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Student Learning Outcomes

Discipline: Degree: AS - Big Data Analytics - S0845
Course Name Course Number
Big Data Integration and Processing CISD 42
  • Use various Big Data frameworks and tools.
  • Use various sources and techniques to retrieve, acquire, and ingest Big Data.
  • Process Big Data at rest and in motion.
  • Get value out of Big Data by using a 5-step process to structure an analysis.
  • Integrate Big Data.
Big Data Modeling and Analysis CISD 43
  • Use various tools to perform Big Data modeling.
  • Differentiate between data mining and predictive analytics.
  • Use various tools and programming language to perform Big Data graph analytics.
  • Use various tools and programming language to perform Big Data mining and text mining.
  • Use various tools and programming language to perform Big Data predictive analytics.
Computer Information Systems CISB 11
  • Students completing CISB 11 - Computer Information Systems will know the six phases of the system development life cycle and two activities that occur in each phase.
  • Students completing CISB 11 - Computer Information Systems will know the four primary operations of a computer and the hardware that performs these operations.
  • Students completing CISB 11 - Computer Information Systems will be able to define the following Internet terms: Internet, World Wide Web, browser, IP address, URL
  • Students completing CISB 11 - Computer Information Systems will be able to identify five ways to protect a computer from harmful attacks.
Database Management - Microsoft SQL Server CISD 21
  • Students completing CISD21 - SQL Server Lecture will be able to understand functions for simplifying daily database tasks.
  • Students completing CISD 21 - Database Management - Microsoft SQL Server Lecture will be able to create a program using scripts and stored procedures.
  • Students completing CISD21 will be able to understand the summary queries and know how to use the aggregate functions.
  • Students completing CISD 21 - Database Management - Microsoft SQL Server Lecture will be able to update database data using the SQL Server Data Manipulation Language commands.
Database Management - Microsoft SQL Server Laboratory CISD 21L
  • Students completing CISD21L - Microsoft SQL Server Lab will be able to use the aggregation functions to create summary queries for database tables.
  • Student completing CISD21L - SQL Server Lab will be able to create database triggers to enforce referential integrity.
Database Management - Oracle CISD 31
  • Students completing CISD31 will understand exception handling and know how to take the actions when exceptions are raised.
  • Students completing CISD 31 will be able to understand subqueries.
  • Students completing CISD 31 - Database Management - Oracle Lecture will be able to create queries to retrieve data from multiple tables using Oracle functions, views, and scripts.
  • Students completing CISD 31 - Database Management - Oracle Lecture will be able to use decision making statements, loops, and cursors in order to create a business application.
Database Management - Oracle Laboratory CISD 31L
  • Students completing CISD 31L will be able to create queries to retrieve data from multiple tables using Oracle functions, views, and scripts.
  • Students completing CISD 31L will be able to use decision making statements, loops, and cursors in order to create a business application.
Elementary Statistics Math 110
  • Students will be able to use sample statistics to develop a confidence interval for population parameters. Using sample statistics from one or more samples, students will be able to test a claim made about a population parameter.
  • Using bivariate data, students will be able to determine whether a significant linear correlation exists between two variables and determine the equation of the regression line.
  • Using sample statistics from one or more samples, students will be able to test a claim made about a population parameter.
  • Students will be able to use sample statistics to develop a confidence interval for population parameters
  • Students will be able to determine descriptive statistics from a sample
Elementary Statistics -Honors Math 110H
  • Students will be able to use sample statistics to develop a confidence interval for population parameters. Using sample statistics from one or more samples, students will be able to test a claim made about a population parameter.
  • Students will be able to use sample statistics to develop a confidence interval for population parameters
  • Students will be able to determine descriptive statistics from a sample.
  • Using bivariate data, students will be able to determine whether a significant linear correlation exists between two variables and determine the equation of the regression line.
  • Using sample statistics from one or more samples, students will be able to test a claim made about a population parameter
Introduction to Data Science CISD 41
  • Apply statistics and computational analysis to make predictions based on data.
  • Effectively communicate the outcome of data analysis using descriptive statistics and visualizations.
  • Use Programming language and other tools to scrape, clean, and process data.
  • Use data management techniques to store data locally and in cloud infrastructures.
  • Use statistical methods and visualization to quickly explore data.
Programming in Python CISP 71
  • Utilize the appropriate programming constructs including selection, sequence, and iteration in programming projects.
  • Incorporate exception handling in Python projects.
  • Design programs leading to reusable code through the concepts of encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism.
  • Recognize and appropriately use Python packages.
  • Evaluate appropriate use of abstract classes, methods, or both as they apply to inheritance.
  • Apply the most current version of event handlers and methods to projects.
  • Write, organize, and assemble program documentation.
Programming in Python Laboratory CISP 71L
  • Create object-oriented programs in Python.
  • Evaluate when to use various Python constructs for decision-making (if and switch statements), iteration
  • Create user interfaces with various components and incorporate event handling.