
Aspire Offers Weekly Mental Health Checks

Vibe Check with Tim

February 26, 2021 - 05:00 PM

Handsj oined in middleNumerous studies have been released showing that student mental well-being is suffering during the pandemic and is reaching crisis levels.

The Umoja Aspire Program has been working  with the Mt. SAC Health Services department to address the mental health needs of the Black students at Mt. San Antonio College. Therapist Timothy Leslie, MFT, meets with Umoja Aspire students weekly to “listen, and discuss the everyday struggles of our Black students,” said Aspire Director Clarence Banks

Tim Leslie“Calling them “Vibe checks” Leslie says they are designed to fulfill the need for people that want to connect in a small group format,”  “A few reasons I’m hosting this group is because representation is important,”said Leslie “The more students are able to see staff that look like them, the better. I think it helps them to feel like they belong in these academic spaces.


Leslie is a  Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist that has worked in a variety of settings throughout his career.

Aspire graduation 2017The other reason, “continued Leslie.” is that this group is designed to help foster the sense of community that Aspire strives for. Everyone has needs for different types of connection. We are here to listen. We are here to work with you. We are here to help,” concluded Banks.

  • Aspire encourages all Black students to join them for the Vibe Check at 10 AM Thursdays on Zoom: Meeting I D : 9 4 2 7 9 5 6 4 5 0 9 password : 3 4 0 7 3 8

Students interested in applying to the Umoja Aspire Program should visit the Aspire website.