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Student Learning Outcomes

Discipline: Humanities & Social Sciences: History
Course Name Course Number
Asian American and Pacific Islander History HIST 9
  • Students will identify and differentiate among Asian American and Pacific Islander immigrant groups, their historical strategies of adaptation and resistance, their contributions to the US, and how these relate to contemporary activism. (PLO 1,2,5,6)
  • Students will compose logically organized, argument-driven historical analysis that are informed by secondary sources and justified by references to primary sources [PLO 1,2,3,4]
  • Students will identify and describe the contours of debates among historians over time in American History (PLO 4)
  • Students will be able to trace changes to the American constitution from its origin to the present (PLO 1,5,6)
California History HIST 39
  • Students will understand the difference between misinformation, opinion, and substantiated scholarly theories about California History. They will identify and describe the contours of debates regarding the evolution of the historiography about California’s indigenous populations over time.
  • Students will be able to identify and evaluate major agents of change/reform in California History · Students will be able to assess and explain the repeating patterns of population rushes that characterize the history of California.
  • Students will compose logically organized, argument-driven historical analysis that are informed by secondary sources and justified by references to primary sources [PLO 1,2,3,4]
  • Students will recognize and articulate the diversity of human cultural expression, such as religion, ethnicity, language, sex, orientation, and gender, by comparing different historical perspectives in California history. [PLO 1,5]
History of Africa HIST 35
  • Students will recognize and articulate the role of Eurocentrism in the early historiography of Africa, and understand the factual based corrections of contemporary scholarship. (PLO 4, 5)
  • Students will use logically organized, argument-driven historical analysis to explain specific case studies in African History (events, movements, or people), placing them in their cultural and historical context. They will analyze both primary and secondary sources. (PLO 1,2,3,5)
  • Students will be able to explain the connections between cultural expressions of religion, art, architecture, music, and political structures or historical events. (PLO 1,2,3,5)
History of Latin America HIST 18
  • Students will compose logically organized, argument-driven historical analyses that are informed by secondary sources and justified by references to primary sources [PLO 1,2,3,4]
  • Students will assess the ways in which race, gender, religion, and class shaped the human experience in Latin America from the colonial period to the present [PLO 1,2,3,5].
  • Students will identify the role of institutions (religious, political, economic, social, etc.) in the development of Latin American society and culture. [PLO 1,2,3,4]
  • Students will critically evaluate the different paths as well as common patterns in the social, economic, and political histories of Latin American nations after independence. [PLO 1,2,3,4]
History of Mexico HIST 19
  • Students will compose logically organized, argument-driven historical analyses that are informed by secondary sources and justified by references to primary sources [PLO 1,2,3,4]
  • Students will identify the ways in which race, gender, religion, and class shaped the human experience in Mexico from the colonial period to the present. [PLO 1,2,3,5]
  • Students will evaluate the role of institutions (religious, political, economic, social, educational, etc.) in the development of Mexican society and culture. [PLO 1,2,3,4]
  • Students will identify and explain key concepts in Mexican history including the chief actors and ideologies that drove social, political, and economic change from the colonial period to the present. [PLO 1,2,3,4]
History of Modern Asia HIST 11
  • Students will compose logically organized, argument-driven historical analysis that are informed by secondary sources and justified by references to primary sources [PLO 1,2,3,4]
  • Students will recognize and articulate the role of Eurocentrism in historiography and understand the factual based corrections of contemporary scholarship on Asia. (PLO 4)
  • Students will identify cultural, political, and economic foundations in South, East, and Southeast Asia and examine how these change over time and how they differ from each other. [PLO 1]
  • Students will recognize and articulate the diversity of human cultural and social expression, including religion, ethnicity, race, language, sex, orientation, and gender, by comparing different historical perspectives in Asia. [PLO 1,5]
  • Students will identify the role of environmental history concerns in Asia leading to contemporary sustainability concerns. [PLO 1, 6]
History of Native Americans HIST 44
  • Students will be able to identify and evaluate major agents of change/reform in Native American History
  • Students will be able to identify through analysis the role of institutions--religious, political, economic, social, educational, etc.) in the development of Native American culture.
