
Classified Professional Development Committee

The Classified Professional Development Committee (CPDC) serves as an operational committee of the Professional Development Council (PDC). The CPDC coordinates the professional development activities that relate to classified employees and acts as a liaison to PDC for issues relating primarily to classified employees.

    • CPDC Function
      • To provide guidance to the College through recommendations made to PDC regarding professional development goals and objectives for classified employees in alignment with the college's mission and core values.
      • To establish and maintain channels of communication amongst all campus programs in the development of appropriate classified professional development activities.
      • To certify job-related ongoing on-campus professional development activities for the Professional Growth Benefit (PGB).
      • To plan Classified Professional Development Day activities in collaboration with the College.
      • To certify qualifications of classified employees as presenters/facilitators who are released to provide professional development workshops or trainings.
      • To assess Classified professional development needs and advise Professional and Organizational Development (POD), Classified Senate, CSEA 262, CSEA 651, and Confidential leaders on matters relating to the professional development of classified employees.
    • CPDC Membership
      Name Appointed By Term
      Rosa Asencio CSEA 262 President or Designee (Co-Chair) Ongoing
      Diana Dzib Appointed by Classified Senate 2020-23
      Aaron Mezzano Appointed by Professional & Organizational Development Ongoing
      George Gutierrez CSEA 651 President or Designee Ongoing
      Lizette Henderson Special Project/Program Manager, Professional & Organizational Development Ongoing
      Juan "Johnny" Jauregui Appointed by CSEA 651 (Co-Chair) 2022-25
      John Lewallen Classified Senate President or Designee (Co-Chair) Ongoing
      Cynthia Orr Appointed by CSEA 262 - Full Time Representative 2020-23
      Vanessa Ortiz Appointed by Confidential Staff 2022-25
      Dalia Khalil Part-Time CSEA 262 Representative
