
2021 April: Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Sexual Assault Awareness Teal Ribbon

June 21, 2021 - 10:09 AM

Sexual assault includes rape, fondling, and incest. Rape, specifically, is defined as any sexual intercourse or penetration without consent. Both are forms of sexual violence. Lack of consent can result from forced physical participation or intimidation, or the inability to consent due to intoxication, mental incapacitation, or unconsciousness.

What if I have been sexually assaulted?

Go to a safe place. If you have sustained serious injuries or you are in immediate danger, call 911. Do what you can to preserve any evidence. It is best for any physical evidence to be collected immediately, ideally within the first 24 hours. Preserving your evidence keeps your options open for future decisions about pursuing an investigation: if possible, do not wash any part of your body and do not change your clothes.

  • What if I have been sexually assaulted and DO WANT to report it?

    On-Campus Reporting Options:

    • Police & Campus Safety, Bldg. 23,
      (909) 274-4555 or use blue emergency phones
    • Student Health Services, Bldg. 67B & Bldg. 9E, (909) 274-4400
    • Title IX Coordinator - Sokha Song, Bldg. 4, (909) 274-5249

    Off-Campus Reporting Options:

    • Walnut/Diamond Bar Sheriff’s Station
      (909) 595-2264
    • Other local law enforcement agency depending on where incident occurred
    • Project Sister 24/7 Rape Hotline
      (909) 626-4357
  • What if I have been sexually assaulted and DO NOT WANT to report it, but want to talk to a counselor?

    On-Campus FREE & CONFIDENTIAL Counseling

    Mt. SAC Student Health Services has Licensed Mental Health Clinicians who offer free, supportive, non-judgmental, confidential, short-term personal counseling for Mt. SAC students. To make a Tele-Mental Health appointment, call (909) 274-4400.

    Off-Campus FREE & CONFIDENTIAL Counseling

    Project Sister Family Services has a 24/7 hotline that is FREE & CONFIDENTIAL. Hotline counselors are specifically trained to help rape survivors by offering support and information about legal, medical, and mental health resources. Call Project Sister 24/7 Rape Hotline at (909) 626-4357.

Be An Active Bystander!

  • An active bystander witnesses an act that is harmful (such as name-calling, derogatory joke-telling, rumors, property damage or physical violence) or potentially harmful (such as “hitting on” someone who is too drunk or otherwise incapacitated to consent) and doesn’t just passively observe or walk away.
  • An active bystander DOES SOMETHING ABOUT IT!
  • Stand next to someone so they know they are not alone.
  1. DIRECT: Step in and interrupt a harmful situation by pointing out the problem and engaging participants in conversation about better alternatives.

    Say things like:
    • “That’s not funny!”
    • “What you said [or did] isn’t cool.”
    • “That type of language [or behavior] isn’t OK.”

    Try asking:
    • “Is this person bothering you?”
    • “Is there anything I can do to help?”
  1. DISTRACT: If you aren’t comfortable calling out the problematic behavior, try interrupting a risky situation by distracting and redirecting the people involved.

    Try asking:
    • Ask an unrelated question about a class assignment, a TV show or even the weather. The goal is simply to change the subject!
    • Tell them you think someone is looking for them.
    • Ask them to show you where the bathroom is.
  1. DELEGATE: If you can’t do it alone, involve others.
    • Attract “allies in action.”
      (Call attention to the situation and get others to help you speak up, prevent, or interrupt.)
    • Seek out appropriate campus resources.
    • In an emergency, ALWAYS call 911!

Support for Survivors of Sexual Assault
By: Project Sister

TUESDAYS virtual office hours
10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Call and ask for Tyler Gutierrez:
(909) 623-1619 ext. 107

Wear Denim with a Purpose

Denim Day
April 29, 2021

The Denim Day story begins in Italy in 1992, when an 18-year old girl was raped by the 45-year-old driving instructor who was taking her to her very first driving lesson. He took her to an isolated road, pulled her out of the car, removed her jeans and forcefully raped her.

She reported the rape and the perpetrator was arrested and prosecuted. He was then convicted of rape and sentenced to jail. Years later, he appealed the conviction claiming that they had consensual sex. The Italian Supreme Court overturned the conviction and the perpetrator was released. A statement from the Court argued that because the victim was wearing very tight jeans, she had to help him remove them, and by removing the jeans it was not rape but consensual sex.

Enraged by the verdict, the women in the Italian Parliament launched a protest wearing jeans on the steps of the Supreme Court.


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