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Student Learning Outcomes

Discipline: Certificate: Fashion Computer-Aided Design - E0383
Course Name Course Number
Fashion Digital Illustration and Design FASH 25
  • Students completing FASH 25 will be able to develop apparel collections using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.
  • Students completing FASH 25 will be able to create apparel technical design drawings (also known as flats) using Adobe Illustrator.
Fashion Patternmaking by Computer FASH 24
  • Students completing FASH 24 should be able to grade a pattern
  • Students completing FASH 24 will be able to create an apparel pattern that includes pattern card, flip codes, fabric categories and storage folders using CAD patternmaking software.
Fashion Retailing and Production Technologies FASH 57
  • Students will create apparel spec sheets using industry software technology.
  • Students will export apparel production reports from apparel industry software into Microsoft Excel.
Patternmaking II FASH 23
  • 70% of the students will earn a letter grade of C or better on the faculty developed assignment.
  • 70% of the students will earn a letter grade of C or better on this faculty developed assignment.
Visual Merchandising Display FASH 66
  • After completing this course students will be able to create an in store design using CAD 2D and/or 3D software.
  • After completing this course, students will be able to create 2D and/or 3D store plan-o-grams.