
Mt. SAC Standardized Admission/Readiness Test

Admission Assessment/Readiness Testing Update

The top-scoring applicants from the Multi-Criteria Screening process will be sent via their Mt. SAC email with the ATI TEAS test instructions. Currently a composite score of 62 % or greater is considered passing. After successfully completing ATI TEAS test, points will be added to your overall Multi-Criteria Screening points as follows:

Score %

Merit Points









< 62%


Less than 62% is fail, and will require completion of remediation before being able to retest during the next application period.  Students who fail the ATI TEAS examination are not eligible for the program.

New Criteria

Starting November 1, 2024, A composite score of 70 % or greater will be considered passing. After successfully completing ATI TEAS test, points will be added to your overall Multi-Criteria Screening points as follows:

Score %

Merit Points







< 70%


Less than 70% is considered failing, and will require completion of remediation before being able to retest during the next application period.  Students who fail the ATI TEAS examination are not eligible for the program.

    • ATI TEAS Testing Prep Course
      • ATI provides extensive TEAS® SmartPrep™ recourses to prepare for the TEAS Exam. It is the applicants’ discretion to purchase the TEAS® SmartPrep™ via ATI.
      • ATI TEAS® SmartPrep™ 
      • ATI TEAS® Information
      • Mt. SAC Admission Test Procedures
      • Mt. SAC Healthcare Test Prep Classes -- Review content is under development. Please contact Professor Donna Necke, Adult Basic Education at for further information
      • Mt. SAC Library Test Prep -- Directions: Select “Career Preparation”, and then select “Prepare for Nursing Exams”. Under the “Prepare for Nursing Exams”, you will see “Prepare for Nursing School Entrance Test”. Select “ATI TEAS® Practice Tests”.  It will take you to different practice TEAS tests, including TEAS English & Language Usage, Math, Reading, and Science Practice Tests.
    • ATI TEAS Exam Date Instructions:
      • Specific instructions regarding ATI TEAS will be emailed prior to testing.
      • Only ATI TEAS testing proctored by the Nursing Department is accepted.
      • When creating the ATI TEAS account, it is mandated that all applicants complete demographic data, such as birthday, gender, ethnicity/race, and language spoken at home per the reporting requirements from the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office. Fail to provide demographic data will result in not being accepted to the program. 
      • Please bring a photo ID on the day of the exam. 
      • No calculators are allowed
      • Bring a pen and pencil. Scratch paper will be provided.
      • Students scoring less than 62% will be required to complete a Remediation Plan/review contract prior to retaking the ATI TEAS exam during the next open application period.  The review contract may take one year to complete. Beginning November 1, 2024, the required score will increase to 70%. 
      •  ATI TEAS test scores completed through the Nursing Department are valid for one year.

      NOTE: If you are unable to test on your scheduled test date, please notify the Nursing Program via email

    • Students will be graded on the following subjects:
      1. Reading
      2. Mathematics
      3. Science
      4. English Language Usage

      If you should have any questions, you may contact the Nursing Department office at: (909) 274-4560.

    • ATI TEAS Exam- Important Information
      Please read carefully:

      Students requiring ACCESS accommodations need to submit current documentation from ACCESS to the Nursing Department with the required accommodations listed at least two weeks prior to their scheduled test date so that arrangements can be made.  Please email your ACCESS documentation to:

Nursing Department | | (909) 274-4560