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Student Learning Outcomes

Discipline: School of Continuing Education: Division Office OLD UNIT - DEPRECATE
Course Name Course Number
Manufacturing Processes and Materials MFG 130
  • 70% of students will be able to identify various stock materials and describe their general properties and composition with 70% or greater success.
  • 70% of students will be able to identify various manufacturing processes with 70% or greater success
  • 70% of students will be able to describe or explain 3 common manufacturing processes with 70% or greater accuracy
A+ Certification Preparation CNET 60
  • CNET 60 students will be prepared to take the A+ Certification Exam.
Advanced Digital Design, Illustration and Animation ARCH 222
  • Students will set camera-specific views of the virtual model or scene
  • Students will be able to create animated walk-through and fly-through "movies" of building interior and exteriors.
Advanced Surface Mount Assembly and Rework ELEC 62
  • Students will demonstrate the ability to solder a surface-mount electronic circuit board to approved industry standards (IPC7711/7721)
Advertising Photography PHOT 30 (VOC)
  • Students completing Photography Courses will know the core skills of f/stop control. What the f/stops are, i.e. 1.4,2,2.8,4,5.6,8,11,16,22 and what they do, i.e. shallow depth of field and great depth of field.
  • Students completing Photography Courses will know the core skills of shutter control. What the shutter speeds are, i.e. 1000,500,250,125,60,30,15,8,4 and what they do, i.e. stop action and create blur.
  • Students completing Photography Courses will know the core skills of shutter control. What the shutter speeds are, i.e. 1000,500,250,125,60,30,15,8,4, 2, 1 and what they do, i.e. control exposure and motion.
  • Students completing Photography Courses will know the core skills of f/stop control. What the f/stops are, i.e. 1.4,2,2.8,4,5.6,8,11,16,22, 33 and what they do, i.e. control motion and depth of field
  • Students that complete PHOT 30 will be able to apply appropriate lighting techniques to produce innovative commercial studio and location images.
  • Students that complete PHOT 30 will be able to use proper digital image capture and editing techniques.
  • Students that complete PHOT 30 will be able to employ techniques in fashion, glamour, or executive portraiture for effective lighting of a person.
  • Students that complete PHOT 30 will be able to produce photographs that work within a layout.
  • Students that complete PHOT 30 will be able apply organizational and production skills for large commercial photographic projects.
  • Students that complete PHOT 30 will be able to operate equipment related to commercial photography,
Aesthetic Design in Fashion FASH 15
  • Students completing FASH 15 will develop pictorial collages highlighting the reasons and functions of dress/clothing
  • Students completing will develop pictorial collages, supported by definitions, of the aesthetic elements and principles of design.
Animal Breeding ASCI 94 (VOC)
  • Course completers should be able to recognize major breeding systems for domestic animals
  • 70% of course completers will demonstrate with 70% accuracy, their understanding of the principles of genetic inheritance used in animal breeding.
Animal Handling and Restraint ASCI 51 (VOC)
  • Students completing this course will be able to demonstrate the correct restraint method for canine jugular venipuncture.
Animal Nutrition ASCI 2 (VOC)
  • 70% Students will demonstrate an understanding of nutritional requirements of various life stages of the canine with 70% accuracy.
Animal Sanitation and Disease Control ASCI 96 (VOC)
  • 75% of the students will be able to identify the poisonous agent of commonly poisonous plants with a 75% accuracy
Animal Science ASCI 1 (VOC)
  • Course completers should be able to identify the common species & breeds of livestock
Architectural CAD and BIM ARCH 147
  • Students will successfully plot 2D and 3D projections of virtual building model according to industry standards.
  • Student will be able to create and make use of "families" in their 3d model
Architectural CAD Working Drawings ARCH 247
  • Students will be able to use common and specialized architectural software to create refined 3-D computer-simulated models.
  • Students will be able to create design development and working drawing sets reflecting refined job skills in current architectural CAD software.
Artificial Insemination of Livestock ASCI 97 (VOC)
  • Course completers will be able to demonstrate the proper procedural steps for artificial insemination of cattle and successfully complete the AI technique.
  • Course completers will be able to describe the proper procedural steps of artificial insemination for cattle, dogs, horses, sheep, and swine.
Aviculture - Cage and Aviary Birds ASCI 76 (VOC)
  • Students will be able to explain and diagram the necessary aviary for a specific breed of bird.
Basic Digital and Film Photography PHOT 10 (VOC)
  • Demonstrate appropriate shutter settings for motion and freeze action.
  • Select appropriate output media (i.e. digital or silver gelatin) for photographic prints.
  • Identify compositional elements (i.e. line, texture, shape, patterns, perspective) of a photographic image.
  • Select and present photographs in a presentation format appropriate to the subject (e.g. dry mounting , digital media, projection.)
  • Students completing Photography Courses will know the core skills of shutter control. What the shutter speeds are, i.e. 1000,500,250,125,60,30,15,8,4, 2, 1 and what they do, i.e. control exposure and motion.
  • Students completing Photography Courses will know the core skills of f/stop control. What the f/stops are, i.e. 1.4,2,2.8,4,5.6,8,11,16,22, 33 and what they do, i.e. control motion and depth of field
  • Determine correct exposure values to produce photographic images.
  • Relate aperture settings to resulting depth of field characteristics.
  • Identify and describe the parts of a camera (i.e. lens, f/stop, shutter, etc.) and their functions.
Basic Electric Arc Welding WELD 51 (VOC)
  • Each student will demonstrate knowledge of which process is most commonly used for different aspects of the welding and what advantage it will provide to that aspect of the industry
  • Utilize different types of power sources used for welding in shield metal arc, gas metal arc, gas tungsten arc and flux cored arc welding processes. (MO)
  • Use a vocabulary of terms and conditions related to the welding trades. (MO)
  • Explain and demonstrate safe and efficient operation of welding equipment. (SLO/MO
  • Apply safety principles in arc welding procedures. (MO)
  • Calculate times required to complete quality welding used with the electric arc welding processes. (MO)
  • Demonstrate and describe how to set electric arc welding machines using gas metal arc, shield metal arc, gas tungsten arc and the flux cored arc welding processes. (MO)
  • Demonstrate daily maintenance of a safe work place environment. (MO)
  • Use and interpret reference charts to select filler material. (SLO/MO)
Beef Production ASCI 30 (VOC)
  • Course completers should be able to identify all common beef breeds
Beginning Arc Welding WELD 70A (VOC)
  • Students will demonstrate safe usage of welding equipment
  • Students will solve problems as related to cutting materials prior to welding.
