
If you teach online at Mt. SAC, you have been SPOT-certified. Online professors already know: using technology for teaching is a continuous learning process!

The current faculty contract specifies: “SPOT certification is valid for a period of four (4) years. Every four (4) years, professors will be required to obtain a recertification ... approved by the Academic Senate, not to exceed four (4) hours.” -- (13.A.3) in the Faculty Contract

Need to Recertify This Year?

Here are 3 easy steps:

  1. Take the 1-hour mandatory Regulations Update self-paced course.
  2. Search for additional workshops.
    1. We have self-paced and asynchronous sessions to choose from! (Check out the What courses are Approved FAQ for previously approved workshops; use our search engine to find future and self-paced workshops.)
  3. Submit your recertification transcripts/documentation after you have completed all your hours.

Search for approved workshops here!

  1. Enter your search (and filters if you wish). Under Workshop Type you can filter for Self-Paced, Synchronous, or F2F.
  2. Click the “Search” button.
  3. The list of all workshops generated will be approved for DL/SPOT Recertification.

Register in POD Connect


Contact the Office of Distance Learning for additional Questions

Name Office Email
Office of Distance Learning and Instructional Technology 6-262