Kinesiology is the study of movement, wellness and mindfulness, how the body moves, anatomy and physiology – and how all of those things tie together. Students will receive a scientific foundation of kinesiology, as well as a movement-based competency. Kinesiology classes include theory courses, lab lecture courses and activity courses in areas that include swimming; combatives such as martial arts, kickboxing, and self-defense; dance; circuit training and aerobics; various sports; statistics; biology; and physics, among others.

AA-T Degree A0454
Kinesiology, Athletics and Dance Division
Degree A0454
Associate in Arts in Kinesiology for Transfer degree is designed to prepare students for transfer into the CSU system to complete a baccalaureate degree in kinesiology, exercise science, pre-physical therapy, athletic training, and other related health professions. This degree provides guaranteed admission with junior status to the CSU system. Upon completion of the Associate in Arts in Kinesiology for Transfer degree, students will attain a scientific foundation of Kinesiology as well as a movement-based competency that prepares them in pursing a bachelor's or master's degree and/or professional certification in sports medicine, exercise science, sports management, athletic training, physical therapy, nutrition, health promotion, and coaching or related fields.
To earn an Associate in Arts in Kinesiology for Transfer, students must complete 60 semester units that are eligible for transfer to the CSU that consist of IGETC pattern of CSU GE breadth and a major of at least 18 units. Students must have a minimum GPA of 2.0 in all CSU-transferable coursework to receive an associate degree for transfer and all courses in the major must be completed with a C or better. Students earning an associate degree of transfer will not be required to complete any other local graduation requirements.
Required Courses
With the pandemic, it’s come to the forefront now more than ever to emphasize wellness, physical activity and eating right. You think about your life and you live a little more intentionally – that’s what kinesiology is about. Don’t get pigeon-holed into thinking you can only do one thing with a kinesiology degree when there are so many great options out there.
- Professor Lani Ruh