  • Students completing relevant assignments in Area D2 courses will analyze the relationship between social, political, and/or economic institutions and human behavior
  • Students will compose logically organized, argument-driven historical analysis that are informed by secondary sources and justified by references to primary sources [PLO 1,2,3,4]
History of Premodern Asia HIST 10
  • Students will compose logically organized, argument-driven historical analysis that are informed by secondary sources and justified by references to primary sources [PLO 1,2,3,4]
  • Students will identify the role of environmental history and sustainability concerns in Asia stemming from the emergence of large-scale societies and will examine factors leading to collapse. [PLO 1, 6]
  • Students will recognize and articulate the diversity of human cultural and social expression, including religion, ethnicity, language, sex, orientation, and gender, by comparing different historical perspectives in pre-modern Asia. [PLO 1,5]
  • Students will identify cultural, political, and economic foundations in South, East, and Southeast Asia and examine how these change over time from the prehistoric to early modern era. [PLO 1]
History of the African American HIST 31
  • Students will be able to identify and evaluate major agents of change/reform in the role and place of African Americans in American History.
  • Students will compose logically organized, argument-driven historical analysis that are informed by secondary sources and justified by references to primary sources [PLO 1,2,3,4]
  • Students will be able to differentiate among changes in American Constitutional government over time as those changes effect African Americans within the political/constitutional process.
History of the African American 1619-1877 HIST 30
  • Students will compose logically organized, argument-driven historical analysis that are informed by secondary sources and justified by references to primary sources [PLO 1,2,3,4]
  • Students completing an assignment in Humanities Area C will be able to identify the influence of culture on human expression
  • Students will be able to differentiate among changes in the American constitutional government over time.
  • Students will be able to identify and evaluate major agents of change/reform in the role and place of African Americans in American History.
  • Students will be able to differentiate among changes in American Constitutional government over time as those changes effect African Americans within the political/constitutional process.
History of the Mexican American HIST 40
  • Students will compose logically organized, argument-driven historical analyses that are informed by secondary sources and justified by references to primary sources [PLO 1,2,3,4]
  • Students will describe the major ideas, people, events, and institutions that shaped the experiences of Mexican Americans from the Spanish colonial era to the present. [PLO 1,2,3,5]
  • Students will identify the ways in which race, ethnicity, gender, and class shaped the experiences of Mexican Americans in the United States. [PLO 4, 5]
  • Students will be able to differentiate among changes in American Constitutional government over time.
History of the United States HIST 1
  • Students will be able to identify the different historical experiences of people of color, women, the LGBTQ+ communities, and peoples of various socioeconomic backgrounds in the United States.
  • Students will compose logically organized, argument-driven historical analysis that are informed by secondary sources and justified by references to primary sources [PLO 1,2,3,4]
  • Students will be able to identify and describe the contours of debates among historians over time in United States history.
  • Students will be able to identify and trace the changes to the American Constitution over time and identify the agents of change.
History of the United States from 1865 HIST 8
  • Students will be able to identify and evaluate major agents of change/reform in American History
  • Students will be able to differentiate among changes in the American constitutional government over time.
  • Students will compose logically organized, argument-driven historical analysis that are informed by secondary sources and justified by references to primary sources [PLO 1,2,3,4]
  • Students will be able to differentiate among changes in American Constitutional government over time.
History of the United States from 1865 - Honors HIST 8H
  • Students will be able to identify and evaluate major agents of change/reform in American History
  • Students will be able to differentiate among changes in American Constitutional government over time.
  • Students will compose logically organized, argument-driven historical analysis that are informed by secondary sources and justified by references to primary sources [PLO 1,2,3,4]
History of the United States to 1877 HIST 7
  • Students will be able to explain major agents of change in United States History through Reconstruction.
  • Students will be able to compare and contrast divergent viewpoints of major social, ethnic, racial economic, and political groups, leaders, and organizations in United States History through Reconstruction.
  • Students will be able to identify and explain historical events, changes, and processes that have shaped the United States Constitution and the relationship between local, state, and federal government in United States History through Reconstruction.
  • Students will compose logically organized, argument-driven historical analysis that are informed by secondary sources and justified by references to primary sources
History of the United States to 1877 - Honors HIST 7H
  • Students will be able to differentiate among changes in American Constitutional government over time.
  • Students will be able to identify and evaluate major agents of change/reform in American History
  • Students will compose logically organized, argument-driven historical analysis that are informed by secondary sources and justified by references to primary sources [PLO 1,2,3,4]
Special Projects in History HIST 99
  • Students will be able to comprehend the differences between primary and secondary historical resources through application.
  • Through research, students will present a paper showing and evaluating an element of change in history.
The Wild West - A History, 1800-1890 HIST 16
  • Students will be able to explain and evaluate the story of America's westward advance as part of the wider story of the development of the American nation and its democracy.
  • Using both primary and secondary sources, students will be able to determine and critically analyze competing perspectives on the history, culture, and society of the American West.
