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Student Learning Outcomes

Discipline: Degree: AA - Liberal Arts Emphasis Communication - A8982
Course Name Course Number
Introduction to Race and Ethnicity SOC 20
  • Students will use sociological research concepts and theories to identify and analyze the social constructions of race and ethnicity, its interactions with different aspects of society, and its impact on the experiences of different racial/ethnic groups.
Introduction to Race and Ethnicity - Honors SOC 20H
  • Students will use sociological research concepts and theories to identify and analyze the social constructions of race and ethnicity, its interactions with different aspects of society, and its impact on the experiences of different racial/ethnic groups.
Argumentation and Debate SPCH 20
  • Students will perform in front of a live audience.
Cultural Anthropology ANTH 5
  • Students will be able to analyze the key methodological practices of cultural anthropology, with its major focus on pursuing ethnographic research through fieldwork.
  • Students will be able to examine the basic conceptual framework which structures the anthropological study of humanity, identifying the crucial distinctions between ethnocentrism and the practice of cultural relativism.
  • Students will be able to assess the historical development of anthropology as a Western academic discipline, giving particular attention to the significant contributions and perspectives of women, minority and non-Western cultural anthropologists.
  • Students will be able to recognize the immense scope of the multi-faceted discipline of anthropology and explain the relationships between its basic areas of inquiry: physical anthropology, cultural anthropology, linguistics and archaeology.
  • Students will be able to recognize the diversity of human cultures by contrasting comparative ethnographic information from a significant variety of world societies.
  • Students will be able to relate how the processes in any cultural system operate by analyzing the integrated, synergistic nature of all such systems.
  • Students will be able to analyze how anthropological knowledge and insights can be applied to current societal issues, and then be extrapolated to an analytic evaluation of humanity's future.
  • Students will be able to critically evaluate the dynamics of culture change (both voluntary and involuntary), and apply this knowledge to understanding the complexities of culturally heterogeneous societies.
Forensics: Fundamentals of Contest Speech and Debate SPCH 15
  • Students will compete in an intercollegiate forensics tournament.
Intercultural Communication SPCH 7
  • Students will define culture.
  • Students will feel more confident.
Interpersonal Communication SPCH 26
  • Students will evaluate their self concept.
Introduction to Mass Communications JOUR 100
  • Students will understand the respective functions of the fields that comprise the mass media, advertising, and public relations.
  • Students will be familiar with basic mass media law and ethics.
Major World Religions PHIL 15
  • Students will understand the impact of religion in the world at large.
  • Students will be able to analyze primary religious text.
  • Students will be able to compare and contrast a variety of religious themes.
  • Students will be able to identify the practice, belief and history of the major world religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainism, Taoism, Confucianism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
Major World Religions - Honors PHIL 15H
  • Students will be able to identify the practice, belief and history of the major world religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainism, Taoism, Confucianism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
  • Students will be able to analyze primary religious text.
  • Students will be able to compare and contrast a variety of religious themes.
  • Students will understand the impact of religion in the world at large.
Multicultural American Literature LIT 3
  • Students will write a literary analysis.
  • Students completing an assignment in Humanities Area C will be able to identify the influence of culture on human expression.
Performance of Literature SPCH 4
  • Demonstrate effective use of voice, body, facial expressions, focal points, emphasis, and integration of manuscript during performance
  • Students will be able to analyze modes of artistic expression.
Principles of Acting I THTR 11
  • Students will be able to read a script and identify a character's given circumstances.
  • Students will demonstrate ability to apply basic knowledge in any theatrical situation.
  • Students who complete THTR 11 will be able to analyze acting in theatrical performances.
  • Synthesize plays and roles by expressing their feelings and discoveries.
  • Analyze plays to prepare a role for performance.
  • Understand the role of theater as both a way of communicating ideas and as a medium for entertainment.
  • Students will be able to apply learned performance techniques to any rehearsal environment.
  • Students will attend a live theater performance and be able to critically analyze the performances without using value judgments.
  • Students will be able to meet the basic rehearsal criteria (memorization, character analysis, line call) without coaching.
  • Students will be able to read a script and identify the character given circumstances.
  • Develop analytical skills and listening techniques in order to critique a performance.
  • Develop and utilize effective vocal and physical communication techniques.
  • Apply work habits that emphasize meeting deadlines, working with others, and giving structure and form to the craft of acting.
Principles of Acting II THTR 12
  • Students who complete THTR 12 will be able to evaluate the acting performances of others.
  • Students who complete THTR 12 will be able to produce acting monologues and scenes with confidence.
  • Evaluate vocal and physical communication techniques.
  • Evaluate and critique scenes.
  • Synthesize research of scenes and plays by communicating to others their feelings and discoveries.
  • Research and analyze advanced scenes and plays .
  • Recognize the theater's role in educating audiences.
Public Speaking SPCH 1A
  • Students will incorporate strategies to reduce speech anxiety.
  • Students will construct a keyword and full sentence outline using a speech organizational pattern, with credible research and attribution.
  • Students will engage in audience adaptation.
  • Students will perform basic speaking skills using a variety of delivery methods.
  • Students will critically evaluate public speeches, including perspectives, evidence, and arguments with reasoning and support.
Public Speaking - Honors SPCH 1AH
  • Students will construct a keyword and full sentence outline using a speech organizational pattern, with credible research and attribution.
  • Students will incorporate strategies to reduce speech anxiety.
  • Students will critically evaluate public speeches, including perspectives, evidence, and arguments with reasoning and support.
  • Students will perform basic speaking skills using a variety of delivery methods.
  • Students will engage in audience adaptation.
Race, Culture, Gender, and Mass Media Images JOUR 107
  • Students will recognize how the mass media contributes to racial, cultural, gender, and sexual stereotyping.
  • Students will analyze how the mass media and advertising contributes to racial, cultural, gender, and sexual stereotyping.
Voice and Diction SPCH 3
  • Students will demonstrate vocal expressiveness.
  • Students will examine the relationship between culture and communication.