
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Social Justice, and Anti-Racism (DEISA) Commitment Statement

In solidarity with our students of color, the Mt. SAC English, Literature, and Creative Writing Department recognizes and is committed to ensuring that our department continues to encourage and support equity, inclusion, diversity, social justice, and anti-racism. These efforts are a hallmark of creating more equitable learning environments and a more just world. 

We acknowledge and oppose the historical and structural barriers to equity in society and education: the legacies of white supremacy, slavery, colonialism, and other forms of racial violence and injustice. We oppose racism and racist ideologies. We also recognize that college curriculum, including our own, have often sidelined and obstructed the narratives and experiences of Black, Latinx, indigenous, and all people of color. 

Going forward, we vow to intensify our efforts in the community college to be inclusive, diverse, and reflective of our students’ realities.  Regardless of race, class, gender, sexuality, religious affiliation, political perspective, or ability, we vow to create supportive and nurturing spaces for all students. Within our department and programs, we are committed to lasting change to achieve racial and social equity. Therefore,

we support our DREAMers and all Latinx students in their educational goals;

we defend our Asian American students against all anti-Asian hate;

we stand in solidarity with our Muslim students in the fight against Islamophobia;

we honor and respect all Indigenous Peoples as the traditional stewards of this land and the enduring relationship that exists between Indigenous Peoples and their traditional territories.  We pledge to raise awareness about the suppressed histories of Native peoples;

we affirm that Black lives matter.

We commit to taking the following actions in the interest of promoting more equitable and just learning environments for all students: 

  1. We will infuse our teaching with empathy, compassion, understanding, and radical hope. 
  2. We will develop social justice curriculum devoted to racial equity and the dismantling of white supremacy. 
  3. We will continue to discuss and develop best practices for anti-racist teaching with the hope that these practices will close equity gaps and promote success for students of color. 
  4. We will continuously self-reflect on our own teaching practices in order to ensure that our values, actions, and practices reflect anti-racist teaching. 
  5. We will review our current course curriculum to ensure that all courses reflect anti-racist values. 
  6. We will review equity data across the department and individually in order to monitor our progress towards the goal of closing equity gaps.



Featured Events
  • student writing in book

    English, Literature, 

      • About

        The English program at Mt. San Antonio College hosts a wide range of courses in English composition, including courses in developmental composition and grammar, college-level transferable composition, and honors courses. These courses serve the needs of transfer students, students seeking AA degrees and specialized certificates, and members of the community at-large.

        The department, in particular, provides a substantial undergraduate curriculum and faculty support in the creative writing and journalism programs. In each of our courses, faculty seek to promote critical and creative thinking, providing students with the skills necessary to thrive in their academic pursuits, in the workplace, and in their personal development.

      • English, AA-T degree
      • Course Outline 

        English 1A

        English 1C

  • student writing

    and Creative Writing

      • About

        The English Department offers a comprehensive, two-year program in creative writing, which includes classes in poetry, fiction, memoir, journaling, and creative non-fiction. Participating members of the faculty within the program publish their own work across a wide variety of media.

        The program and the department also host the student Creative Writing Club, the literary journal Creepy Gnome, "Writers Day Contest & Festival,” and an annual writing conference, “Writers’ Weekend.”

        During each spring semester, the Creative Writing Program hosts its annual creative writing conference, “Writers Weekend.” Registrants work one-on-one with professional writers, poets, editors, publishers, and professors from the program. All levels of writers can participate in the weekend program.

        For more information about events, please contact Professor John Brantingham at

      • Course Offerings
      • Writing Teachers Write

        The Mt. SAC English Department not only teaches thousands of students each semester, but many of the faculty publish work often. From poetry to flash fiction to critical essays, the English Department is home to some of Southern California's best writers. Please, take a look at some of the wonderful work being done by our faculty!

        Writing Teachers Write

Our Professors

  • Michelle Nava
    Department Chair
English, Literature, and Creative Writing Department

8:30 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.
Building 26D-1471A
(909) 274-4621
Michelle Nava