A student on a laptop

One Step at a Time. One Class at a Time.

Support to Get Started Online

Confused StudentGetting Started with Online Learning

New to learning online? This web page is for you! We use a system called Canvas where you will collaborate with professors and classmates.


      • Accessing your Online or Hybrid class

        Accessing Online Hybrid ClassesIn order to access aclass online, log into the Mt. SAC Portal. Once you're in the portal, choose Canvas in the black toolbar. 

        Important Notes:

        • Hybrid classes are held both online and in person. Right now, due to the COVID-19 emergency, Mt. SAC's classes are only provided online. 
        • You will not be able to access your online class unless you're enrolled. Being on the waitlist isn't enough to gain access.
        • If you're enrolled, but still can't access your Canvas course then it's possible your professor hasn't made your course available yet. Be sure to check your syllabus for the specific availability date, or contact your professor if you have any questions.
        • If you're still having difficulties accessing  your course contact your professor, or IT/Helpdesk.
      • When does my Online or Hybrid class begin?

        Online and Hybrid Class Start DatesIt is recommended that you log in to your online or hybrid class prior to the beginning of the class.

        Click here for a graphic with instructions on finding out when exactly your online class begins.

        Professors can see who has accessed the course, and a lot of them will use your initial login as "attendance" for online classes. Professors will drop students for not "attending" their class and completing initial activities. This is a federal law created to prevent financial aid fraud, so please be sure to access your class and complete the beginning activities to ensure ongoing enrollment.

        Additional Information:

        • Hybrid classes are held both online and in person. Right now, due to the COVID-19 emergency, Mt. SAC's classes are only provided online.
        • You will not be able to access your online class unless you're enrolled. Being on the waitlist isn't enough.
        • If you're enrolled, but still can't access your Canvas course then it's possible your professor hasn't made it available yet. Be sure to check your syllabus or contact  your professor if you have any questions.
        • If you're still having difficulties accessing  your course contact your online professor, or IT/Helpdesk.
      • How do I get to my Online or Hybrid class?

        Getting Online and Hybrid ClassesIt is important to access your Online or Hybrid class immediately or you run the risk of being dropped! Accessing your online or hybrid class is your way of "showing attendance" for these types of courses.

        Click here for help figuring if your hybrid class has scheduled weekly meetings, and here for a campus map.

        Additional Information:

        • You will not be able to access your online class unless you're enrolled. Being on the waitlist isn't enough.
        • If you're enrolled, but still can't access your Canvas course then it's possible your professor hasn't made it available yet. Check your syllabus or contact  your professor if you have any questions.
        • If you're still having difficulties accessing  your course contact your online professor, or IT/Helpdesk.
      • Getting Started with Canvas
        Getting started with CanvasLearning Management System (LMS) at Mt. SAC

        If you are taking an Online or Hybrid class at Mt. SAC then you will be using an LMS. At Mt. SAC, all courses will be hosted in Canvas. 


        Canvas is the LMS at Mt. SAC. For basic information and help with Canvas:

      • How do I contact my professor?

        Contact a ProfessorYour online professor's contact information is in your PortalClick here for a graphic with instructions on how to contact your professor.

        In Canvas, the Help button includes an "Ask Your Instructor" link that will send email directly to the instructor(s) of the course you select from the drop-down menu of your Canvas-hosted courses. 

        Remember: many online or hybrid course professors have limited on-campus availability, so email is the recommended form of contact.

      • What books will I need?

        Books for Online StudyThe Sac Book Rac can help you find your books.

        More information

        You may also contact your professor if you have additional questions or need more information regarding additional classroom materials that may be required.

      • Having trouble with Canvas?

        Issues with CanvasIf you are having trouble accessing your Canvas course it come be caused by a couple of different things.

        • be sure you are accessing Canvas correctly via the Mt. SAC portal, and under the "eLearning Resources" tab.
        • In the event the Mt. SAC portal is down, you can still access Canvas directly via the following URL:

        Okay, so you can access Canvas fine, but you can't see your course. Here is what might be going on...

        • Your enrollment may not have been pushed into Canvas just yet. Please note that it takes 24 hours from when you first register for a class (via the portal) for it to appear on your Canvas dashboard. So if you added the course less than 24 hours ago that might explain why you can't see it in Canvas yet.
        • If it's been more than 24 hours then there might be a communication issue between the portal and Canvas, at which point we would suggest you contact the helpdesk immediately for support.

Visit the Distance Learning Page

Thrive Online. You've Got This.