HT 14
Advanced Histotechniques
- Students will be able to prepare a resume and cover letter for employment.
- Students will be able to discuss types of microscopes used in histology and compare and contrast the functions.
- Students will be able to describe and demonstrate methods of cytology preparation and staining.
- Students will be able to discuss standard protocols involving microwaving.
- Students will be able to evaluate microtomy and staining results.
- Students will be able to describe and practice microtomy of frozen sections.
- Students will be able to demonstrate and describe decalcification, microtomy, and staining for bone.
- Students will be able to demonstrate and describe special staining protocols for cytoplasmic granules, minerals, and pigments.
- Students will be able to demonstrate and describe special staining protocols for carbohydrates, amyloid, connective tissues, muscle, and nervous tissues.
- Students will be able to demonstrate the operation and maintenance of general types of histological equipment and trouble-shoot equipment problems.
- Students will be able to cut 7 blocks with 28 acceptable sections for H&E staining in a 1 hour period.
HT 12
Beginning Histotechniques
- Students will be able to describe and perform tissue processing, including dehydration, clearing, and infiltration.
- Students will be able to identify the purpose, ingredients, function, and action of histological fixatives and the criteria for choosing the appropriate fixative.
- Students will be able to determine acceptable H&E tissue sections.
- Students will be able to dismantle and reassemble the knife holder and specimen holder on a rotary microtome.
- Students will be able to discuss and demonstrate the ability to perform the maintenance and quality control of equipment used in a histotechnology lab, including tissue processors, embedding centers, microtomes, flotation baths, and ovens
- Students will be able to analyze and troubleshoot H&E and microorganism staining procedures.
- Students will be able to perform coverslipping procedures correctly and efficiently.
- Students will be able to demonstrate the ability to perform hematoxylin and eosin staining and microorganism staining of routine paraffin embedded tissue sections.
- Students will be able to identify the purpose, principle, reagents, function, and action of histological stains for routine H&E staining and selected microorganism staining and the criteria for choosing the appropriate control tissue.
- Compare and contrast various hematoxylin stains.
- Students will be able to demonstrate the ability to cut acceptable sections while performing routine microtomy of paraffin embedded tissue.
- Students will be able to demonstrate proper orientation and embedding of tissue specimens in paraffin.
Chemistry for Allied Health Majors
- Perform calculations, set up and solve problems using conversion factors
- Perform calculations, set up and solve problems using conversion factors.
General Chemistry I
- Chem 50 students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of solution chemistry such as:
a. calculating molarity
b. making dilutions
c. performing stoichiometric calculations.
- Chem 50 students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of stoichiometric principles, such as:
a. Mole-to-mole conversions
b. Mole-to-mass conversions
c. Mass-to-mass conversions
d. Identifying limiting reactant
e. Calculating the theoretical yield
f. Calculating the amount of excess reactant
HT 16
- Students will be able to perform and evaluate manual enzyme histochemistry.
- Students will be able to identify antibodies: types, structure, their role in the immune process and how they relate to immunohistochemical staining.
- Students will be able to evaluate various enzyme histochemical methodologies.
- Students will be able to review the histology and pathology of muscle.
- Students will be able to practice various commonly used immunohistochemical staining methods, and evaluate the quality of the staining.
- Students will be able to discuss flow cytometry.
- Students will be able to discuss in situ hybridization.
- Students will be able to solve common problems encountered in immunohistochemical staining.
- Students will be able to use of controls and apply the appropriate usage.
- Students will be able to practice various commonly used immunohistochemical staining methods, and evaluate the quality of the staining.
- Students will be able to compare and contrast methods of immunohistochemical staining and identify the hazards involved.
HT 10
- Students will recognize the microanatomy of the basic tissue and organ system tissue types.
- Students will be able to distinguish between four primary tissue types: epithelium, connective tissue, muscle, and nervous tissue.
- Students will be able to describe cellular components, division and differentiation, stem cells, and levels of maturity of various cell types.
- Students will be able to demonstrate proper use and maintenance of the compound microscope.
- Students will be able to compare and contrast different types of normal epithelium with epithelia displaying pathological conditions.
- Students will be able to compare and contrast normal skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscle types with muscle tissues displaying pathological conditions.
- Students will be able to compare and contrast different types of normal connective tissue (including connective tissue proper, cartilage, bone, and blood) with connective tissue displaying pathological conditions.
- Students will be able to identify organs within each organ system and describe the normal and pathological histology of these organs.
- Students will be able to identify normal nervous tissue and describe pathological conditions.
Human Anatomy
- Students will be able to master the anatomy of the Human Skeletal System including names of bones, whether a paired bone is from the left or right side of the body, and diagnostic features of bones.
- Students will be able to master muscle anatomy and give the name location, origin and insertion of muscles.
- Students will be able to demonstrate accurate dissection technique and identification of important muscles, viscera, blood vessels and nerves in the cat, and structures of the sheep brain, eye and heart.
- Students will be able to identify bone markings and their normal variations on human specimens.
- Students will be able to sequence pathways of movement and flow in such organ systems as circulatory, nervous, reproductive, digestive and respiratory systems.
- Students will be able to review the organization of each organ system and describe and define its components.
- Students will be able to locate and describe the major organs of the mammalian body.
- Students will be able to describe the structure of organs at the histological level.
- Students will be able to recognize and describe the fundamental classes of tissues and distinguish between tissue types within each class.
Human Physiology
- Determine the number of ATP produced in the complete aerobic respiration of either a triglyceride, a simple sugar, or any combination thereof.
- Collect and analyze ECG data.
HT 1
Introduction to Histotechnology
- Students will be informed of the courses required for the Histotechnician training program.