  • Differentiate between welding processes and where industry applies them in the workforce. (MO)
  • Select different types of filler materials with the SMAW, FCAW and GMAW processes on plate steel. (MO)
  • Solve problems as related to cutting, preparing and fitting up materials prior to welding. (SLO/MO)
Bookkeeping - Accounting BUSA 72 (VOC)
  • I am able to explain the concept of double-entry accounting within the categories of asset, liability, owner's equity, revenue and expense account
  • I am able to analyze business transactions, and journalize and post transactions to ledger accounts
  • I am able to utilize procedures of cash control in such areas as petty cash funds, change funds, cash short and over and bank reconciliation
Business Communications BUSO 25
  • I am able to compose an appropriate, effective letter presenting good news, bad news, sales, or persuasive content
  • I am able to use informative and sales letters to convey information and influence people favorably
  • I am able to develop and deliver a 3-5 minute presentation on a business related topic
Business English BUSO 5
  • I am able to analyze sentences in terms of part of speech and sentence structure
  • I am able to apply correct punctuation to sentences
  • I am able to develop business related ideas into unified, coherent paragraphs, using correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation
Business Mathematics BUSA 68 (VOC)
  • I am able to demonstrate addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of numbers
  • I am able to round whole numbers, decimals and percents
  • I am able to solve business-related word problems
Business Organization and Management BUSM 61 (VOC)
  • I am able to apply management concepts and functions
  • I am able to perform the strategic planning process and utilize decision making models
  • I am able to identify organizing principles and identify different organizational designs
Cabling and Wiring Standards VOC EST 54
  • Students will demonstrate a working electronic telephone system installation.
  • Students will successfully demonstrate information and technology literacy in the VOC EST54 course.
CADD and Digital Design Media Level I ARCH 121
  • Students will be able to assign different line types and line weight to specific drawing types.
  • Student will be able to import images of human figures into Rhino3D software, and scale the height of the person in that image to an actual feet and inches height.
Certification for Welders WELD 70C (VOC)
  • Students will evaluate finished welds for defects by visual and bend inspections.
  • 75% of students will pass the L.A. City Department of Building and Safety written exam for Structural Steel Welder certification with a score of 70% or better.
  • Read and interpret welding and building codes in the area of light gauge and heavy material of the construction industry. (MO)
  • Identify modern welding practices. (MO)
  • Demonstrate proper and safe usage of welding equipment and practices by written and practical tests. (MO)
Certified Nursing Assistance VOC HTH01
  • Students will be able to successfully demonstrate information and technology literacy in the CNA class.
Clothing Construction I FASH 10
  • Students completing FASH 10 will be able to construct an adult short sleeve shirt with yoke and collar pursuant to apparel industry standards.
  • Students will be able to construct an adult sized pair of shorts with a fly front zipper pursuant to apparel industry standards.
Clothing Construction II FASH 12
  • Students completing FASH 12 will be able to construct an adult sized long sleeve shirt with yoke, sleeve placket opening and cuffs.
  • Students completing FASH 12 will be able to construct a pant with a fly front zipper and pockets.
  • After completing the FASH 12 course, students will be able to construct a shawl collared shirt.
  • After completing the FASH 12 course, students will be able to analyze cut ratios from garment orders.
Color Photography PHOT 20 (VOC)
  • Students completing Photography Courses will know the core skills of f/stop control. What the f/stops are, i.e. 1.4,2,2.8,4,5.6,8,11,16,22 and what they do, i.e. shallow depth of field and great depth of field.
  • Students completing Photography Courses will know the core skills of shutter control. What the shutter speeds are, i.e. 1000,500,250,125,60,30,15,8,4 and what they do, i.e. stop action and create blur.
  • Students completing Photography Courses will know the core skills of shutter control. What the shutter speeds are, i.e. 1000,500,250,125,60,30,15,8,4, 2, 1 and what they do, i.e. control exposure and motion.
  • Students completing Photography Courses will know the core skills of f/stop control. What the f/stops are, i.e. 1.4,2,2.8,4,5.6,8,11,16,22, 33 and what they do, i.e. control motion and depth of field
  • Students that complete PHOT 20 will be able to create color corrected prints
  • Students that complete PHOT 20 will be able to create five color schemes: monochrome, analogous, triad, complementary and warm
  • Students that complete PHOT 20 will be able to create mood using color psychology principles
  • Students that complete PHOT 20 will be able to analyze color images using color theory principles
  • Students that complete PHOT 20 will be able to present prints using matting and color coordination
Communications Systems ELEC 53
  • Students completing ELEC 53 will be able to interpret amplitude and frequency characteristics of signals displayed on the spectrum analyzer screen.
  • Students completing ELEC 53 will be able to calculate the bandwidth and power characteristics of frequency-modulated signals using the table of normalized Bessel functions.
  • Define common communication terms used in telecommunication circuits.
  • Explain circuit operation of various communication circuits.
  • Demonstrate effective use of test equipment during measurements on various communication circuits.
  • Calculate and analyze various modulation characteristics using a variety of modulation principles.
  • Compare and contrast various parameters of different modulation principles.
  • Measure and record parameters of several modulated sources.
  • Evaluate and measure the reception effectiveness of several modulated sources.
Computer Simulation and Troubleshooting ELEC 12
  • Course completers will demonstrate the ability to isolate defective components on physical (as opposed to simulated) circuit boards.
  • Demonstrate basic computer operating skills.
  • Analyze operational circuit parameters when component values are changed.
  • Analyze circuits for faults.
  • Demonstrate how to troubleshoot circuits, and replace faulty components through simulation.
  • Predict circuit operating parameters based on simulated characteristics.
Construction Fabrication and Construction Welding WELD 80 (VOC)
  • Apply welding skills in required practical projects. (MO)
  • Demonstrate proper and safe usage of welding equipment. (MO)
  • Accurately measure to one sixteenth of an inch. (MO)
  • Differentiate the theoretical knowledge necessary to run various electrodes and filler metals using the welding processes presented in the class. (MO)
  • Identify materials used in construction and fabrication industry and select the correct filler metals for welding and joining. (MO
  • Apply principles of identifying base metals and carbon contents of materials used in welding. (MO)
  • Anticipate and solve problems in project fabrication. (MO)
  • Student will be able to select the correct welding applications and processes. (SLO)
  • Students will be able to apply the principles of layout and blueprint reading. (SLO)
  • Students will demonstrate welding skills to industry standards. (SLO)
Cooking for Your Heart and Health NF 81 (VOC)
  • Students completing NF 81 - Cooking for Your Heart and Health will be able to analyze food labels for a food's fat, saturated fat, trans fat, sodium, cholesterol, sugar, fiber, and vitamin and mineral content in order to assist in heart healthy food selection.
  • Students completing NF 81 - Cooking for Your Heart and Health will modify and present a recipe.
Customer Relations for the Technician TECH 60
  • Students completing TECH 60 will be able to identify qualities employers seek in new hires.
  • Describe the benefits of using effective customer contact skills.
  • Demonstrate proper customer and team interactions.
  • Identify and use customer contact tools.
  • Demonstrate proper responses and appropriate attire in an interview.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of appropriately used customer contact tools.
  • Know and use effective questioning techniques.
  • Compare and contrast ethical decisions made.
  • Compare and contrast hard skills versus soft skills.
  • Know and use effective communication skills.
