L
  • Students completing CISS 21L - Network Vulnerabilities and Countermeasures Lab will be able to understand and explain key Legal and Ethical issues pertaining to Networks and Information Systems.
Office Skills CISB 10
  • Students completing CISB 10 - Office Skills will be able to correctly format a business style block letter using Microsoft Word.
  • Students completing CISB 10 - Office Skills will be able to use correct finger placement to keyboard at a rate of 30 words per minute on a 3-minute timed writing.
Operating a Macintosh Computer CISB 16
  • (75%) Of the students completing CISB 16 - Macintosh Applications will successfully create a 15 picture iPhoto slideshow.
  • Students completing CISB 16 - Macintosh Applications will be able to correctly identify the names and locations of key areas of the Finder Window.
Operating Systems Security CISS 15
  • Students completing CISS 15 - Operating Systems Security will be able to strengthen security of any operating system by installing Firewall.
  • Students completing CISS 15 - Operating Systems Security will be able to install safe and secure wireless network using computers with different operating systems (Windows, Mac etc.).
Practical Computer Security CISS 11
  • Students completing CISS 11 - Practical Computer Security will gain a non-technical foundation of computer security, with discussion of different types of security attacks and defenses that every student can use.
  • Students completing CISS 11 - Practical Computer Security will be able to apply practical security principles by reading the book and completing hands on activities.
Principles of Information Systems Security CISS 13
  • Students completing CISS 13 - Principles of Information Systems Security will be able to understand and explain at least one domain from the Common Body of Knowledge.
  • Students completing CISS 13 - Principles of Information Systems Security will be able to understand the "need for security."
  • Students completing CISS 13 - Principles of Information Systems Security will be able to understand and explain the Primary Components of Risk Management.
Principles of Object-Oriented Design CISP 10
  • Students completing CISP 10 - Principles of Object-Oriented Design will be able to create a UML (Unified Modeling Language) diagram for any given programming application.
  • Students completing CISP 10 - Principles of Object-Oriented Design will be able to identify classes (objects) needed to create object-oriented application in any programming language.
  • Students in CISP10 will be able to use Agile methodology to design and create any business application
Programming in C# CISP 41
  • Design programs leading to reusable code through the concepts of encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism.
  • Utilize the appropriate programming constructs including selection, sequence and iteration in programming projects.
Programming in C# Lab CISP 41L
  • Design programs leading to reusable code through the concepts of encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism.
  • Utilize the appropriate programming constructs including selection, sequence and iteration in programming projects.
  • Incorporate exception handling in C# projects
Programming in C++ CISP 31
  • Students completing CISP 31 - Programming in C++ Lecture will be able to use decision making statements and loops in order to create a program using C++ constructs.
  • Students completing CISP 31 - Programming in C++ Lecture will be able to create an object-oriented program using classes.
Programming in C++ Laboratory CISP 31L
  • Students completing CISP 31L - Programming in C++ Laboratory will be able to apply knowledge of decision making statements and loops in their programs
  • Students completing CISP 31L - Programming in C++ Laboratory will be able to apply their knowledge in object-oriented programming in creating applications with classes.
Programming in Java CISP 21
  • Students completing CISP 21 - Programming in Java Lecture will be able to create an object oriented program using multiple classes in Java programming language
  • Students completing CISP 21 - Programming in Java Lecture will be able to construct logical pseudocode that solves a given programming problem as part of project documentation.
  • Students completing CISP 21 - Programming in Java Lecture will be able to construct a proper decision statement (if/else constructs) in Java programming language
Programming in Java Laboratory CISP 21L
  • Students completing CISP21L - Programming in Java Laboratory will be able to evaluate calculations and determine the precedence of various operators in an expression.
  • Students completing CISP21L - Programming in Java Laboratory will be able to construct effective if statements and appropriately evaluate their outcomes.
Programming in Python CISP 71
  • Write, organize, and assemble program documentation.
  • Design programs leading to reusable code through the concepts of encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism.
  • Recognize and appropriately use Python packages.
  • Evaluate appropriate use of abstract classes, methods, or both as they apply to inheritance.