- Students will set up an employment portfolio for use throughout the program
- Students will be able to describe regulatory and accrediting agencies that set standards for histotechnology laboratories.
- Students will be able to use the internet to locate histotechnology journals, newsletters, conferences, and support resources to be used in subsequent courses and future careers.
- Students will be able to identify the role of the histotechnician in tissue sample preparation in clinical, research, veterinary, and other histology laboratories.
- Students will be able to list the equipment and reagents needed to process routine tissue specimens.
- Students will be able to identify the steps in tissue processing that all tissue specimens undergo from arrival in the laboratory to the completed report.
- Students will be able to develop an educational plan (with assistance from counseling faculty) to complete the program and prepare a portfolio to record program progress and skills acquired.
- Students will be able to describe the essential functions necessary for admission and participation in the Histologic Technician Training Program.
- Students will be able to identify program admission requirements, essential functions, course requirements, clinical work experience, program policies and procedures, and certification.
Introductory Human Physiology
- Compare and contrast normal physiology and pathophysiology observed in specific disease states.
- Demonstrate the ability to describe key interactions between organ systems including acid/base regulation, fluid balance, and metabolic regulation.
- Explain the mechanisms of cellular, cardiopulmonary, neuromuscular, sensory, digestive, renal, and reproductive physiology, and the regulation of these mechanisms.
- Evaluate case studies by applying physiological principles on a molecular, cellular, organ, and systems level.
- Predict the outcome of laboratory exercises according to concepts, principles, and laws discussed in the course.
- Acquire laboratory-generated data and perform statistical analyses within the framework of the scientific method.
- Perform aseptic transfer techniques and interpretations of laboratory results.
- Demonstrate how to properly use the compound light microscope, as well as know its parts, their functions, how to safely transport and clean it.
- Analyze, using student’s own experimental design, effective hand washing.
- Demonstrate safe handling and proper hazardous waste disposal procedures for microorganisms and chemicals used.
- Perform basic microbiology lab procedures using appropriate PPE required for this laboratory course.
- Diagnose specific diseases on the basis of symptoms and laboratory test results.
- Explain the dynamics of host-parasite interaction.
- Explain the basic features of every group of microorganisms.
- Apply physical and chemical methods of controlling microorganisms.
- Describe the physiology and genetic processes of microorganisms.
Principles of Microbiology
- Students will evaluate the role of culture methods and selective and differential culture media in identifying microorganisms
- Students will be able to observe bacterial transformation by plasmid DNA and describe an acquired phenotypic trait of the transformed cells.
- Students will be able to perform a molecular separation technique (gel electrophoresis) and identify a DNA source using DNA fingerprinting.
- Students will be able to describe and accurately draw various microbes based on microscopic observations.
- Students will be able to perform quantitative plating and turbidity measures to determine the number of bacteria present in a culture sample.
- Students will be able to evaluate the level of contamination in water, milk, specific food products.
- Students will be able to evaluate physical, chemical and chemotherapeutic agents.
- Students will be able to identify an unknown bacterial organism based on results of lab procedures performed and through a miniaturized multitest system; compare findings of these two methods.
- Students will be able to prepare smears, perform staining procedures and record microscopic observations.
- Students will be able to demonstrate aseptic technique and safe handling of microbial cultures
- Students will be able to identify the fundamental concepts of immunity, immunization, immune deficiencies and immunological testing.
- Students will be able to describe the course of infectious diseases, including the interactions with host defenses.
- Students will be able to evaluate the best method to control microbes in various settings (chemical, physical or chemotherapeutic agents).
- Students will be able to draw standard growth curves for bacterial cultures and explain factors affecting bacterial growth.
- Students will be able to describe the structures/functions of external and internal components of both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
- Students will be able to outline the general characteristics of viruses, prions, and viroids.
- Students will be able to contrast the metabolic processes of fermentation and aerobic metabolism, noting cycles involved, energy production and end products.
- Students will be able to describe the role of genes, chromosomes, mutations and human manipulation in heredity of prokaryotic cells.
- Students will be able to Describe characteristics of selected pathogens, and the diseases caused by each.
HT 2
Scientific Basics for Histotechnicians
- Students will be able to perform calculations involved in the preparation of histologic reagents.
- Students will be able to define and apply scientific terms commonly encountered by a histotechnician.
- Students will be able to describe federal and state safety regulations and regulating bodies as they pertain to the handling of chemicals and biological materials.
- Students will be able to describe quality control and quality assurance procedures, and identify the role of agencies that set QC standards.
- Students will be able to explain the scientific method and apply it to histotechnology.
- Students will be able to demonstrate safe techniques in the mixing of chemicals.
- Students will be able to discuss the histotechnician's interaction with ancillary departments.
- Students will be able to illustrate the use of record keeping procedures in the histotechnology laboratory.
- Students will be able to discuss ethical standards as they apply to a histotechnology laboratory.
HT 17
Work Experience in Histotechnology
- Students will be able to develop a record of the types of tissue samples prepared and the number prepared each day.
- Students will be able to evaluate accomplishment of learning objectives and effectiveness of the work site and program through portfolio updates.
- Clinical Work Experience Students will rate the work habits of their students as above average.
- Clinical Work Experience Students will rate the technical skills of their students as above average.
- Students will be able to apply skills learned in the classroom under actual work conditions.
- Students will be able to demonstrate correct operation of equipment.
- Students will be able to use available reference material with permission to verify and update information.
- Students will be able to recognize the role played by each professional in the laboratory, and work cooperatively as a team.
- Students will be able to produce realistic learning objectives and work schedules.
- Students will be able to follow good laboratory and safety protocols.
- Demonstrate good work habits by being punctual and prepared to work each day.
- Students will be able to interview at a work site and present oneself professionally.