  • Students completing TECH 60 will demonstrate the ability to answer questions in a positive manner in a mock job interview.
Design Drawing and Communication ARCH 141
  • Students will use basic architectural nomenclature related to the design of structures.
  • Students will be able to perform the various drawing standards and conventions used in architecture.
  • Students will execute orthographic and 3D drawing projections
Digital Electronics ELEC 56
  • Analyze sequential logic circuits and wave forms.
  • Evaluate logic circuit parameters from truth tables.
  • Troubleshoot logic circuits and find faults.
  • Measure logic circuit input and output signals using a variety of testing techniques.
  • Analyze combinational logic circuits and waveforms.
  • Using the design algorithm, students will design and build a combinational logic control circuit.
  • Using a state machine design, students will construct a synchronus counter that counts a random number sequence and then repeats.
  • Recognize logic symbols and logic interpretation.
  • Analyze combinational logic circuits and waveforms.
  • Demonstrate reduction techniques of combinational logic.
Electrical Fundamentals for Cable Installations VOC EST 50
  • Students will successfully demonstrate information and technology literacy in the VOC EST 50 course.
Electronic Assembly and Fabrication ELEC 61
  • Students completing ELEC 61 will demonstrate the ability to capture a schematic and render a printed circuit board phototool from an instructor-supplied list of component requirements.
  • Demonstrate the proper manufacturing techniques of soldering and de-soldering.
  • Differentiate between types of assembly techniques and justify the merits of one versus the other.
  • Design a printed circuit board using computer-aided drafting (CAD).
  • Define or explain various terms used in assembly and manufacturing processes.
  • Recognize acceptable assembly connections from unacceptable ones.
Electronic Circuits - Direct Current (DC) ELEC 50A
  • Calculate unknown electrical quantities in DC circuits.
  • Define common terms and recognize symbols used in DC electronic circuits.
  • Explain circuit operation of various DC circuitry.
  • Analyze from problems various DC unknown quantities.
  • Analyze from schematics various DC unknown quantities.
  • Predict unknown electronic quantities before solving electronic formulas.
  • Measure and record electrical quantities.
  • Demonstrate proper use of test equipment
  • Troubleshoot various defects in DC circuitry.
  • Students completing ELEC 50A will be able to make accurate readings of voltage, current, and resistance using analog and digital multimeters.
  • As a consequence of significant program modification in which electronics math concepts will be covered in the ELEC 50A theory course, students in ELEC 50A will be able to numerically analyze a series-parallel circuit.
Electronics Circuit (AC) ELEC 50B
  • Students will be able to accurately measure amplitude and time parameters of a periodic waveform displayed on the oscilloscope screen.
  • Demonstrate the proper use of test equipment (oscilloscope, function generator, frequency counter) when measuring electrical quantities in a lab exercise. (MO)
  • Compare and contrast characteristics of series versus parallel AC circuits. (MO)
  • Evaluate the characteristics of frequency selective circuits. (MO)
  • Students completing ELEC 50B will be able to employ polar and/or rectangular notation to determine the magnitude and phase shift of an unknown circuit parameter (voltage, current, impedance, and/or power).
  • Define common terms and recognize symbols used in AC electronics. (MO)
  • Analyze operation of AC circuits. (MO)
  • Calculate unknown electrical quantities in AC circuits. (MO)
  • Measure and record AC electrical quantities. (MO)
Engine Diagnostics AGOR 56 (VOC)
  • Students completing this course will learn to identify and apply practical application of tools and equipment used for proper diagnosis of various engine types and the systems involved.
Excel for Accounting BUSA 76
  • I am able to solve managerial accounting problems with Excel software
  • I am able to create a chart using Excel software
  • I am able to explain how Excel software should be used and applied by a company in its day to day business operations
Exotic Animal Management ASCI 12 (VOC)
  • Students in the Exotic animal class will analyze and differentiate between the different types of pet reptile species and their species specific husbandry requirements.
Exploring Color Photography PHOT 21 (VOC)
  • Students completing Photography Courses will know the core skills of f/stop control. What the f/stops are, i.e. 1.4,2,2.8,4,5.6,8,11,16,22 and what they do, i.e. shallow depth of field and great depth of field.
  • Students completing Photography Courses will know the core skills of shutter control. What the shutter speeds are, i.e. 1000,500,250,125,60,30,15,8,4 and what they do, i.e. stop action and create blur.
  • Students completing Photography Courses will know the core skills of shutter control. What the shutter speeds are, i.e. 1000,500,250,125,60,30,15,8,4, 2, 1 and what they do, i.e. control exposure and motion.
  • Students completing Photography Courses will know the core skills of f/stop control. What the f/stops are, i.e. 1.4,2,2.8,4,5.6,8,11,16,22, 33 and what they do, i.e. control motion and depth of field
  • Students that complete PHOT 20 will be able to present prints using matting and color coordination
  • Students that complete PHOT 21 will be able to create unique color schema photographs.
  • Students that complete PHOT 21 will be able to identify effects of specialized lighting.
  • Students that complete PHOT 21 will be able to identify mixed light sources
  • Students that complete PHOT 21 will be able select color and lighting to enhance photographs.
  • Students that complete PHOT 21 will be able to use specialized resources for oversized print production
Fashion and Editorial Portrait Photography PHOT 16 (VOC)
  • Students completing Photography Courses will know the core skills of shutter control. What the shutter speeds are, i.e. 1000,500,250,125,60,30,15,8,4 and what they do, i.e. stop action and create blur.
  • Students completing Photography Courses will know the core skills of f/stop control. What the f/stops are, i.e. 1.4,2,2.8,4,5.6,8,11,16,22 and what they do, i.e. shallow depth of field and great depth of field.
  • Students completing Photography Courses will know the core skills of shutter control. What the shutter speeds are, i.e. 1000,500,250,125,60,30,15,8,4, 2, 1 and what they do, i.e. control exposure and motion.
  • Students completing Photography Courses will know the core skills of f/stop control. What the f/stops are, i.e. 1.4,2,2.8,4,5.6,8,11,16,22, 33 and what they do, i.e. control motion and depth of field
  • Students that complete PHOT 16 will be able to create images using strobe and natural lighting techniques used in the fashion industry.
  • Students that complete PHOT 16 will be able to document details of fashion client interactions.
  • Students that complete PHOT 16 will be able to describe business practices common to fashion studios
  • Students that complete PHOT 16 will be able to create advertisements utilizing fashion subjects.
  • Students that complete PHOT 16 will be able to create sample look books.
Fashion Design by Draping FASH 22
  • Students completing FASH 22 will be able to create skirt and bodice pattern slopers by draping on a mannequin.
  • Students completing FASH 22 will be able to create a bias cut dress on a mannequin.
FCC General Radiotelephone Operator License Preparation ELEC 76
  • Students completing ELEC 76 will successfully pass Elements 1 and 3 of the Federal Communications Commission General Radiotelephone Operator License examination.
  • Identify the requirements of the various FCC communication licenses.
