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Mt SAC Alert: Campus remains open and accessible. Due to high winds, some branches and trees have fallen. If traveling to the college or on campus, please stay alert, exercise caution and report any safety concerns to Campus Safety at 909-274-4555.


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Student Learning Outcomes

Course Name: Introductory Human Physiology
Course Number: ANAT 10B
  • Compare and contrast normal physiology and pathophysiology observed in specific disease states.
  • Demonstrate the ability to describe key interactions between organ systems including acid/base regulation, fluid balance, and metabolic regulation.
  • Explain the mechanisms of cellular, cardiopulmonary, neuromuscular, sensory, digestive, renal, and reproductive physiology, and the regulation of these mechanisms.
  • Evaluate case studies by applying physiological principles on a molecular, cellular, organ, and systems level.
  • Predict the outcome of laboratory exercises according to concepts, principles, and laws discussed in the course.
  • Acquire laboratory-generated data and perform statistical analyses within the framework of the scientific method.