Mt. SAC Important Message

Mt SAC Alert: Campus remains open and accessible. Due to high winds, some branches and trees have fallen. If traveling to the college or on campus, please stay alert, exercise caution and report any safety concerns to Campus Safety at 909-274-4555.


Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum

(IGETC) 2020-2021

The courses listed below will fulfill the lower division general education requirements for all UC campuses.

Completion of the IGETC will permit a student to transfer from Mt. SAC to a campus in either the University of California (UC) system or California State University (CSU) without the need, after transfer, to take additional lower-division general education courses to satisfy university general education requirements. It should be noted that completion of the IGETC is not an admission requirement for transfer to UC or CSU, nor is it the only way to fulfill the lower-division general education requirements of UC or CSU prior to transfer. Students pursuing majors that require extensive lower-division preparation may not find the IGETC option to be advantageous (i.e. Engineering, Sciences).

A minimum grade of "C" is required in each course. (A grade of "C-" is not acceptable.)

NOTE: UC limits transfer credit for some courses. Students may review the UC Transfer Course Agreement (TCA) with a counselor or educational advisor



Choose one course from each group.

  • Group A: English Communication
    One of the following must be satisfied.
    Course Title
    ENGL 1A Freshman Composition
    ENGL 1AH Freshman Composition - Honors
    Group B: Critical Thinking Composition
    Course Title
    ENGL 1C Critical Thinking and Writing
    ENGL 1CH Critical Thinking and Writing - Honors
    ENGR 1C Engineering Critical Thinking
    PHIL 9 Critical Thinking and Writing
    PHIL 9H Critical Thinking and Writing - Honors
  • Group C: Oral Communication
    (CSU Requirement only)
    Course Title
    SPCH 1A Public Speaking
    SPCH 1AH Public Speaking-Honors
    SPCH 2 Fundamentals of Communication 



Choose one course.

  • Course Title
    MATH 100 Survey of College Mathematics
    MATH 110 Elementary Statistics
     MATH 110H Elementary Statistics - Honors
     MATH 110S Integrated Statistics
     MATH 120 Finite Mathematics
     MATH 130 College Algebra
     MATH 140 Calculus for Business
    MATH 160 Precalculus Mathematics
     MATH 180 Calculus and Analytic Geometry
     MATH 181 Calculus and Analytic Geometry
     MATH 260 Linear Algebra
     MATH 280 Calculus and Analytic Geometry
    MATH 285 Linear Algebra & Differential Equations
     MATH 290 Differential Equations
     PSYC 10 Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
     SOC 23 Introduction to Statistics in Sociology and Social Sciences




Choose three courses minimum, at least one course from Arts group and one course from the Humanities group.
* Courses may not be double counted to satisfy more than one area