  • Apply electronic principles as they apply to the Element 3 license.
  • Explain pertinent communications-related rules and regulations covered in the Element 1 license examination.
  • Solve electronic math problems.
  • Identify circumstances where possession of GROL is federally mandated for communications technicians in the marine and aviation radio services.
Feline Management ASCI 72 (VOC)
  • Students will be able to identify fifteen purebred breeds of cats when given a slide show quiz, which will be evaluated by set criteria.
Floral Design 1 VOC AGR25
  • Students will successfully demonstrate information and technology literacy in the Floral Design 1 course.
Floral Design 2 VOC AGR26
  • Students will successfully demonstrate information and technology literacy in the Floral Design 2 course.
Floral Design 3 VOC AGR27
  • Students will successfully demonstrate information and technology literacy in the Floral Design 3 course.
Food Production, Land use and Politics - A Global Perspective AGAG 1 (VOC)
  • Students in AGAG 1 will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the interdependence of world agriculture systems.
  • Students completing AGAG 1 will be able to discuss the impact that the endangered species act has on current agricultural practices.
  • Students completing AGAG 1 will be able to give a brief, coherent presentation of their current event summary in front of the class.
Fundamentals of Accounting BUSA 11 (VOC)
  • I am able to compute the ending balance in a company?s inventory account using FIFO and LIFO inventory methods
  • I am able to calculate depreciation using the straight line method of depreciation
  • I am able to calculate simple interest for a loan
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding WELD 90A (VOC)
  • Recognize differences between welding processes and their industry applications. (MO)
  • Demonstrate the application of theoretical knowledge necessary to run different types of filler materials with the GTAW processes on different types of metals. (MO)
Health Careers Resource Center VOC HTH05
  • Students enrolled in health occupations programs will use the HCRC to enhance their learning.
  • Students will demonstrate information and technology literacy in the HCRC.
History of Furniture and Decorative Arts ID 14 (VOC)
  • Students will successfully use critical thinking to complete a written analysis on various historic design styles.
  • Students will successfully apply knowledge of historic design styles accurately through the creation of a notebook.
  • Students will successfully demonstrate craftsmanship skills through the assembly of a notebook.
History of Photography PHOT 15 (VOC)
  • Students that complete PHOT 15 will be able to analyze the various historical styles within the early photo art movements
  • Students that complete PHOT 15 will be able to contrast early art photography and commercial photography
  • Students that complete PHOT 15 will be able to identify the major inventors contributing at the inception of photographic processes.
  • Students that complete PHOT 15 will be able to describe the major early photographic processes.
  • Students will recognize at least two major technological events leading to the invention of the first photographic process.
  • The student will recognize the major inventors of the first photographic processes; i.e. Daguerreotype, Calotype, Collodion etc.
  • Students that complete PHOT 15 will be able to define the major photographic movements from the early 1800's to mid 1900's.
  • Students that complete PHOT 15 will be able to discuss the social impact photography had in the first decades of its introduction.
Home Electronic Systems VOC EST 56
  • Students will design a layout and set up speakers for a home-theater system.
  • Students will be able to compare and evaluate various security and management software types, identifying their key features, benefits, and suitability for different home automation and security applications.
Home Health Aide VOC HHA
  • Students will describe the steps and guidelines for common personal care skills, body mechanics, and safety and emergency procedures
  • Identify Federal and State regulations governing home health aides
  • Students will successfully demonstrate information and technology literacy in the Home Health Aide class.
Horse Behavior and Training ASCI 20 (VOC)
  • Students completing ASCI 20 will understand how horses learn.
  • Course completers will describe correct methods for handling horses.
Horse Hoof Care ASCI 19 (VOC)
  • Students completing ASCI 19 will be able to identify the major functional structures of the equine lower limb.
  • Students completing AGLI 19 will be able to identify various diseases of the foot.
Horse Production and Management ASCI 16 (VOC)
  • Students completing ASCI 16 will be able to follow the vaccination schedule recommended by the American Association of Equine Practitioners.
  • 80% of students completing ASCI 16 will be able to identify common horse breeds with 75% accuracy.
Horse Ranch Management ASCI 18 (VOC)
  • Students completing ASCI 18 will develop a business plan outline for an equine-related business.
  • Course completers will develop and implement a health plan for a breeding program with the resources available.
Horticultural Science AGOR 1 (VOC)
  • GEO- Students completing relevant assignments in Area B courses will evaluate the impact of science on their daily lives.
  • Students completing AGOR 1 will be able to describe sexual and asexual reproduction in plants.
  • Students completing AGOR 1 will be able to evaluate various pruning practices and applications for common plants.
Human Relations in Business BUSM 60 (VOC)
  • I am able to review motivational theories related to organizational behavior
  • I am able to define organizational culture, socialization and mentoring
  • I am able to analyze social perception
Human Resource Management BUSM 62 (VOC)
  • I am able to explain theory and practical application of Equal Employment Opportunity current employment laws
  • I am able to write a job description and job specification
  • I am able to develop interviewing skills
Improving Writing Skills LERN 81 (VOC)
  • Students will increase how much they value writing and be able to be able to articulate the value of writing in their lives by making real world connections.
Industrial Electronic Systems ELEC 54B
  • Students completing ELEC 54B will be prepared to produce a ladder logic diagram for the control of an industrial process.
  • Students completing ELEC 54B will be capable of assessing the quality of a programmable logic control (PLC) program.
  • Define common industrial electronic terms.
  • Explain circuit operation of various industrial electronic circuits.
  • Explain system applications of various industrial electronic circuits.
  • Identify Programmable Logic Controller components.
  • Differentiate number systems and codes used with common PLCs.
  • Demonstrate PLC programming methods.
  • Compare and contrast PLC programming methods.
  • Synthesize the program (software) to the appropriate hardware electrical connection.
  • Students will be able to describe the key operational advantages of a PLC factory environment, including input, output, and communication protocols.
Industrial Electronics ELEC 54A
  • Measure circuit parameters for various motor control circuits.
  • Explain operation and applications of various transducers.
  • Students will be able to explain the operation of industrial electronic components in circuits
  • Students will be able to make comparative assessments of direct-current (DC) motor controls
  • Define common industrial electronic terms.
  • Explain circuit operation of various industrial electronic components.
  • Explain circuit applications of various industrial components and basic circuits.
  • Analyze various parameters of industrial components and basic circuits.
  • Identify various principles of optoelectronic components.
  • Compare and contrast various principles of power sources.
  • Compare and contrast various DC and AC motor controls.
Integrated Pest Management AGOR 24 (VOC)
  • Students completing AGOR 24 will be able to give a professional quality oral presentation
  • Successful completers will be able to identify local pests and disorders of trees, turf, and ornamental landscapes.
  • Students successfully completing this course will be able to demonstrate knowledge of Laws and Regulations of California Department of Pesticide Regulation
Interior Landscaping AGOR 15 (VOC)
  • Students will be able to select appropriate interior plants for given site conditions.
