The Philosophy Major at Mt. San Antonio College
This short film provides an introduction to the Philosophy major at Mt. San Antonio College.
Philosophy is the love of wisdom and the pursuit of truth. As lovers of wisdom, our staff here at Mt SAC provide cutting edge insights into the main fields of philosophy such as metaphysics, epistemology, logic, critical thinking, ethics, and world religions, covering a span from ancient through modern times.
As a discipline, philosophy relies on careful reasoning to investigate the great questions of the past and present: What is the Socratic Method and how can that be significant in the way you learn? Does God exist? If God does exist how can one reconcile the existence of God with the reality of evil? What is human nature? What can I know? How can I know that I can know something versus just believing something? What is skepticism and should I be skeptical at times? How should I live my life? What does it mean to live a good life? How can I know whether something is morally permissible or impermissible? How can I best use morally reasoning to make every decisions in life? How can I know that I exist and can I doubt my existence? What is free will and why might that be important for considering my moral responsibility? What is the difference between reality and the appearance of reality? What is the difference between an assertion and an argument? What are inductive and deductive arguments? How good is the argument that you might be advancing?
All of these questions and many more allow one to enter into The Great Conversation of philosophy. Come join us in this philosophical conversation of awe and wonder by putting yourself into a better position to contribute to these great ideas!
How can this be practical for you as a college student? Well, our modern scientific age has provided knowledge leading to technological advancements which have elevated social conditions, but it is doubtful this enough for a flourishing society. In studying the great ideas and thinkers of history, the student’s mind is stretched and nourished, able to think more clearly and to see problems in a new light. Furthermore, by knowing more about yourself and reality, you can contribute more to society as a flourishing citizen. Philosophy is valuable in its own right, but it can also provide a foundation for careers in teaching, legal studies, professional writing and journalism.

"We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light."

"Strong minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, weak minds discuss people."
Philosophy Digital Library
These various sites offer free textbooks, books, magazines, booklets, and original films on Philosophy, Religion, Science, Physics, Neuroscience, Virtual Reality, and more:
- The Runnebohm Digital Library Free Magazines, Books, & Booklets on Philosophy, Science and Religion
- The Mt. SAC Philosophy Group's Free Interactive Books Free Interactive Books for Apple's iPad
- The Neuralsurfer Film Channel Original films on physics, neuroscience, religion, and more
- Plato's Cave: The MSAC Philosophy Circular / Volume 10, Issue One / September 6th, 2021 This magazine was designed to present interviews with notable thinkers around the world as well as present articles on subjects ranging from quantum theory to neuroscience to evolutionary biology to artificial intelligence
Contact David Lane for more information.
Philosophy Club & Ethics Bowl
This club meets to discuss various philosophical issues using the Socratic Method. The Philosophy Club, the Political Science department, and Mt. SAC's Forensic Debate team cohost an Ethics Bowl debate each semester probing into a more controversial moral issue in hopes to advance the field of moral philosophy and ethics at large. Below are various topics that we've discussed during our Philosophy Club:
- Happiness
- Artificial Intelligence
- Logic: Deduction vs. Induction
- The Evidence of NDE's with OBE's
- Psychedelics
- Animal Ethics
- Lies and Deception
- 1st Ethics Bowl Debate - Fall 2019: "China's Social Credit System"
- The Government's Role During Coronavirus
- Cultural Relativism
- Bioethics - Euthanasia
- Individualism vs. Collectivism
- Death and the Afterlife
- Aesthetics
Our meeting time is every Tuesday, in-person, from 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm. The classroom location is 26D-2240. Come join us!
Here is our Philosophy Club Video!
Here is the Instagram page to the Philosophy Club. Follow us to stay plugged in.
Contact Dave Lane for more information. You can contact me at
Philosophy AA Degree
This department also offers an AA degree in Philosophy. In addition, we offer Pathways, which are transfer major preparation to the UC's and CSU's. Also, see our Program Level Outcomes for Philosophy:
Theory: Students will be able to identify and analyze the major currents of thought in philosophy.
Practical use of Philosophy: Students will be able to apply philosophical perspectives to contemporary issues.
Critical Thinking: Students will be able to analyze, synthesize and evaluate ideas and apply analytical skills to solve problems.
Research: Students will be able to engage in literary research and interpret and evaluate research studies.
Civic Engagement: Students will be able to recognize and respect the beliefs, opinions and values of other individuals and cultures. Moreover, students will demonstrate an awareness of personal, social, civic, and environmental responsibility.
Contact Andrea Diem-Lane for more information.
Andrea Diem-Lane, Ph.D.
Department Chair, Professor of Philosophy -
David Lane, Ph.D.
Professor of Philosophy -
Samuel Wolde-Yohannes, Ph.D.
Professor of Philosophy
Lori Walker, Ph.D.
Professor of Philosophy -
Joseph Komrosky, Ph.D.
Professor of Philosophy
8:30 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.
Building 26B-2551
(909) 274-7500
Andrea Diem