
Distance Learning Amendment Forms

DL amendment forms are a type of supplemental form important in the curriculum process. In order to make your course DL-ready, you must create a DL amendment form. After submitting your DL Amendment form, the DLC (Distance Learning Committee) will review and approve the form before sending it to EDC.

Currently, Mt. SAC is using a Smartsheet process to collect forms for review.  Please submit your form as a Word document.  

    • 1Step 1 - Download and complete DL Amendment Form
      To complete the DL Amendment form follow the 5 easy steps below!
      1. Download the most updated DL Amendment Form which includes the new form approved by Senate in 2023.
      2. Fill out the form, keeping in mind the following items:  Choose one checkbox on page 1 to indicate modality.  Choose all potential instructional content pedagogy on page 3 that may be used to deliver distance education for all possible iterations of the course.  The form covers all possible delivery methods for all instructors over the next few years.  The DLC recommends checking as many checkboxes as possible to give faculty the maximum amount of flexibility.  If you do not check the box, you are indicating your courses will never use that.
      3. Note that several checkboxes are required on page 4.  A course orientation is required for distance learning courses.  Monitoring student engagement is required for distance learning courses.
      4. All accessibility checkboxes must be checked in the eventuality that faculty use these functions.
      5. Upload the completed form with your department minutes that show acceptance of distance learning for the course.
      NEED HELP?

      Contact the DL Faculty Coordinator: Carol Impara, 909-274-6369, or at

    • 2Step 2 - Submit DL Amendment Form
      Step 2 - Submit DL Amendment Form

      Click here to submit your DL Amendment Form Online!

    • 3Step 3 - Reviewed at DLC and final approval made by Educational Design Committee (EDC)
      Step 3 - Reviewed at DLC and final approval made by Educational Design Committee (EDC)
      1. The DL Coordinator downloads the form, contacts faculty if it is not filled out properly, and schedules review.
      2. The DLC reviews and approves the form.  
        • The DLC meets the second and fourth Tuesday of Fall and Spring semesters only.  
        • The DL coordinator does not approve forms. The committee must approve the form.
      3. After approval, the form is sent to EDC.
      4. After EDC approves the form, it is updated on the Approved List of Distance Learning Forms and updated in Banner.
        • EDC must approve the form before the course can be offered DL.
      Need help or have questions?

      Contact the DL Faculty Coordinator: Carol Impara, 909-274-6369, or at


If you have more questions about the DL course amendment process, SPOT, or the additional requirements to teach an online or hybrid course at Mt. SAC, or other questions related to Distance Learning, feel free to contact your Distance Learning Faculty Coordinators:

Name Phone Office Email
Catherine McKee (909) 274-6369 6-262
(909) 274-6112  6-262

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