  • Students will be able to identify common species and varieties of interior plants.
  • Students completing AGOR 15 will be able to give a professional quality oral presentation.
Intermediate Arc Welding WELD 70B (VOC)
  • Interpret charts as a reference to select filler materials for welding. (MO)
  • Use vocabulary of terms and conditions related to the welding trades. (MO)
  • Explain safe and efficient operation of welding equipment. (SLO/MO)
  • Students will demonstrate safe operation of welding equipment.
Intermediate Photography PHOT 11A (VOC)
  • Students that complete PHOT 11 will be able to capture and output images using a variety of media (i.e. digital or film).
  • Students that complete PHOT 11 will be able to properly use DSLR cameras.
  • Students that complete PHOT 11 will be able to properly use medium and large format cameras.
  • Students that complete PHOT 11 will be able to identify problems and solutions related to view camera theory and practices
  • Students that complete PHOT 11 will be able to determine appropriate image capture techniques and apply proper lighting techniques
  • Students completing Photography Courses will know the core skills of shutter control. What the shutter speeds are, i.e. 1000,500,250,125,60,30,15,8,4 and what they do, i.e. control exposure and motion
Intravenous Therapy for Radiologic Technology VOC RDTEC
  • Students will safely perform venipunctures.
Intro to Mechatronics ELEC 10
  • ELEC 10 students will demonstrate proficiency in the assembly and programming of an electromechanical system
Introduction to Fashion FASH 8
  • After completing this course, students will be able to create color forecasting boards using digital color management application (Active).
  • After completing the FASH 8 course, students will be able to analyze apparel and related trends that impact the fashion industry (Active).
Introduction to Geographic Information Systems GEOG 10 (VOC)
  • Apply principles of geographic data display to GIS problems.
  • Demonstrate the ability to communicate the results of GIS analysis through appropriate maps, documents and web pages.
  • Manipulate geographic data and the fundamentals of geographic data structures
  • Describe the fundamentals of cartography and the importance of map projections in constructing effective maps.
  • Construct simple spatial databases.
  • Perform simple spatial data analysis using appropriate software.
  • Analyze case studies of geographic problems and the procedures used to solve them.
Introduction to Interior Design ID 10 (VOC)
  • Students will successfully use critical thinking in the design of a space.
  • Students will successfully design a space to which required contents are presented accurately.
  • Students will successfully demonstrate craftsmanship skills in the presentation of the final project.
Introduction to MasterCAM MFG 180
  • Students will demonstrate the ability to create correct sequence of tool paths.
  • Students will create 2.5 axis toolpaths required to operate CNC machining centers.
Introduction to Tutoring TUTR 10A (VOC)
  • Students will be able to identify at least three ways to promote active learning with students in tutoring sessions.
Lab Studies Electronics ELEC 81 (VOC)
  • Select a project idea that meets the need of the student.
  • Research requisite information required to complete the project.
  • Demonstrate proper use of lab equipment while working on project.
  • Plan procedural steps in order to facilitate project completion.
  • Demonstrate completed project and report outcomes.
Landscape Construction Fundamentals AGOR 71 (VOC)
  • Identify and correctly use the proper tool needed for landscape projects. Understand basic electrical concepts for low voltage landscape lighting projects
  • Students will prepare site and properly install bricks on sand for a walkway project.
Landscape Design AGOR 13 (VOC)
  • Course completers will be able to evaluate a site and develop a functional design that meets client criteria
  • Students completing AGOR 13 will be able to give a professional quality oral presentation.
  • Students completing AGOR 13 will be able to demonstrate competency in one on one customer relations.
Landscape Hardscape Applications AGOR 72 (VOC)
  • Student will design and estimate materials needed for a block wall project.
  • Completers will calculate electrical loads for a low voltage lighting system.
Landscape Irrigation - Design and Installation AGOR 62 (VOC)
  • Identify the proper components of a efficient automatic irrigation system
  • Course completers will be able to evaluate a site and develop a functional design that meets client criteria
Landscape Irrigation - Drip and Low Volume AGOR 64 (VOC)
  • Completers will be able to install a proper drip irrigation system. 70% of the completers will be able identify basic components used for drip installations
  • Course completers will be able to evaluate a site and develop a functional drip/low flow design that meets client criteria
Landscape Irrigation Systems Management AGOR 63 (VOC)
  • Completers will be able to properly repair a PVC piping system used in Irrigation.
  • Students will be able to determine the distribution uniformity of an irrigation system.
Landscaping and Nursery Management AGOR 32 (VOC)
  • Students completing this course will be able to explain the organizational structure of the nursery industry.
  • Students completing AGOR 32 will be able to demonstrate good customer relations skills.
  • Demonstrate a work ethic appropriate to the plant production industry.
Landscaping Laws, Contracting, and Estimating AGOR 73 (VOC)
  • Students completing AGOR 73 will be able to organize and estimate labor and materials needed to complete a landscape project
  • Students completing AGOR 73 will be able to prepare and implement a Home Improvement Contract.
  • Students successfully completing this course will be able to compose suitable mission and vision statements for their fictitious or actual businesses.
Livestock Judging and Selection ASCI 34 (VOC)
  • Course completers will be able to identify all the proper external parts of any livestock species.
Manual Machining I MFG 150
  • Students will be able to square a vice to the machine table using a dial indicator
  • Students will be able to locate the correct position to drill a hole using an edge finder and digital readout
  • Set up the lathe to face off and turn down a work piece to a specific diameter
Manual Machining II MFG 155
  • Demonstrate ability to perform basic mill set up and operation.
  • 70% of students can safely and successfully operate the auto feed controls on the metal lathe
Materials and Products for Interior Design ID 12 (VOC)
  • 1. Identify materials used in the construction of interior spaces. 2. Identify standards used to determine code compliance for interior furnishings and finishes. 3. Identify building materials and finishes safe for the environment and health and welfare of general public. 4. Analyze design concepts for product applications used by designers. 5. Analyze finish materials and products taking into consideration functional, aesthetic and maintenance needs. 6. Discuss concepts of sustainability and identification of products. 7. Calculate quantities of specified materials.
  • Students will successfully use critical thinking in the utilization of materials in a space
  • Students will accurately specify materials based on use
  • Students will successfully demonstrate craftsmanship skills in the presentation of materials.
Medical Terminology VOC HTH12
  • Students will demonstrate effective communication skills utilizing basic medical terms used in the physical therapy clinical setting
Microcomputer Applications CISB 15
  • Students completing CISB 15 - Microcomputer Applications will be able to effectively use formulas and functions in worksheets.
  • Students completing CISB 15 - Microcomputer Applications will be able to use Microsoft Word to create professional documents needed to create a computer security report.
Microcomputer Applications VOC CSB15
  • Students will design a slide presentation with presentation software
  • Students will locate information on the web and manage e-mail program.
Microcontroller Systems ELEC 74
  • Compare and contrast features of various types of PLDs.
  • Students in ELEC 74 will use different types of microcontroller platforms (such as Arduino or Fubarino) to implement projects of their own design.
