

Headings are intended to be used as an organizational element, not for stylizing "big" or "bold". Users skim your pages by its headings. It is important to use headings to show the document structure. Search engines use your headings to index the structure and the content of your web pages. Heading 1 should be used for the most important headings, heading 6 to be used for the least important headings, or for sub sections. 

  • Heading 1

  • Heading 2

  • Heading 3

  • Heading 4

  • Heading 5
  • Heading 6

Intro Text : This is to be your introductory paragraph, selling your purpose on the page. If the reader didn't read anything else on the page, this paragraph should be sufficient to understand. Further paragraphs can expand on the ideas. 

Paragraph: Mauris consectetur libero non dolor gravida, sed sodales leo ultricies. Praesent tincidunt venenatis ligula vitae ornare. Mauris erat neque, imperdiet id fermentum vitae, mattis at nibh. Suspendisse sed ligula eget felis lobortis tincidunt quis et ex. Integer vel pharetra est. Phasellus molestie, justo eget sagittis blandit, turpis est eleifend sapien, consectetur finibus nunc diam quis velit. Maecenas rutrum, mi vitae hendrerit venenatis, sapien leo feugiat velit, at pellentesque leo justo sit amet sapien. Duis dapibus sem dui, quis porttitor odio vehicula sagittis.

Preformatted: Text is displayed in a fixed-width font that preserves both spaces and line breaks.

Text Links



Underline: Underlines should not be used as they are easily confused with links. 



Unordered/Bullet Lists:

  • Apple
  • Oranges
  • Kiwis

Ordered Lists/Numbered Lists:

  1. Grapes
  2. Strawberries
  3. Melon

Continue on to Snippets for more typography styles.