

Acronyms Full Name or Description Description
A&R Admissions and Records  
A2MEND Annual African American Male Educational Network and Development  
AA Associate in Arts  
AA Standard & Poor’s Bond Rating  
Aa1 Moody’s Bond Rating  
AANAPISI Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander-Serving Institution  
AAT Associate in Arts for Transfer  
AB 705/1705 California Assembly Bill 705 & 1705: Student Success Act of 2012  
AB 927 California Assembly Bill 927: Community Colleges Statewide Baccalaureate Program  
AB 928 California Assembly Bill 928: Student Transfer Achievement Reform Act of 2021  
AB 1111 California Assembly Bill 1111: Common Course Numbering System  
ABE Adult Basic Education  
ACCJC Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges  
ACES Achieving in College, Ensuring Success  
ACS WASC Accrediting Commission for Schools, Western Association of Schools and Colleges  
ACUE Association of College and University Educators  
ACUPCC American College and University Presidents’ Climate Commitment  
ADT Associate Degree for Transfer  
AIME Academic Instruction for Math and English  
ALO Accreditation Liaison Officer  
AMAC Academic Mutual Agreement Council  
AMC Assessment and Matriculation Committee  
AmLa American Language (Credit ESL) Department  
AMLA American Language (Credit ESL) Course  
AP Administrative Procedure  
AP Advanced Placement  
APR Annual Program Review  
AQ Assessment Questionnaire  
ARRT American Registry in Radiologic Technology  
AS Academic Senate  
AS Associate in Science  
AS Associated Students  
ASAC Academic Support and Achievement Center  
ASAG Administrative Systems Advisory Group  
ASAP Accelerated Study in Associate Programs  
ASC Accreditation Steering Committee  
ASCP American Society for Clinical Pathology  
ASR Annual Security Report   
AUP Acceptable Use Policy  
AWS Amazon Web Services  
BA Bachelor of Arts  
BAs Business Analysts  
BOG California Board of Governors  
BOT Board of Trustees  
BP Board Policy  
BPGs Business Process Guides  
BPMN Business Process Modeling Notation  
BS Bachelor of Science  
BSTEM Business, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math  
C&I Curriculum and Instruction Council  
CA California  
CAAHEP Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs  
Cal-GETC California General Education Transfer Curriculum  
CalPERS California Public Employees’ Retirement System  
CalSTRS California State Teachers’ Retirement System  
CalWORKs California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids  
CAP Computer Adaptive Placement  
CARE Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education  
CATT Canvas and Teaching Technology  
CBA Collective Bargaining Agreement  
CBCSS Center for Black Culture and Student Success  
CBE Competency-Based Education  
CCC California Community Colleges  
CCCApply California Community Colleges Application  
CCCCO California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office  
CCEJC Climate Commitment and Environmental Justice Committee  
CCFS-311Q Quarterly Financial Status Report  
CCLC Community College League of California  
CDCP Career Development and College Prep  
CE Career Education  
CE Community Education  
CEDC Campus Equity and Diversity Committee  
CEO Chief Executive Officer  
C-ID Course Identification  
CIRP Cooperative Institutional Research Program  
CMPCT Campus Master Plan Coordinating Team  
CNA Certified Nursing Assistant  
CMS Modern Campus CMS
(Formerly Omni Update, or Omni CMS)
Web Content Management
CO Chancellor’s Office  
CoARC Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care  
COC Citizens’ Oversight Committee  
CoCo Community of Collaboration  
COE Center of Excellence  
COP Communities of Practice  
COR Course Outline of Record  
CORA Center for Organizational Responsibility and Advancement  
COVID-19 Coronavirus Disease 2019  
CPD Classified Professional Development  
CPDC Classified Professional Development Committee  
CRLA College Reading Learning Association  
CSEA California School Employees Association  
CSU California State University  
CTE Career Technical Education  
CTEOS Career and Technical Education Employment Outcomes Survey  
CTO Chief Technology Officer  
CVC California Virtual Campus  
DEISAA Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Social Justice, Anti-Racism, and Accessibility  
DHH Deaf and Hard of Hearing  
DHSI Developing Hispanic-Serving Institution  
DL Distance Learning  
DLA Directed Learning Activity  
DLC Distance Learning Committee  
DR Disaster Recovery  
DRP Disaster Recovery Plan  
DSA Division of State Architect  
DSPS Disabled Student Programs and Services  
EAB Education Advisory Board  
EAS Enterprise Application Systems  
ECC Employee Counseling Center  
EDC Educational Design Committee  
EEI Ellucian Ethos Identity  
EEO Equal Employment Opportunity  
EFMP Educational and Facilities Master Plan  
ELP English Language Proficiency  
EMS Emergency Medical Services  
EMT Emergency Medical Technician  
EOA Education for Older Adults  
EOC Emergency Operations Center  
EOPS Extended Opportunity Programs and Services  
EPAC Expanded President’s Advisory Council  
ESL English as a Second Language  
EW Excused Withdrawal  
FA Faculty Association  
FAA Federal Aviation Administration  
FABAS Faculty Advisory Board for Academic Support  
FAC Facilities Advisory Committee  
FACTS Faculty Association Contract Tips Series  
FCCC Foundation for California Community Colleges  
FCI Facility Condition Index  
