
Policies & Procedures

Please see the list and descriptions below regarding important Mt. SAC Policies and Procedures for students. 

Board Policy 5500: Standards of Conduct

  • The College President/CEO shall establish procedures for the imposition of discipline on students in accordance with the requirements for due process of the federal and State law and regulations. This document outlines conduct that shall constitute good cause for discipline, including but not limited to the removal, suspension, or expulsion of a student.

Administrative Procedures 5520: Student Discipline Procedures

  • The purpose of this procedure is to provide a fair, prompt, and equitable means to address violations of the Standards of Conduct, and not for purposes of retaliation. This procedure affords students due process rights guaranteed them by state and federal constitutional protections. It is not intended as a substitute for criminal or civil proceedings that may be initiated by other agencies. These Administrative Procedures are specifically not intended to infringe in any way on the rights of students to engage in free expression as protected by the state and federal constitutions or Education Code, and will not be used to punish expression that is protected.

Administrative Procedure 4290: Student Academic Honesty

  • All members of the academic community have a responsibility to ensure that scholastic honesty is maintained. Faculty have the responsibility of planning and supervising all academic work in order to encourage honest and individual effort and of taking appropriate action if instances of academic dishonesty are discovered. Honesty is primarily the responsibility of each student. The College considers cheating to be a voluntary act for which there may be reason, but for which there is no acceptable excuse

Board Policy 3540: Sexual Misconduct, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, and Stalking

  • Mt. San Antonio College is committed to creating and maintaining an environment that promotes safety and mutual respect of all members of the campus community. The College prohibits Sexual Misconduct of any kind, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, and Stalking.  Such misconduct violates College policy and may also violate state or federal law.

Please visit for a complete list of Mt. SAC's Board Policies and Administrative Procedures.