



Studying abroad is an excellent opportunity to develop fluency in your host country’s language. Although you can absolutely thrive abroad with no fluency, it is strongly suggested that in the months before departure you take time to begin practicing. Even just possessing a basic vocabulary will make an incredible difference in everyday situations you will be in such as ordering food at a cafe, asking for directions, or buying items at a store. 
There are many tools students can use to learn a new language:
  1. Enroll in Language Classes
    • MT. SAC has incredibly strong foreign languages course offerings. Taking a level 1 course before you go and create a foundation to build upon once you arrive. You can also enroll in a language course during study abroad. This allows students to practice in a fully immersive environment and learn as they go. 
  2. Teach Yourself
    • Mt. SAC’s Language Learning Center (LLC) is a robust resource students should take advantage of. They offer free access to any student looking to use Rosetta Stone and other language learning software. Explore more of their services here: 
  3. Phone Apps
    • In addition to the LLC, there are many apps available for smart phone and online that you can use on your own time. Duolingo and Babbel are among the most popular.
  4. Practice Often
    • In order to develop fluency, practice is vital. Join a conversational club and put your new skills to the test. Watch movies, listen to music, and read articles in your new language to continue immersing yourself. This is often a very passive, enjoyable way to learn. All of these efforts will greatly pay off once you move to your host country and are able to engage with the locals.