  • Arts Courses
    Course Title
    AHIS 1 Introduction to the Visual Arts and Art History
     ARTB 1 Introduction to the Visual Arts and Art History
    *AHIS 3 History of Women and Gender in Art
    *AHIS 3H History of Women and Gender in Art - Honors
     AHIS 4 History of Western Art: Prehistoric Through Gothic
     AHIS 4H History of Western Art: Prehistoric Through Gothic - Honors
     AHIS 5 History of Western Art: Renaissance Through Modern
     AHIS 5H History of Western Art: Renaissance Through Modern - Honors
     AHIS 6 History of Modern Art
    AHIS 6H History of Modern Art - Honors
     AHIS 8 History of Medieval Art and Architecture
    *AHIS 9 History of Asian Art & Architecture
     AHIS 10 A History of Greek and Roman Art and Architecture
    *AHIS 11 History of African, Oceanic, and Native American Art
    *AHIS 11H History of African, Oceanic, and Native American Art - Honors
    *AHIS 12 History of Precolumbian Art and Architecture
    *AHIS 12H History of Precolumbian Art and Architecture - Honors
    *AHIS 13 World Art and Visual Culture
    *AHIS 14 Rome: The Ancient City
    *AHIS 15 Culture and Art of Pompeii
    ARCH 250 World Architecture: Prehistory to the Middle Ages
     ARCH 251 World Architecture: Renaissance through the Contemporary Era
     DN-T 20 History and Appreciation of Dance
     MUS 11A Music Literature Survey
     MUS 11B Music Literature Survey
     MUS 12 History of Jazz
     MUS 13 Introduction to Music Appreciation
     MUS 13H Introduction to Music Appreciation - Honors
     MUS 14A World Music
     MUS 14B American Folk Music
     MUS 15 Rock Music History & Appreciation
     MUS 15H Rock Music History and Appreciation - Honors
     THTR 10 History of Theater Arts
  • Humanities Courses
    Course Title
    CHIN 3 Intermediate Chinese
     CHIN 4 Continuing Intermediate Chinese
     ENGL 1B English - Intro to Literary Types
     ENGL 1BH English - Intro to Literary Types - Honors
     FRCH 3 Intermediate French
     FRCH 4 Continuing Intermediate French
     FRCH 60 French Culture Through Cinema
     GERM 3 Intermediate German
    *HIST 1 History of the United States
    *HIST 3 World History: Prehistoric to Early Modern
    *HIST 3H World History: Prehistoric to Early Modern - Honors
    *HIST 4 World History: Early Modern to the Present
    *HIST 4H World History: Early Modern to the Present - Honors
    *HIST 7 History of United States to 1877
    *HIST 7H History of United States to 1877 - Honors
    *HIST 8 History of United States from 1865
    *HIST 8H History of United States from 1865 - Honors
     HIST 10 History of Premodern Asia
     HIST 11 History of Modern Asia
    *HIST 16 The Wild West -A History, 1800-1890
    HIST 19 History of Mexico
     HIST 30 History of the African American 1619-1877 
    HIST 31 History of the African American
    *HIST 35 History of Africa
    *HIST 36 Women in American History
     HIST 39 California History
     HIST 40 History of the Mexican American
    *HIST 44 History of Native Americans
     HUMA 1 Humanities and the Human Experience
     HUMA 1H The Humanities and Human Experience—Honors
     ITAL 3 Intermediate Italian
     ITAL 4 Continuing Intermediate Italian
     ITAL 60 Italian Culture Through Cinema
     JAPN 3 Intermediate Japanese
     JAPN 4 Continuing Intermediate Japanese
     JAPN 5 Advanced Japanese
     LIT 1 Early American Literature
     LIT 2 Modern American Literature
     LIT 3 Multicultural American Literature
     LIT 6A Survey of English Literature
     LIT 6B Survey of English Literature
     LIT 10 Survey of Shakespeare
     LIT 11A World Literature to 1650
     LIT 11B World Literature from 1650
    LIT 14 Introduction to Modern Poetry
     LIT 15 Introduction to Cinema
     LIT 20 African American Literature
     LIT 25 Contemporary Mexican American Lit
     LIT 36 Introduction to Mythology
     LIT 46 The Bible As Literature: Old Testament
     LIT 47 The Bible As Literature: New Testament
     PHIL 5 Introduction to Philosophy
     PHIL 5H Introduction to Philosophy - Honors
     PHIL 12 Introduction to Ethics
     PHIL 12H Introduction to Ethics - Honors
     PHIL 15 Major World Religions
     PHIL 15H Major World Religions - Honors
     PHIL 20A History of  Ancient Philosophy
     PHIL 20AH History of Ancient  Philosophy - Hon
     PHIL 20B History of Modern Philosophy
     PHIL 20BH History of Modern Philosophy - Hon
    *POLI 5 Political Theory I - Ancient to Contemporary
    *POLI 7 Political Theory II - Early Modern to Contemporary
     SIGN 104 American Sign Language 4
     SIGN 202 American Deaf Culture
     SPAN 3 Intermediate Spanish
     SPAN 4 Continuing Intermediate Spanish



Choose three courses from a minimum of two different subject areas.
* Courses may not be double counted to satisfy more than one area

