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Student Learning Outcomes

Discipline: Continuing Education: Education for Older adults & Adults with Disabilities Unit
Course Name Course Number
Basic Computing - Desktop Publishing VOC BCDP
  • The students' in Desktop Publishing for the Beginner will complete a task using proper formatting of text boxes/tables as shown in their class project.
  • The students' in Desktop Publishing for the Beginner will complete a class project displaying their ability to use technology to locate and evaluate text and graphics to be used in a class project.
Basic Computing Level 1 VOC CPBC1
  • The students in Basic Computing Level 1 will be able to apply software applications to complete a task through completion of a class project.
  • The students in Basic Computing Level 1 will be able to complete a task by demonstrating keyboard and mouse competency through completion of a class project.
Basic Computing Level 2 VOC CPBC2
  • The students in Basic Computing Level 2 will be able to solve basic computer problems using technology through the completion of a class project.
  • The students in Basic Computing Level 2 will be able to use essential word processing technology to communicate through completion of a class project.
Basic Computing Level 3 VOC CPBC3
  • Students in Basic Computing Level 3 will display proper use of ClipArt/graphics through completion of a class project.
  • Students in Basic Computing Level 3 will display ability to save documents in multiple locations
  • The students in Basic Computing Level 3 will be able to use technology to communicate using word processing software through completion of a class project.
  • The students in Basic Computing Level 3 will be able to solve problems by utilizing the computers control panel through completion of a class project.
Basic Excel - Level 1 VOC CPBE1
  • The students in Basic Excel Level 1 will complete a project displaying the students ability to properly execute a calculation using Excel software tools.
  • The students in Basic Excel Level 1 will compete a class project displaying their ability to evaluate and synthesize information to properly create a table or chart using Excel functions.
Basic Excel - Level 2 VOC CPBE2
  • The students in Basic Excel Level 2 will complete a task using basic worksheet functions through completion of a class project.
  • The students in Basic Excel Level 2 will display their ability to solve problems using Excel software to modify columns, rows and cells of data in a table.
Basic Excel - Level 3 VOC CPBE3
  • The students in Basic Excel Level 3 will use technology to analyze and organize data using proper Excel formatting techniques through completion of a class project.
  • The students in Basic Excel Level 3 will use chart graphics to complete a task through a finished class project using Excel applications.
Beginning Decorate Art Production for Retails Sales VOC ESD10
  • The students' in Beginning Decorative Art Production for Retail Sales classes will demonstrate the proper brushing techniques through completion of a class project
  • The students' in Beginning Decorative Art Production for Retail Sales classes will be able to effectively communicate the proper cost analysis pricing techniques through completion of a class project.
Brain Health 1 OAD BHTH1
  • The students in Brain Health Level 1 will demonstrate proper management of physical and mental health needs by improving their working memory.
  • The students in Brain Health Level 1 will demonstrate proper management of physical and mental health needs by improving their brains ability to process auditory information.
Brain Health 2 OAD BHTH2
  • Brain Health Level 1 students will critically evaluate brain health strategies and create personalized plans to improve their cognitive well-being.
Creative Computing VOC CPCC
  • The students' in Creative Computing classes will display their use of graphic art skills on various mediums through completion of a class project.
  • Students in Creative Computing classes will complete a class project that displays students' ability to place images into printed format.
Digital Photography for the Beginner VOC CPDI
  • The students in Digital Photography for the Beginner will be able to properly use photo editing software features to solve problems through completion of a class project.
  • The students in Digital Photography for the Beginner will be able to use resources and technologies to complete a class project using photographic software.
Drawing - Beginning Through Advanced OAD FNA32
  • The students' in Drawing-Beginning through Advanced classes will effectively communicate the proper anatomical proportion techniques using a personal class project.
  • The students' in Drawing-Beginning through Advanced classes will effectively communicate through artistic forms by implementing the proper shadow casting techniques through a personal class project.
Handcrafted Needlework for Retail Sales and Boutiques VOC ESD07
  • The students' in Handcrafted Needlework for Retail Sales and Boutiques classes will effectively communicate the proper cost analysis of their products through the completion of a written, verbal or visual class project.
  • The students' in Handcrafted Needlework for Retail Sales and Boutiques classes will effectively communicate proper needlework techniques through written, verbal or artistic class project .
  • The students' in Handcrafted Needlework for Retail Sales and Boutiques classes will effectively communicate how to properly select yarn for garments through the completion of a written, verbal or visual class project.
Home Gardening VOC AGR-G
  • Students Home Gardening will be able to effectively communicate the difference between vermicomposting and composting by completion of a written exam.
  • Students in Home Gardening will be able to effectively communicate the steps for composting by completion of written exam.
Ind Liv- Personal Care ACCS ILSPC
  • Students in ACCS ILSPC will use technologies to communicate self-regulation strategies.
  • Students in ACCS ILSPC will describe healthy habits.
Independent Living Skills - Basic Budgeting and Money Management ACCS ILSBB
  • Students in ACCS ILSBB will be able to identify the difference between wants and needs.
  • Students in ACCS ILSBB will be able to describe money saving strategies.
Independent Living Skills - Consumer Skills ACCS ILCS
  • Students in ACCS ILCS will identify specialty stores.
  • Students in ACCS ILCS class will demonstrate ability to correctly fill out forms.
Independent Living Skills - Health and Fitness Skills ACCS ILHFS
  • Students in ACCS ILFHS will be able to describe the benefits of healthy choices.
  • Students in ACCS ILHFS will be able to demonstrate personal pulse monitoring during aerobic training.
