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Mt SAC Alert: Campus remains open and accessible. Due to high winds, some branches and trees have fallen. If traveling to the college or on campus, please stay alert, exercise caution and report any safety concerns to Campus Safety at 909-274-4555.


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Student Learning Outcomes

Course Name: Demo-Reel
Course Number: ANIM 148
  • Outcome/Objective Students will be able to identify an area of focus within the 3D animation field.
  • Outcome/Objective Students will create a demo-reel of appropriate artwork based on the research produced in the class.
  • Identify area of focus within animation fields based on interest, skill and strength.
  • Apply principles of composition and animation in objective and subjective analysis of work appropriate for demo reel.
  • Evaluate how animation and images work together in a demo reel as a strategic tool for entering animation fields.
  • Identify and solve demo reel problems by applying animation concepts and techniques.
  • Discuss, analyze and evaluate work with appropriate terminology for content, technique and style.
  • Create demo-reel of appropriate art work, cover letter and resume that will assist in entering animation field or baccalaureate institution.