Courses: Sorted by Career Clusters
To help you explore your areas of interest, we have organized our career and technical programs by "clusters" or categories that link our programs and course offerings to actual professions and vocations. Each cluster lists courses associated with a specific career path. You can earn a degree or certificate in each program to either transfer to an advanced university program or move directly into the job market. Here's where you can find the career that's right for you.
Agricultural Cluster
Agri-business, Horticulture Science, Landscape Maintenance, Horse Ranch Management,Registered Veterinary Technician, Pet Science, Floral Design, Livestock Management.
Business & Computer Cluster
Business Administration & Management Cluster — Accounting, Business Law, Paralegal, Business Management, Small Business Management, Hospitality & Restaurant Management, Human Resources Management, International Business, Real Estate, Retail Management, Sales & Marketing
Computers & Information Systems Cluster — Networking & Telecommunications, Computer & Network Security, Software Development & Programming, Computers & Computer Applications, Database & Database Management, Computer Engineering
Family & Consumer Sciences Cluster — Child Development, Nutrition & Foods, Fashion Merchandising, Family & Consumer Science / Consumer Affairs
Health Sciences Cluster
Nursing, Psychiatric Technician, Radiology Technology, Respiratory Therapy, Paramedic/EMT, Physical Therapy Aide.
Media & Design Cluster
Animation, Architectural Technology, Computer Graphics Design/Photography, Fashion Design, Interior Design, Radio Broadcasting & TV Production, Web Page Design.
PE / Kinesiology Cluster
Athletic Trainer, Coach, Dance Teacher, Fitness & Personal Trainer.
Public Safety & Counseling Cluster
Alcohol/Drug Counseling, Correctional Sciences, Fire Technology, Law Enforcement.
Science Cluster
Chemical Laboratory Technician, Histologic Technician Training.
Teacher Preparation Cluster
Educational Paraprofessional (Teaching Assistant), Teacher Preparation (transfer), Child Development (Pre-K Teacher and Administrator).
Technology Cluster
Aeronautics, Air Traffic Control, Aviation Maintenance, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration,Electronics, Industrial Design Engineering, Manufacturing Technology, Welding.
For degree, certificate, and vocational program information please review the College Catalog.