  • Apply the most current version of event handlers and methods to projects.
  • Utilize the appropriate programming constructs including selection, sequence, and iteration in programming projects.
  • Incorporate exception handling in Python projects.
Programming in Python Laboratory CISP 71L
  • Create object-oriented programs in Python.
  • Evaluate when to use various Python constructs for decision-making (if and switch statements), iteration
  • Create user interfaces with various components and incorporate event handling.
Secure Web Server Programming in PHP CISW 31
  • Students completing CISW 31 - Secure Web Servers Lecture will know how to install and configure a secure web server.
  • Students completing CISW 31 - Secure Web Servers will create PHP programs to accept, process, and display product orders.
Secure Web Server Programming in PHP Laboratory CISW 31L
  • Students completing CISW 31L - Secure Web Server Laboratory will be able to install and configure Linux, Apache Web Server, MySQL database and PHP.
  • Students completing CISW 31L - Secure Web Server Laboratory will be able to install and access a virtualized Linux, Apache Web Server, MySQL database and PHP (LAMP) server.
Secure Web Server Programming in Python CISW 24
  • Students completing CISW 24 - Secure Server Side Web Programming Lecture will know how to create a program to access a database.
Secure Web Server Programming in Python Laboratory CISW 24L
  • Students completing CISW 24L - Secure Server Side Web Programming Laboratory will know how to create a program to access a database.
  • Students completing CISW 24L - Secure Server Side Web Programming Laboratory will know how to create a program to display formatted reports.
Systems Analysis and Design CISM 11
  • Students completing CISM 11 - Systems Analysis and Design will know how to utilize Data Flow Diagrams to describe how data flows through an organization.
  • Students completing CISM 11 - Systems Analysis and Design will know how to design the logical structure of a database.
  • Students completing CISM 11 - Systems Analysis and Design will know the six phases of the system development life cycle and two activities that occur in each phase.
Telecommunications Networking CISN 11
  • Students completing CISN 11 - Telecommunications/Networking Lecture will know at least five security strategies that can protect a network from a security breach.
  • Students completing CISN 11 - Telecommunications/Networking Lecture will be able to identify four types of common transmission media and be able to describe the basic characteristics of each.
Telecommunications/Networking Laboratory CISN 11L
  • Students competing this course will be able to explain ten security strategies that will protect a company's computers from security attacks.
  • Students completing this course will be able to capture and analyze network packets using network monitoring software.
Website Development CISW 15 (VOC)
  • Students completing CISW 15 - Website Development will be able to create custom styles saved in a cascading style sheet.
  • Students completing CISW 15 - Website Development will be able to link Web Page documents and entire websites together.
Window Server Network and Security Administration CISN 24
  • Students completing CISN 24 - Window Server Network and Security Administration Lecture will be able to configure and install Windows Active Directory.
  • Students completing CISN 24 - Window Server Network and Security Administration Lecture will be able to implement Windows file system security.
Window Server Network and Security Administration Laboratory CISN 24L
  • Students completing CISN 24L - Window Server Network and Security Administration Lab will be able to install and manage DNS.
  • Students completing CISN 24L - Window Server Network and Security Administration Lab will be able to apply TCP/IP subnet, IPsec, NAT, and secured VPN.
Windows Operating System CISN 21
  • Students completing CISN 21 - Windows Operating System will be able to effectively use the printer configuration utility to install and test a printing device.
  • Students completing CISN 21 - Windows Operating System will be able to properly configure Microsoft's operating system to stay secure while interacting with internetworks.
Work Experience in Computer Networking CISN 81
  • Students will be able apply skills learned in the classroom at the work site.
  • Students will be able to follow employment policies of the work site.
Work Experience in Computer Programming CISP 81
  • Students will be able to follow employment policies of the work site.
  • Students will be able apply skills learned in the classroom at the work site.
Work Experience in Computer Security CISS 81
  • Students will be able to follow employment policies of the work site.
  • Students will be able apply skills learned in the classroom at the work site.
Work Experience in Office Technology CISB 81
  • Students will be able to follow employment policies of the work site.
  • Students will be able apply skills learned in the classroom at the work site.