  • Students will analyze how different historians have assessed the history of the American West and its influence upon the development of the American nation and democracy.
  • Students will recognize and articulate in writing the diversity of human cultural expression, such as religion, ethnicity, language, sex, orientation, and gender, by comparing different historical perspectives in the history of American western expansion. [PLO 1,5]
Women in American History HIST 36
  • Students will be able to differentiate among changes in American Constitutional government over time effecting the status, positions, and/or role of women. [PLO 1, 5]
  • Students will be able to identify and evaluate major agents of change/reform in United States history pertaining to women. [PLO 1, 5, 6]
  • Students will evaluate the impact of race, ethnicity, power, sexuality, and the social construction of gender as it pertains to women’s experience in US history. [PLO 1, 5, 6]
  • Students will compose logically organized, argument-driven historical analysis that are informed by secondary sources and justified by references to primary sources [PLO 1,2,3,4]
World History: Early Modern to the Present HIST 4
  • Students completing relevant assignments in Area D2 courses will analyze the relationship between social, political, and/or economic institutions and human behavior.
  • Students will be able to identify through analysis the role of institutions (religious, political, economic, social, educational, etc.) in the development of World cultures.
  • Students completing relevant assignments in Area D2 courses will analyze the relationship between social, political, and/or economic institutions and human behavior
  • Students will compose logically organized, argument-driven historical analysis that are informed by secondary sources and justified by references to primary sources [PLO 1,2,3,4]
  • Students will recognize and articulate the diversity of human cultural expression, such as religion, ethnicity, race, language, sex, orientation, and gender, by comparing different historical perspectives in global history. [PLO 1,5]
  • Students will recognize and articulate the role of Eurocentrism in historiography and understand the factual based corrections of contemporary scholarship. (PLO 4,5)
  • Students will identify the global history of the environment and human use of natural resources that have led to contemporary sustainability concerns. (PLO 1, 6)
World History: Early Modern to the Present - Honors HIST 4H
  • Students will be able to identify and evaluate major agents of change/reform in World History
  • Students will be able to identify through analysis the role of institutions (religious, political, economic, social, educational, etc.) in the development of World cultures.
  • Students completing an assignment in Humanities Area C will be able to identify the influence of culture on human expression
  • Students completing relevant assignments in Area D2 courses will analyze the relationship between social, political, and/or economic institutions and human behavior
  • Students will compose logically organized, argument-driven historical analysis that are informed by secondary sources and justified by references to primary sources [PLO 1,2,3,4]
  • Students will recognize and articulate the diversity of human cultural expression, such as religion, ethnicity, race, language, sex, orientation, and gender, by comparing different historical perspectives in global history. [PLO 1,5]
  • Students will recognize and articulate the role of Eurocentrism in historiography and understand the factual based corrections of contemporary scholarship. (PLO 4,5)
  • Students will identify the global history of the environment and human use of natural resources that have led to contemporary sustainability concerns. (PLO 1, 6)
World History: Prehistoric to Early Modern HIST 3
  • Students will identify cultural, political, environmental, and economic foundations of human societies and examine how these change over time. [PLO 1]
  • Students will identify the role of various factors, including the environment or social and political structures in both the growth and decline of societies. [PLO 1,6]
  • Students will compose logically organized, argument-driven historical analysis that are informed by secondary sources and justified by references to primary sources [PLO 1,2,3,4]
  • Students will recognize and articulate the diversity of human cultural expression, such as religion, ethnicity, language, sex, orientation, and gender, by comparing different historical perspectives in global history. [PLO 1,5]
World History: Prehistoric to Early Modern - Honors HIST 3H
  • Students will identify the role of various factors, including the environment or social and political structures in both the growth and decline of societies. [PLO 1,6]
  • Students completing an assignment in Humanities Area C will be able to identify the influence of culture on human expression
  • Students will be able to identify through analysis the role of institutions (religious, political, economic, social, educational, etc.) in the development of World cultures.
  • Students completing relevant assignments in Area D2 courses will analyze the relationship between social, political, and/or economic institutions and human behavior.
  • Students will be able to identify and evaluate major agents of change/reform in World History
  • Students will compose logically organized, argument-driven historical analysis that are informed by secondary sources and justified by references to primary sources [PLO 1,2,3,4]
  • Students will recognize and articulate the diversity of human cultural expression, such as religion, ethnicity, language, sex, orientation, and gender, by comparing different historical perspectives in global history. [PLO 1,5]
  • Students will identify cultural, political, environmental, and economic foundations of human societies and examine how these change over time. [PLO 1]