  • Course Title
    *AHIS 3 History of Women & Gender in Art
     *AHIS 3H History of Women & Gender in Art-Honors
     *AHIS 9 History of Asian Art and Architecture
     *AHIS11 History of African, Oceanic, and Native American Art
     *AHIS 11H History of African, Oceanic, and Native American Art - Honors
     *AHIS 12 History of Precolumbian Art & Architecture
     *AHIS 12H History of Precolumbian Art & Architecture - Honors
     *AHIS 13 World Art and Visual Culture
     *AHIS 14 Rome: The Ancient City
     *AHIS 15 Culture and Art of Pompeii
      ANTH 4 Archaeology
      ANTH 5 Cultural Anthropology
      ANTH 5H Cultural Anthropology - Honors
      ANTH 6 Language and Culture: An Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology
      BUSC 1A Principles of Economics - Macroeconomics
      BUSC 1AH Principles of Economics - Macroeconomics - Honors
      BUSC 1B Principles of Economics - Microeconomics
      BUSC 1BH Principles of Economics - Microeconomics - Honors
      BUSL 100 American Law and Democracy
      GEOG 2 Human Geography
    GEOG 2H Human Geography - Honors
      GEOG 8 Urban Geography
      GEOG 30 Geography of California
      GEOG 30H Geography of California - Honors
     *HIST 1 History of the United States
     *HIST 3 World History: Prehistoric to Early Modern
     *HIST 3H World History: Prehistoric to Early Modern - Honors
     *HIST 4 World History: Early Modern - Present
     *HIST 4H World History: Early Modern to the Present - Honors
     *HIST 7 History of the United States to 1877
     *HIST 7H History of the United States to 1877 - Honors
     *HIST 8 History of the United States from 1865
    * HIST 8H History of the United States from 1865 - Honors
    * HIST 10 History of Premodern Asia
    * HIST 11  History of Modern Asia
     *HIST 16 The Wild West - A History, 1800-1890
  • Course Title
    *HIST 19 History of Mexico
    *HIST 30 History of the African American 1619-1877
    *HIST 31 History of the African American
     *HIST 35 History of Africa
     *HIST 36 Women in American History
    *HIST 39 California History
    *HIST 40 History of the Mexican American
     *HIST 44 History of Native Americans
      NF 28 Cultural and Ethnic Foods
      POLI 1 Introduction to American Government and Politics
      POLI 1H Introduction to American Government and Politics - Honors
     *POLI 5 Political Theory I - Ancient to Contemporary
     *POLI 7 Political Theory II - Early Modern to Contemporary
    POLI 9 International Relations
      POLI 10 Environmental Politics
      POLI 25 Latino Politics in the United States
      POLI 35 African American Politics
      PSYC 1A Introduction to Psychology
      PSYC 1AH Introduction to Psychology - Honors
      PSYC 14 Developmental Psychology
      PSYC 14H Developmental Psychology - Hon
      PSYC 15 Introduction to Child Psychology
      PSYC 19 Abnormal Psychology
      PSYC 20 Introduction to Social Psychology
      PSYC 25 The Psychology of Women
      SOC 1 Introduction to Sociology
      SOC 1H Introduction to Sociology - Honors
      SOC 2 Contemporary Social Problems
      SOC 2H Contemp Social Problems- Honors
      SOC 4 Introduction to Gerontology
      SOC 5 Introduction to Criminology
      SOC 5H Introduction to Criminology- Honors
      SOC 12 Introduction to Research Methods in the Social Sciences
      SOC 20 Intro to Race and Ethnicity
      SOC 20H Intro to Race and Ethnicity - Honors
      SOC 40 Introduction to Sex & Gender Roles
     SOC 110 Introduction to Social Justice
     SOC  130 Introduction to LGBTQ Studies
      SPCH 7 Intercultural Communication
      SPCH 7H Intercultural Communication - Honors
      SPCH 26 Interpersonal Communication
      SPCH 26H Interpersonal Communication- Honors
      SPCH 30 Intro to Communication Theory



Choose two courses, one physical science and one biological science, at least one must include a laboratory. Laboratory must be a corresponding section to the lecture taken. Laboratory courses are defined with a "+" sign.

