
English Program

Student Learning Outcomes

The practice of assessing student learning to determine the effectiveness of curricular design and pedagogy is referred to as “Student Learning Outcomes.” In this process, departments and instructors assess “what students know, think, feel or do as a result of a given learning experience." The specific Student Learning Outcomes identified below are not comprehensive expectancies of student skill and knowledge required by the individual course outlines, and the regular assessment of learning outcomes is not intended to evaluate individual students or faculty. Instead, the “use of assessment [data] stimulates discussion and directs activities that can improve instructional delivery, curricula, programs, and/or services” (Adapted from “Outcomes Assessment Committee, Mt. SAC”).

Four principles guide the SLO assessment process:

  1. Improve teaching and learning at the course, degree, and certificate level through intentional dialogue amongst practitioners
  2. Create a collaborative, dynamic, and continuous process that engages faculty, students, and personnel to improve student success throughout the entire institution
  3. Utilize assessment to improve from within while providing usable data that demonstrates this improvement to our community
  4. Balance the assessment process between a meaningful and thoughtful practice and the needs of external compliance (Adapted from “Outcomes Assessment Committee, Mt. SAC”)

Select SLOs do not reflect the full range of learning outcomes within the course outlines, nor does student proficiency in one or both of the SLOs guarantee a passing grade in the course. The use of Student Learning Outcomes is not intended to evaluate individual students or faculty. 

English 1A/1AH
SLO 1: Students will write an essay in which they synthesize information from multiple texts.
SLO 2: Students will apply MLA format for citing and documenting sources.
English 1B/1BH/ All Literature
SLO 1: Students will write a literary analysis.
SLO 2/GEO: Students completing an assignment in Humanities Area C will be able to identify the influence of culture on human expression.
English 1C/1CH
SLO 1: In conversation with multiple texts, whether assigned by the instructors or chosen by the student, students will write a formal argument.
SLO 2: Students will evaluate the soundness of arguments.
English 68
SLO 1: In response to one or more assigned texts, students will write a short expository essay.
SLO 2: Students will punctuate a variety of sentence types
English 67
SLO 1: In response to one assigned text, students will write a unified paragraph.
SLO 2: Students will summarize short expository and literary texts.
SLO 3: Students will write logical sentences.