FCLT Faculty Center for Learning Technology  
FERPA Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act  
FISAP Fiscal Operations Report and Application to Participate  
FON Faculty Obligation Number  
FPDC Faculty Professional Development Council  
FPM Facilities Planning and Management  
FPNC First Peoples Native Center  
FPP Final Project Proposal  
FPU Facilities Planning Unit  
FTE Full-time Equivalent  
FTES Full Time Equivalent Student  
FY Fiscal Year  
GASB Government Accounting Standards Board  
GE General Education  
GO Bond Measure General Obligation (GO)  
GPCCC Guided Pathways Cross-Council Committee  
GPS Guided Pathways for Success  
GRASP Gray/Red Shirt Academic Support Program  
HEERF Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds  
HR Human Resources  
HS High School  
HSC Health and Safety Committee  
HSI Hispanic-Serving Institution  
HVAC Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning  
IB International Baccalaureate  
ICC Inter-Club Council  
ID Identification  
IdP Identity Provider  
IEC Institutional Effectiveness Committee  
IEPI Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiative  
ILO Institutional Level Outcomes  
ILT Instructional Leadership Team  
IPP Initial Project Proposal  
ISER Institutional Self-Evaluation Report  
ISS Institution-Set Standard  
IT Information Technology  
ITAC Information Technology Advisory Committee  
ITEL Inclusive Teaching for Equitable Learning  
JPAs Joint Powers Agreements  
JRCERT Joint Review Committee in Radiologic Technology  
KPI Key Performance Indicators  
LA Los Angeles  
LACOE Los Angeles County Office of Education  
LARC Los Angeles Regional Consortium  
LCW Leibert, Cassidy, and Whitmore  
LEAD Leadership Education and Development Program  
LEED Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design  
LGBTQ Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer  
LHE Lecture Hour Equivalents  
LIEAL Library Initiative for Equitable and Affordable Learning  
LLC Language Learning Center  
LMS Learning Management System  
LSP Library Services Program  
MAP Mountie Academic Plan  
MARCS Math Activities Resource Centers & Support  
MESA Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement  
MFA Multi-Factor Authentication  
MIS Management Information System  
MMI Minority Male Initiative  
MODS Maintenance & Operations Development Committee  
MOs Measurable Objectives  
MOO Menu of Options  
MOU Memorandum of Understanding  
MPDC Management Professional Development Committee  
Mt. SAC Mt. San Antonio College  
NAACLS National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences  
NACES National Association of Credential Evaluation Services  
NEA National Education Association  
NKBA National Kitchen and Bath Association  
NRA New Resource Allocation  
NSDL National Securities Depository Limited  
OEI Online Education Initiative  
OPEB Other Postemployment Benefits  
PAC President’s Advisory Council  
PC President’s Cabinet  
PCAH Program and Course Approval Handbook  
PDC Professional Development Council  
PDF Portable Document Format  
PIE Planning for Institutional Effectiveness  
PLA Professional Learning Academy  
PLO Program Level Outcomes  
POCR Peer Online Course Review  
POD Professional and Organizational Development  
PRT Partnership Resource Team  
QCEW Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages  
QFE Quality Focus Essay  
REACH Reaching Empowering Achieving and Completing with Heart  
RIE Research and Institutional Effectiveness  
RN Registered Nurse  
RS Rising Scholars  
SAFER Safety and Fitness Electronic Records  
SAFER Schools Association for Excess Risk  
SARS Student Appointment Reservation System  
SB Senate Bill  
SCCCD-JPA Southern California Community Colleges District Joint Powers Agency  
SCE School of Continuing Education  
SCFF Student Centered Funding Formula  
SCUP Society for College and University Planning  
SEAP Student Equity and Achievement Program  
SEC Student Equity Committee  
SEEC Societal Education for Equity Challenge  
SGVEP San Gabriel Valley Economic Partnership  
SI Supplemental Instruction  
SLO Student Learning Outcomes  
SOC Standard Occupational Classification  
SOS Student Online Support  
SPEAC Student Preparation, Equity, and Achievement Council  
SPOT Skills and Pedagogy for Online Teaching  
SSSC Speech and Sign Success Center  
STEM Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math  
STV Short-Term Vocational  
SWACC Statewide Association of Community Colleges  
T&Cs Terms and Conditions  
TAP Transfer Advantage Program  
TCO Total Cost of Ownership  
TERC Technical Education Resource Center  
TILT Transparency in Learning and Teaching  
TIMC Textbook and Instructional Materials Committee  
Title 5 California Code of Regulations, Title 5. Education  
Title IV Title IV of the Higher Education Act: Federal Financial Aid Funds  
Title IX Title IX of the Educational Amendment of 1972: Prohibiting discrimination based on sex  
Title V Developing Hispanic-Serving Institutions Grant  
TMP Technology Master Plan  
TRAN Tax Revenue Anticipated Bonds  
UC University of California  
US United States  
USC University of Southern California  
VP Vice President  
VPI Vice President, Instruction  
VPSS Vice President, Student Services  
VRC Vision Resource Center  
WASC Western Association of Schools and Colleges (Same destination as ACS WASC)
WebCMS Web Content Management System  
WIOA Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act