  • Physical Science

    Course Title
    ASTR 5 Introduction to Astronomy
      ASTR 5H Introduction to Astronomy - Honors
    +ASTR 5L Astronomical Observing Laboratory
      ASTR 7 Geology of the Solar System
      ASTR 8 Intro to Stars, Galaxies, & Universe
      CHEM 9 Chemistry of Everyday Life
    +CHEM 10 Chemistry for Allied Health Majors
    +CHEM 20 Introductory Organic and Biochemistry
    +CHEM 40 Introduction to General Chemistry
    +CHEM 50 General Chemistry I
    +CHEM 50H General Chemistry I - Honors
    +CHEM 51 General Chemistry II
    +CHEM 51H General Chemistry II - Honors
      GEOG 1 Physical Geography
      GEOG 1H Physical Geography - Honors
    +GEOG 1L Physical Geography Laboratory
    +GEOG 1LH Physical Geography Laboratory - Honors
    +GEOL 1 Physical Geology
    +GEOL 2 Historical Geology
      GEOL 7 Geology of California
      GEOL 8 Earth Science
      GEOL 8H Earth Science - Honors
    +GEOL 8L Earth Science Laboratory
      GEOL 9 Environmental Geology
    +GEOL 9L Environmental Geology Laboratory
      GEOL 10 Natural Disasters
      GEOL 30 Global Climate Change
      METO 3 Weather and the Atmospheric Environment
    +METO 3L Weather & Atmospheric Environment Laboratory
      OCEA 10 Introduction to Oceanography
      OCEA 10H Intro to Oceanography-Honors
    +OCEA 10L Introduction to Oceanography Lab
    +PHSC 3 Energy Science
    +PHSC 9 Physical Science
    +PHYS 1 Physics
    +PHYS 2AG General Physics
    +PHYS 2BG General Physics
    +PHYS 4A Engineering Physics
    +PHYS 4B Engineering Physics
    +PHYS 4C Engineering Physics
    +PHYS 6A General Physics with Calculus
    +PHYS 6B General Physics with Calculus
  • Biological Science:

    Course Title
    +ANAT 10A Introductory Human Anatomy
    +ANAT 10B Introductory Human Physiology
    +ANAT 35 Human Anatomy
    +ANAT 36 Human Physiology
      ANTH 1 Biological Anthropology
      ANTH 1H Biological Anthropology - Honors
    +ANTH 1L Biological Anthropology Laboratory
    +BIOL 1 General Biology
    +BIOL 2 Plant and Animal Biology
    +BIOL 3 Ecology and Field Biology
    +BIOL 4 Biology for Majors
    +BIOL 4H Biology for Majors - Honors
      BIOL 6 Humans and the Environment
    +BIOL 6L Humans and the Environment Laboratory
    +BIOL 8 Cell and Molecular Biology
    BIOL 20 Marine Biology
    +BIOL 21 Marine Biology Laboratory
      BIOL 25 Conservation Biology
      BIOL 34 Fundamentals of Genetics
    +BIOL 34L Fundamentals of Genetics Lab
    +MICR 1 Principles of Microbiology
    +MICR 22 Microbiology
      PSYC 1B Biological Psychology


UC Requirements Only

LANGUAGE OTHER THAN ENGLISH - The minimum proficiency requirement is met by completing one of the courses listed below or by completion of two years of high school study in the same language with a grade of “C-” or better.

Course Title
ARAB 1 Elementary Arabic
CHIN 1 Elementary Chinese
FRCH 1 Elementary French
GERM 1 Elementary German
ITAL 1 Elementary Italian
JAPN 1 Elementary Japanese
KORE 1 Elementary Korean
LATN 1 Elementary Latin
LATN 1H Elementary Latin - Honors
SIGN 101 American Sign Language 1
SIGN 101H American Sign Language 1-Honrs
SPAN 1 Elementary Spanish
SPAN 1S Spanish for the Spanish Speaking

Students from non-English speaking countries should see a counselor or an educational advisor for language proficiency equivalencies.


CSU Requirements Only

Note: UCSB requires a college-level U.S. history or government course.

Option 1: HIST 7 (or 7H) + HIST 8 (or 8H)
Option 2: Completion of one course from U.S. History plus one course from American Institutions:

  • United States History
    HIST 1
    HIST 7
    HIST 7H
    HIST 8
    HIST 8H
    HIST 30
    HIST 31
    HIST 36
    HIST 40
  • American Institutions
    POLI 1
    POLI 1H
    POLI 25
    POLI 35

The American Institution & U.S. History courses may be used to fulfill the 9 units indicated in AREA 3 or AREA 4.