  • Program a PIC microcontroller using a development board.
  • Compare and contrast various features of different process control circuits.
  • Demonstrate the use of interfacing devices in circuit operation.
  • Compare and contrast various features of different interfacing devices.
  • Program the PIC using the C programming language.
  • Demonstrate a functional interface control circuit for a process control circuit.
Microsoft PowerPoint CISB 51
  • Students completing CISB 51 - Microsoft PowerPoint will be able to incorporate appropriate text, graphics, transitions, and animations into presentations which can be delivered to an audience by the student as an oral presentation or as a self-running presentation.
  • Students completing CISB 51 - Microsoft PowerPoint will be able to Use PowerPoint templates and design themes to create presentations.
Microsoft Word CISB 31
  • Students completing CISB 31 - Microsoft Word will be able to use Word's mail merge feature to generate customized letters and mailing labels in mass.
  • Students completing CISB 31 - Microsoft Word will be able to create a Word document in which text, paragraphs, and layout are formatted effectively and efficiently.
Microwave Communications ELEC 55
  • Students completing ELEC 55 will be able to use the Smith chart to match line and load impedances.
  • Compare and contrast Smith Chart values from those obtained by formula.
  • Measure common microwave parameters using microwave test equipment.
  • Calculate and analyze various microwave characteristics.
  • Plot graphically and analyze various microwave characteristics on the Smith Chart.
  • Students will be able to demonstrate the proper operation of laboratory equipment and correct interpretation of measured results of microwave power (both in milliwatts and dBm) and of standing wave ratio (SWR) as both a voltage ratio and in decibel units in a waveguide-based setup. Both measurements will be made with analog test equipment found in the microwave laboratory.
  • Define common microwave terms.
  • Explain circuit operation of various microwave components.
  • Explain system applications of various microwave components.
Network+ Certification Preparation CNET 62
  • Students completing CNET 62 will be prepared to pass the CompTIA Network+ examination.
  • CNET 62 students will demonstrate understanding of basic network structures.
Office Management Skills VOC CS41
  • Students will create a properly formatted business letter.
  • Students will identify proper methods for electronic communication (etiquette, sending, receiving, and managing of emails and faxes).
  • Students will research the internet for reliable information in three specific categories about a career that requires the use of office skill
Operating a Macintosh Computer CISB 16
  • (75%) Of the students completing CISB 16 - Macintosh Applications will successfully create a 15 picture iPhoto slideshow.
  • Students completing CISB 16 - Macintosh Applications will be able to correctly identify the names and locations of key areas of the Finder Window.
Oral Communications for Business BUSO 26
  • I am able to evaluate presentation preparation and delivery
  • I am able to apply communication skills in simulated business situations such as conferences and business groups
  • I am able to develop topical outlines, note cards, and visual aids
Ornamental Plants - Herbaceous AGOR 29 (VOC)
  • Students completing AGOR 29 will be able to identify common herbaceous landscape plants using physical features of leaf, stem, flower, fruit, and growth habit.
Ornamental Plants - Trees and Woody Shrubs AGOR 30 (VOC)
  • Students completing AGOR 30 will be able to identify common landscape trees and woody shrubs using physical features of leaf, bark, flower, fruit, and growth habit.
Patternmaking I FASH 21
  • After completing the FASH 21 course, students will be able to apply skills in drafting completed production patterns ready to be cut and sewn.
  • After completing the FASH 21 course, students will be able to apply skills in copying (knocking off) garments from photos or sketches.
Patternmaking II FASH 23
  • 70% of the students will earn a letter grade of C or better on this faculty developed assignment.
  • 70% of the students will earn a letter grade of C or better on the faculty developed assignment.
Payroll and Tax Accounting BUSA 70 (VOC)
  • I am able to identify payroll records required by the employer in preparation for filing tax forms for Social Security, federal and state income tax, state disability benefits, and federal and state unemployment
  • I am able to calculate wages and withholding amounts in payroll problems
  • I am able to assemble payroll record keeping requirements for employers under current state and federal laws
PC Operating Systems CNET 52
  • CNET 52 students will demonstrate the ability to obtain technical information from each Windows operating system.
  • Students completing CNET 52 will be able to install Windows operating systems.
PC Troubleshooting CNET 54
  • Students completing CNET 54 will be able to identify component-level malfunctions in a typical personal computer.
  • Students completing CNET 54 will be able to demonstrate proper use of specific and general-purpose diagnostic aids available to the PC technician.
Personal Care Aide VOC PCA
  • Students will be able to identify and assess workplace hazards, determine appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), and propose methods to eliminate or control unsafe or unhealthy conditions.
  • Students will be able to demonstrate proper safety, sanitation, and emergency procedures in compliance with OSHA regulations to maintain a safe and healthy work environment.
Personal Computer (PC) Servicing CNET 50
  • Students completing CNET50 will be able to add/remove input and output devices properly on computer systems running current operating systems.
  • Students completing CNET 50 will demonstrate effective troubleshooting strategies for isolating faults in all major personal computer (PC) subsystems and components.
  • Students in CNET 50 will be able to define common terms and recognize symbols used in PC systems.
Personal Financial Planning BUSA 71
  • I am able to develop a personal definition of financial success
  • I know how to evaluate my own personal spending patterns and create my own personal budgets
  • I am able to explain the importance of planning and saving for retirement during the course of my lifetime
Photocommunication PHOT 17 (VOC)
  • Students completing Photography Courses will know the core skills of f/stop control. What the f/stops are, i.e. 1.4,2,2.8,4,5.6,8,11,16,22 and what they do, i.e. shallow depth of field and great depth of field.
  • Students completing Photography Courses will know the core skills of shutter control. What the shutter speeds are, i.e. 1000,500,250,125,60,30,15,8,4 and what they do, i.e. stop action and create blur.
  • Students completing Photography Courses will know the core skills of shutter control. What the shutter speeds are, i.e. 1000,500,250,125,60,30,15,8,4, 2, 1 and what they do, i.e. control exposure and motion.
  • Students completing Photography Courses will know the core skills of f/stop control. What the f/stops are, i.e. 1.4,2,2.8,4,5.6,8,11,16,22, 33 and what they do, i.e. control motion and depth of field
  • Students that complete PHOT 17 will be able to create images of same subject altering the message by only changing the focal length of the lens.
  • Students that complete PHOT 17 will be able to apply principles of composition including the Gestalt principles for effective visual communication.
  • Students that complete PHOT 17 will be able to create visual stories using three or more sequenced images
  • Students that complete PHOT 17 will be able to create images where only lighting changes the picture message
  • Students that complete PHOT 17 will be able to describe the differences between documentary and journalistic styles.
Photographic Alternatives PHOT 12 (VOC)
  • Students completing Photography Courses will know the core skills of f/stop control. What the f/stops are, i.e. 1.4,2,2.8,4,5.6,8,11,16,22 and what they do, i.e. control motion and depth of field
  • Students completing Photography Courses will know the core skills of shutter control. What the shutter speeds are, i.e. 1000,500,250,125,60,30,15,8,4 and what they do, i.e. control exposure and motion
  • Students that complete PHOT 12 will be able to produce substrates suitable for emulsion coating.