Independent Living Skills - Memory Building Skills ACCS MBS
  • Students in ACCS MBS will be able to list the main pillars of brain health and their effects.
  • Students in ACCS MBS will be able to discuss memory boosters.
Independent Living Skills - Money Skills ACCS ILMS
  • Students in ACCS ILMS will demonstrate money recording skills.
  • Students in ACCS ILMS will be able to explain a shopping receipt.
Independent Living Skills- Human Sexuality ACCS ILSHS
  • Students in ACCS ILSHS will describe sexually transmitted infections and diseases.
  • Students in ACCS ILSHS will describe sexual rights and responsibilities of adults.
Independent Living Skills- Practical Living Skills ACCS ILPLS
  • Student in ACCS ILPLS will design a transportation/mobility calendar.
  • Students in ACCS ILPLS will develop a schedule to maintain personal care.
Independent Living Skills- Romantic Relationships ACCS ILSRR
  • Students in ACCS ILSRR will list the different types of dating.
  • Students in ACCS ILSRR will identify healthy and unhealthy relationship behavior.
Intermediate Decorative Art Production for Retail Sales VOC ESD11
  • The students' in Intermediate Decorative Art Production for Retail Sales classes will be able to effectively communicate the proper brush techniques through the completion of a class project.
  • The students' in Intermediate Decorative Art Production for Retail Sales classes will be able to effectively communicate the proper cost analysis of decorative art for retail sales by completing a class project.
Internet Research - An Introduction VOC CPNET
  • The students in Internet Research - An Introduction will use technologies to communicate, solve problems and complete tasks via email management software.
  • The students in Internet Research - An Introduction will be able to effectively locate and evaluate credible worldwide web resources through completion of class project.
Introduction to Banking for Students with Intellectual Disabilities ACCS IBSID
  • Students in ACCS IBSID will fill out checks with accuracy.
  • Students in ACCS IBSID will be able to identify the steps to open a bank account.
Jewelry Production and Design for Retail Sales VOC ESD08
  • The students in Jewelry Production and Design for Retail Sales Classes will be able to effectively communicate the proper wire wrapping techniques through completion of a personal class project.
  • The students in Jewelry production and Design for Retail Sales Classes will be able to effectively communicate the proper equipment maintenance skills used in jewelry making through completion of personal class project.
Jewelry/Lapidary Production Design VOC ESD15
  • The students in Jewelry/Lapidary Production Design Classes will effectively communicate proper jewelry design techniques through personal class projects.
  • The students in Jewelry/Lapidary Production Design Classes will effectively communicate proper equipment maintenance skills used in jewelry making through completion of personal class project.
  • The students in Jewelry/Lapidary Production Design Classes will effectively communicate the proper fabrication techniques through the completion of a personal class project
Lettering Styles and Advertising Calligraphy VOC ESD03
  • The students' in Lettering styles and Calligraphy will be able to effectively communicate through artistic form of the proper page layout techniques, using an individual class project.
  • Students in Lettering Styles and Advertising Calligraphy will be able to effectively communicate the proper lettering techniques through the completion of an individual class project.
Lifelong Learning for Older Adults OAD ELL04
  • The students in the Lifelong Learning for Older Adults classes will develop self-awareness regarding their individual level of short term memory
  • The students in Lifelong Learning for Older Adults classes will develop self-awareness regarding their individual level of long term memory.
Mobile Information Technology for the Beginner VOC MIT
  • Students will be able to list the steps to connect to a mobile Wi-Fi network and administer a hotspot signal on their device.
  • Students in Mobile information technology for the beginner will complete a class project using mobile communication to solve a problem.
Oil Painting OAD FNA03
  • The students' in Oil Painting classes will effectively communicate different brush strokes used in oil painting through personal class projects.
  • The students' in Oil Painting classes will effectively communicate strategies to display their own art work through the completion of a personal class project.
  • The students in Oil Painting classes will effectively communicate original and creative pictorial planning / composition through completion of a personal class project.
PowerPoint Basics 1 VOC BCPP1
  • The students in Power Point Basics 1 will use power point software to complete a task using basic slide operations through completion of a class project.
  • The students in Power Point Basics 1 will use power point software to complete a task using appropriate slide transitions through completion of a class project.
PowerPoint Basics 2 VOC BCPP2
  • The students in Power Point Basics 2 will use power point software to insert video and audio in a power point slide to complete a task.
  • The students in Power Point Basics 2 will use power point software to complete a task using hyperlinks and action buttons through completion of a class project.
Production of Boutique Craft for Retail Sales VOC ESD02
  • The students' in Production of Boutique Craft for Retail Sales classes will effectively communicate proper craft design/pattern making techniques through the completion of a class project.
  • The students' in Production of Boutique Craft for Retail Sales classes will effectively communicate how to compute and analyze the proper cost analysis pricing techniques through the completion of a class project.
Sewing and Design VOC ESD09
  • The students in Sewing and Design classes will be able to effectively communicate the proper pattern interpretation used in sewing in design through completing of an individual class project.
  • The students in Sewing and Design classes will be able to effectively communicate the techniques to properly identify fabric types used in sewing and design through completion of a personal class project.
Watercolor Painting OAD FNA04
  • All students' in Watercolor Painting classes will be able to effectively communicate the proper composition and pictorial planning techniques used in watercolor paintings through a class project.
  • All students' in Watercolor Painting classes will be able to effectively communicate how to use proper paint applications techniques through a personal class project.
  • All students' in Watercolor Painting classes will produce a written, verbal or visual class project that effectively communicates the proper exhibit/displaying of their own art work.