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Student Learning Outcomes

Discipline: Air Conditioning /Ref Certificate: Building Automation - T0309
Course Name Course Number
Building Automation Fundamentals AIRC 61
  • Course completers will understand the operation and function of various building automation controllers used in commercial buildings.
  • Course completers will understand the operation and function of the major components, controlled with building automation controllers, of a Central Plant.
Building Automation Networks and Programming AIRC 65
  • Course completers will successfully program basic logic for a single input and output on a universal application controller.
  • Course completers will successfully understand the setup procedure for a general purpose controller.
Commercial Electrical for Air Conditioning and Refrigeration AIRC 31
  • Course completers will understand the operating characteristics and impacts of variable frequency drives on three-phase motors.
  • Course completers will properly identify and size electrical wires and circuit protection.
Commercial Systems AIRC 34
  • Course completes will identify the major components and systems of a central plant.
  • Course completers will evaluate the operation of a commercial heating, ventilation, air conditioning system
Computer Networks CNET 56
  • Students completing CNET 56 will be able to determine the most appropriate standards, protocols, and access methods for a given network.
  • Students completing CNET56 will be able to correctly determine an IPv4 address, broadcast address, and network address from a binary IPv4 address and binary subnet mask.
  • Students completing CNET 56 will be able to identify and distinguish among the different media used in network communications.
Electrical Fundamentals for Air Conditioning and Refrigeration AIRC 25
  • Course completers will successfully use electrical meters commonly used in the Air Conditioning and Refrigeration industry.
  • Course completers will understand the electrical sequence of operation for a five ton air conditioning system.
Energy Management AIRC 67
  • Course completers will understand the design of an energy model.
  • Course completers will successfully understand the proper use and application of a light level meter.
Refrigeration Fundamentals AIRC 20
  • Course completers will evaluate the mechanical operation of an air conditioning system.
  • Course completers will properly handle refrigerants.
Technical Applications in Microcomputers ELEC 11
  • Students completing ELEC 11 will be able to produce an expense spreadsheet with a chart in Microsoft Excel.
  • Students completing ELEC 11 will demonstrate the ability to produce a correctly formatted and error-free employment cover letter using Microsoft Word.
  • Demonstrate various features of the Windows operating system specifically used in electronic technology.
  • Define and discuss common vocabulary words associated with technology and computers.
  • Design and implement various word processing assignments including: memos, technical reports, and a resume.
  • Design and implement various spreadsheet assignments including data in chart and graph form.
  • Implement various database assignments including data manipulation, report generations.
  • Identify features of computer presentation methods.
  • Demonstrate using the internet to research a given topic.
  • Students completing ELEC 11 will demonstrate the ability to produce a correctly formatted and error-free resume in Microsoft Word
  • 70% of students will produce a spreadsheet with an accompanying chart with no more than two errors in formulas.