  • Students that complete PHOT 12 will be able to remove prints from instant film emulsions.
  • Students that complete PHOT 12 will be able to produce hand toning to further enhance standard digitals or silver prints.
  • Students that complete PHOT 12 will be able to analyze unique lighting source and apply to their conventional subjects.
  • Students that complete PHOT 12 will be able to classify images into their respective alternative application
  • Students that complete PHOT 12 will be able to design a hand-made camera.
Photography Portfolio Development PHOT 28 (VOC)
  • Will compile personal photographs into a professional portfolio.
  • Create a marketing plan for a perspective job search strategy complete with a current resume.
  • Students that complete PHOT 28 will be able to develop professional quality printed photographic portfolio.
  • Students that complete PHOT 28 will be able to develop professional quality digital, online or device portfolio.
  • Students that complete PHOT 28 will be able to analyze various presentation methods for photographic images.
  • Students that complete PHOT 28 will be able to create integrated marketing materials, including cover letter, resume, business card and promotional pieces
  • Students that complete PHOT 28 will be able evaluate, edit and critique images with respect to technical quality, topic or assignment requirements, and compositional elements, and appropriateness for inclusion in portfolio(s).
Physical Therapy Aide VOC PT81
  • Students will classify basic components of rehabilitation.
  • Students will identify and discuss modalities and procedures related to orthopedic disorders.
  • Students will identify and describe basic medical terminology and medical abbreviations, identify and discuss modalities and procedures related to orthopedic disorders, and classify basic components of rehabilitation related to the role of Physical Therapy Aide.
Plant Propagation/Greenhouse Management AGOR 2 (VOC)
  • Course completers will be able to demonstrate commercial plant propagation techniques used in the nursery industry.
  • Students completing AGOR 2 will be able to demonstrate a work ethic appropriate to the plant production industry.
Portraiture and Wedding Photography PHOT 18 (VOC)
  • Students completing Photography Courses will know the core skills of f/stop control. What the f/stops are, i.e. 1.4,2,2.8,4,5.6,8,11,16,22 and what they do, i.e. shallow depth of field and great depth of field.
  • Students completing Photography Courses will know the core skills of shutter control. What the shutter speeds are, i.e. 1000,500,250,125,60,30,15,8,4 and what they do, i.e. stop action and create blur.
  • Students completing Photography Courses will know the core skills of shutter control. What the shutter speeds are, i.e. 1000,500,250,125,60,30,15,8,4, 2, 1 and what they do, i.e. control exposure and motion.
  • Students completing Photography Courses will know the core skills of f/stop control. What the f/stops are, i.e. 1.4,2,2.8,4,5.6,8,11,16,22, 33 and what they do, i.e. control motion and depth of field
  • Students that complete PHOT 18 will be able to demonstrate specific procedures, techniques and tools utilized by professional wedding and portrait photographers.
  • Students that complete PHOT 18 will be able to demonstrate proper color correction and digital file manipulation
  • Students that complete PHOT 18 will be able to analyze information necessary for the operation of a wedding and portrait photography business.
  • Students that complete PHOT 18 will be able to evaluate common problems related to commercial, portrait and wedding photography.
  • Students that complete PHOT 18 will be able to apply photographic methods and techniques appropriate to studio and location photography.
  • Students that complete PHOT 18 will be able to create a portfolio of commercial portrait and wedding photography.
Principles and Procedures of the Justice System ADJU 2 (VOC)
  • Students will identify the purpose and need for Criminal Procedures.
Principles of Accounting - Financial BUSA 7 (VOC)
  • I am able to utilize accounting information including financial statements to perform financial statement analysis
  • I am able to describe the basic accounting system and how it is used to serve business needs
  • I am able to analyze and record transactions, using a journal and a ledger, of varying degrees of difficulty including adjusting, and closing entries
Principles of Business BUSM 20 (VOC)
  • I am able to list and explain the foundations upon which business is built and the economic challenges facing the United States
  • I am able to explain the global dimensions affecting businesses today and in the future
  • I am able to describe and explain social responsibility and business ethics
Principles of Continuous Quality Improvement BUSM 10 (VOC)
  • I am able to define and outline the key principles of continuous quality management
  • I am able to contrast quality management theory and previous management thought
  • I am able to describe describe and explain the quality management tools and techniques for process improvement
Principles of Exporting and Importing BUSM 52 (VOC)
  • I am able to explain how a small business can prepare to conduct export operations
  • I am able to define key international trade documentation requirements
  • I am able to describe types of international trade transportation intermediaries
Principles of International Business BUSM 51 (VOC)
  • I am able to identify how governments influence trade
  • I am able to explain the differences between domestic business and international business
  • I am able to explain how culture impacts international business
Principles of Marketing BUSS 36 (VOC)
  • I have developed a working knowledge of marketing terminology
  • I am able to recall and apply promotional strategies used in the marketing of products and services.
  • I am able to recall and apply distribution strategies used in the marketing of products and services
Print Reading and Computations for Welders WELD 60 (VOC)
  • Interpret detail and assembly prints. (MO)
  • Identify and define print notes and specifications. (MO)
  • Calculate with fractions, decimals, and metrics by converting and manipulating. (SLO/MO
  • Assess bills of materials, weights and lengths of materials. (MO)
  • Illustrate revolved sections of objects. (MO
  • Create objects from print drawings. (MO)
  • Students will be able to identify print views, lines and dimensioning methods
  • Students will be able to calculate with fractions, decimals, and converting between metric and standard units of measure.
  • Demonstrate concepts of views by sketching objects. (MO)
  • Recognize and identify structural and pipe shapes and sizes. (MO)
Professional Selling BUSS 35 (VOC)
  • I am able to compare and contrast customer needs, wants, product features and benefits
  • I am able to evaluate my own potential as a professional salesperson and set goals for improvement
  • I am able to list the characteristics of a successful salesperson
QuickBooks for Accounting BUSA 75 (VOC)
  • I am able to process collections from customers and update accounts receivable
  • I am able to prepare financial statements
  • I am able to use computerized accounting software to process accounting transactions
Real Estate Practice BUSR 52 (VOC)
  • Students completing BUSR 52 - Real Estate Practice Work Experience will be able to successfully complete an Exclusive Right to Sell Listing Agreement
  • Students completing BUSR 52 - Real Estate Practice will be able to complete the California Real Property Purchase Agreement.
  • Students completing BUSR 52 - Real Estate Practice will be able to set realistic, measurable goals for themselves in business.
Reptile Management ASCI 74 (VOC)
  • Students will present a 10 minute visual presentation on a specific reptilian disease in front of the class.
  • Students will be able to offer a presentation regarding one North American Reptile including habitat and characteristics.
