
Know Your Limits

Some financial aid programs contain limits after which a student is no longer eligible to receive aid. As such, students are encouraged to complete their academic program in a timely manner in order to avoid potential loss of financial aid eligibility. The types of financial aid which are limited are found below.

    • Federal Pell Grant

      All students are limited to receiving Pell Grant for the equivalent of six years of full-time enrollment (12 semesters) . Pell Grant usage is tracked by the federal government according to a percentage called Lifetime Eligibility Used (LEU), and students may not exceed a 600% LEU. The percentage of Pell Grant used each semester is based on a student’s enrollment status: 50% for full-time, 37.5% for three-quarter-time, 25% for half-time, and 12.5% for less-than-half-time. All students may track their Pell LEU through the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS).

      What is the Lifetime Eligibility Used (LEU) for Pell Grants?


    • Cal Grant

      All students are limited to receiving Cal Grant for up to 4 years. The amount of years a student is eligible to receive Cal Grant is tracked by the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) according to a percentage and is called “program eligibility”. The percentage of Cal Grant used each semester is based on a student’s enrollment status and total remaining program eligibility: 50% for full-time, 37.5% for three-quarter-time, 25% for half-time, and 12.5% for less-than-half-time. All students may track their Cal Grant usage and total program eligibility by logging into WebGrants 4 Students.

      What is a Cal Grant?


    • Federal Direct Loans
      • All students are limited in the amount of direct federal loans borrowed during the school year, and in the amount of direct federal loans borrowed during the lifetime of their undergraduate study. The amount of loans a student may receive is also based on whether they are considered a dependent or independent student according to the FAFSA application, and the student’s grade level according to the amount of units completed at Mt. SAC. For further information, please visit the Federal Student Aid Webpage.
      • Notice: Because Mt. SAC is considered a community college, the Financial Aid Department is only authorized to certify Direct Federal Loans at the first and second year levels, no matter how many units a student has already completed and/or transferred in. Mt. SAC has the discretion to certify loan amounts in the best interest of the student on a case by case basis per federal Title IV regulations (as also described in the Financial Aid Loan Request Form). This practice ensures students do not go into unnecessary debt while also adhering to our financial literacy philosophy. 

      Dependent Students

      • Annual Loan Limits
        • (1st Year, < 30 units):  $5,500 Direct Federal Loans (up to $3,500 Subsidized)
        • (2nd Year, 30 units or more): $6,500 Direct Federal Loans (up to $4,500 Subsidized)
      • Lifetime Aggregate Loan Limit
        • $31,000 Direct Federal Loans (up to $23,000 Subsidized) 

      Independent Students

      • Annual Loan Limits
        • (1st Year, < 30 units):  $9,500 Direct Federal Loans (up to $3,500 Subsidized)
        • (2nd Year, 30 units or more): $10,500 Direct Federal Loans (up to $4,500 Subsidized)
      • Lifetime Aggregate Loan Limit
        • $57,500 Direct Federal Loans (up to $23,000 Subsidized)


      Federal Direct Student Loan Limits