Retail Buying and Merchandising FASH 62
  • After completing this course students will be able to evaluate retail pricing using retail, cost, and mark up components.
  • After completing this course students will be able to create a six month merchandise plan for major retailers using Excel.
Retail Store Management and Merchandising BUSS 50 (VOC)
  • I am able to explain the role of retail as a marketing function
  • I am able to compare and contrast requirements for success in retailing at entry level, mid-management and management positions
  • I am able to explain the elements of profits and the effect merchandising decisions have on profit
Semiautomatic Arc Welding Process WELD 90B (VOC)
  • Students will be able to perform FCAW welding process in the vertical (3G) and overhead (4G) positions. These are the required test positions for semi-automatic structural steel certification.
Semiconductor Devices and Circuits ELEC 51
  • Students completing ELEC 51 will be able to determine expected gain and bandwidth of an operational amplifier.
  • Explain operating parameters of various semiconductor devices and circuits.
  • Compare and contrast various oscillator types.
  • Analyze switching circuits and timers.
  • Explain system application of various semiconductor devices and circuits.
  • Analyze troubleshooting techniques of various semiconductor devices and circuits.
  • Measure electrical quantities.
  • Analyze various op-amp design parameters.
  • Students completing ELEC 51 will be able to determine voltage gain and bandwidth characteristics of a common-emitter transistor amplifier.
Sheep Production ASCI 17 (VOC)
  • Students will be able to identify major meat and wool breeds of sheep.
  • Students completing AGLI 17 will present on a specific facet of the sheep industry.
Small Business Management BUSM 66 (VOC)
  • I am able to describe business planning for small business
  • I am able to discuss the legal forms of business ownership
  • I am able to discuss the marketing research process
Small Engine Repair I AGOR 53 (VOC)
  • Students completing the course will learn engine disassembly, evaluation of components, and reassembly of small air-cooled gasoline engine
Soil Science and Management AGOR 50 (VOC)
  • Course completers will be able to evaluate the soil conditions at an existing site and make specific recommendations for the immediate and long-term correction of all problems
  • Course completers will be able to predict the potential effects that certain chemical and physical properties of soils will have on overall plant health.
  • Course completers will be able to identify and explain all aspects of a standard soil test.
Special Issues in Business BUSM 85 (VOC)
  • I am able to analyze businesses and identify objectives to be accomplished
  • I am able to evaluate the effectiveness of a business plan
  • I am able to develop and manage a budget for a business
Special Issues in Marketing BUSS 85 (VOC)
  • I am able to produce a written report of solutions, recommended actions and expected outcomes for a marketing problem brought forward by a local business and present it orally to the business
  • I am able to develop a customer survey or questionnaire to be used to collect customer data as part of a class project
  • I am able to develop and suggest a budget required to implement the proposed marketing plan for a studied company
Sports Turf Management AGOR 40 (VOC)
  • Course completers will be able to formulate and propose an all-inclusive management program for a sports turf area
Swine Production ASCI 14 (VOC)
  • 80% of course completers should be able to identify all common breeds of swine with a 70% accuracy.
Technical Applications in Microcomputers ELEC 11
  • 70% of students will produce a spreadsheet with an accompanying chart with no more than two errors in formulas.
  • Demonstrate using the internet to research a given topic.
  • Students completing ELEC 11 will demonstrate the ability to produce a correctly formatted and error-free resume in Microsoft Word
  • Students completing ELEC 11 will be able to produce an expense spreadsheet with a chart in Microsoft Excel.
  • Students completing ELEC 11 will demonstrate the ability to produce a correctly formatted and error-free employment cover letter using Microsoft Word.
  • Demonstrate various features of the Windows operating system specifically used in electronic technology.
  • Define and discuss common vocabulary words associated with technology and computers.
  • Design and implement various word processing assignments including: memos, technical reports, and a resume.
  • Design and implement various spreadsheet assignments including data in chart and graph form.
  • Implement various database assignments including data manipulation, report generations.
  • Identify features of computer presentation methods.
Textiles FASH 17
  • FASH 17 students will be able to describe the textile fiber, basic yarn structures, fabrications, coloration, printing, and finishing characteristics appropriate for specific end use (Active).
  • Students completing the FASH 17 Textiles course will be able to differentiate between properties of natural and synthetic fibers.
The Administration of Justice System ADJU 1 (VOC)
  • Analyze the political issues associated with managing priorities within the criminal justice system
Tractor and Landscape Equipment Operations AGOR 51 (VOC)
  • Students completing this course will be able to demonstrate safe operational skills and practices when operating tractors and other equipment
  • Students completing this course will be able to demonstrate fundamentals of operating tractors and equipment covered in class
Tropical and Coldwater Fish Management ASCI 73 (VOC)
  • Students will be able to identify 7 different species of fish (both tropical and coldwater).
Turf Grass Production and Management AGOR 39 (VOC)
  • Course completers will be able to formulate and implement a complete Turf Management program for a specific site.
Tutoring as a Supplemental Instructor TUTR 10C (VOC)
  • Students in TUTR10C will be able to obtain feedback about a Supplemental Instruction session plan and incorporate that feedback into a second session.
Tutoring in Mathematics TUTR 10D (VOC)
  • Tutors who take TUTR 10D will be able to apply questioning strategies to promote active learning.
  • Tutors who take TUTR 10D will be able to explain math concepts in multiple ways.
Tutoring in the English Language TUTR 10B (VOC)
  • Utilizing techniques discussed in class, each student will attempt to handle a contentious tutoring session example.
  • Students will observe and write up their observations of effective tutoring processes and areas that could be addressed.
  • In the diagnostic in the first class session, each student will self-identify an area of mechanical (grammar/punctuation) weakness.
Urban Arboriculture AGOR 75 (VOC)
  • Students completing AGOR 75 will be able to describe the environmental, economic, aesthetic, and social benefits of trees.
Vegetarian Cuisine NF 82 (VOC)
  • Students in NF 82 - Vegetarian Cooking will be able to correctly identify complementary protein sources.
  • Students completing NF 82 - Vegetarian Cuisine will modify and present a recipe.
Website Development CISW 15 (VOC)
  • Students completing CISW 15 - Website Development will be able to link Web Page documents and entire websites together.
  • Students completing CISW 15 - Website Development will be able to create custom styles saved in a cascading style sheet.
Welding Metallurgy WELD 53A (VOC)
  • Compare and contrast the cause of deformation on welded metals. (MO)
  • Recognize effects of alloying materials in ferrous and non-ferrous metals. (MO)
  • Identify crystal structure of metals and their changes in heat treatment processes. (MO)
  • Utilize metallurgy tools and equipment as a means of determining weld soundness. (SLO/MO)
  • Students will run hardness tests and other assessments means to understand how grain structure relates to strength and ductility of metals.
  • Describe nature of metals and the relationship between their structural and mechanical properties. (MO)
  • Describe effects of alloying metals in relationship to a welding procedure. (MO)
  • Examine the purpose of pre- and post-heat treatments on welded metals. (MO)