
Dual Enrollment

Dual Enrollment provides high school students the opportunity to take college level courses at their high school campus. Some of the benefits of participating in the Dual Enrollment program include:

  • Accumulate college credits 
  • Textbook rentals
  • Access to Mt. SAC resources and services
  • Explore different careers, majors and interests
  • Get exposed to college expectations
  • Strengthen your transcripts and academic performance
  • Graduate college on time or even early
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Dual Enrollment Steps

For students who currently have an IEP/504 plan and may need accommodations, they must apply to the Accessibility Resource Center for Students Program (ACCESS). Accommodations CANNOT fundamentally change academic requirements for courses or assignments.  

    • 1Step 1: Online Mt. SAC application

      Complete your Mt. SAC online application: APPLY HERE

      New and Returning applicants must apply to Mt. San Antonio College each term through CCCApply. You should receive your student ID number and username in an email within 2 weeks (the first time you apply).

      If you have not received the email, please contact Admissions and Records at (909) 274-4415. 

    • 2Step 2: Claim your Mt. SAC Account 

      Claim your Mt. SAC Account:

      If this is your first time applying to Mt. SAC, make sure that you Claim your account.

      You only need to claim your account once. If you previously claimed your account you will skip step 2. 

      How to Claim your Account: Refer to your “Welcome to Mt. San Antonio College”
      email and find your Banner ID number ex. A01768659 and username ex. jmountaineer.

      • Getting started: Go to Mt. SAC portal
      • Click 1st Time Users (Claim Account)
      • New students must do this before they can enter a username and a
      • Click “New Student” and input your User Name. You will be asked to input your
        • Email address (the one you used to apply)
        • Date of birth
        • Educational goal
        • Term you applied for
        • Marital status
        • High school attended
        • Last 4 digits of social security number
          (If you don’t know, or don’t have a Social Security Number put down “0000”)
          Click Submit and you will be given a “Claim Code”
        • You will be routed to login with your username and  by using  the “claim code” as your password . Once logged in you will need to change the claim code to a permanent password. 

      NOTE: You must login at least once every 30 days or else your account will be deactivated. If it
      becomes deactivated, call the Mt. SAC Help Desk. If you have any trouble logging in with your
      username and password please call the IT help desk at 909.274.4357


    • 3Step 3: Dual Enrollment Parent/Guardian Consent Form

      Complete the following Dual Enrollment Parent/Guardian Consent Form :

      Updated (4/9/2024) - Mt. SAC Dual Enrollment Parent/Guardian Consent Form

      ***Make sure you have completed your CCCApply application and have claimed your account before completing the Dual Enrollment form. Students that have not applied to the college or have not claimed their account will not be able to submit the form. ***

      To complete the Dual Enrollment Consent Form with your parents you will need a personal email address, your CCC Apply Confirmation number, your parents personal email address and know the course you will be taking the term you are completing the packet for.

      If you need assistance with completing this form, follow the instructions on our "How to" video. *Note: Login screen in video may vary.

    • 4Step 4:  Accessing your student email account

      Claim your student email address:

      As a Mt. SAC student, you will also be assigned a student email address where the Dual Enrollment staff and your instructor(s) will communicate important information to you.

      Activate and set up your Mt. SAC student email by following these steps: 

      Don't forget to check your email regularly so that you're up to date!

    • 5Step 5: Assessment Questionnaire (AQ)

      Take the Assessment Questionnaire (AQ):

      *You only need to take the Assessment Questionnaire once.

      If you are planning to to take a class that requires a prerequisite or English/Math eligibility, please complete your Assessment Questionnaire.  Please note the AQ is not required for all classes. 

      If you are uncertain if your course requires math and/or english eligibility you're able to check each course on the  Mt. SAC Catalog

      Here is a list of current courses that need to take the Assessment Questionnaire (AQ). Please keep in mind that the list is frequently changing based on the courses that are offered at your high school. We strive to keep this page updated but in the event that you have a question regarding a specific CRN please email us

      SOC 110, SOC 20, SOC 150, ASTR5, POLI1, ENGL1A, LIT 3, SPCH1A, ANTH5, HIST36,

      MATH110, MATH 150, MATH 160, MATH130, HIST 7

      Access the Assessment Questionnaire on the Mt. SAC Portal (requires login). Once logged in, navigate to the student tab under the registration checklist (left side). You will locate the AQ hyperlink there. 



    • 6Step 6: Student/Guardian Orientation


      We encourage all prospective students and guardians to watch our Student/Guardian orientation. We review important information regarding drop deadlines, FERPA laws, student responsibilities and Mt. SAC resources available to our Dual Enrollment students. Please follow the link below to watch our Student/Guardian Dual Enrollment Orientation. 


    • 7Step 7: Registration

      REGISTRATION: Students will be emailed  once registration opens for the Dual Enrollment Program. Students are eligible to register once they have completed the Dual Enrollment application process.

      STEP 1: Log on to Mt. SAC Portal by entering your assigned Mt. SAC username and password.

      STEP 2: Click on the student tab

      STEP 3: Navigate yourself to the Student Self Service area. Under the Registration section you will be able to locate #4. Register (add or drop) Classes.

      STEP 4: Select the term you are attempting to register for and select submit. 

      STEP 5: To add the course enter the CRN number ##### and click Submit Changes. 

      If the course is full please add yourself to the waitlist. 


    • 8Step 8: Accessing Canvas (after registration)


      You will be able to access Canvas after claiming your Mt. SAC portal account. However, you will not have access to your course on the dashboard until your instructor has published the course. The instructor typically launches the course days before the course start date. Please confirm that you are successfully enrolled in the course before reaching out to the instructor about your course not displaying on the Canvas dashboard. 

      To access Canvas, follow the steps below:

      • Login to Mt. SAC portal
      • Select the "Canvas" tab (4th option)
      • Select "Log into Mt. SAC Canvas"
      • Once logged in, explore your dashboard and course(s)

      We encourage you to explore the Mt. SAC Mountie Student Hub. Here you can locate the "Using Canvas" hyperlink where you can learn how to navigate Canvas, submit assignments, adjust profile settings, and use integrated software. 

      Mt. SAC Mountie Student Hub (

On-Campus Resources for Dual Enrollment Students
Mountie MakerSpace
A MakerSpace is a physical location where people gather to share resources and knowledge, work on projects, share ideas, and build; like a community center with tools. Students may use the Mountie MakerSpace as a benefit of their normal Mt. SAC fees and tuition. Faculty and staff may also sign up for free. Community members must sign up through Community Education before becoming a Mountie MakerSpace member.
A group of friends gather in front of building 6
The Mt. San Antonio College Library supports student success through knowledgeable and effective instruction and service to students, faculty, and staff by educating them to use appropriate resources and technologies for teaching and learning and by providing access to a comprehensive collection that supports the College’s curricula and that serves the needs of our diverse college community.
A photo of a study group in the library
Writing Center
The Writing  Center is dedicated to helping Mt. SAC students across the curriculum improve their writing and critical thinking skills. We believe that our role is not to "fix" students' writing or guarantee a particular grade, but to guide them through a process of growth and development as writers. We believe that every writer needs a non-evaluating reader and that one-on-one, collaborative instruction is highly effective in meeting the unique challenges academic writing poses. 
Title Name: Email
Director Marlyn Holt 
Administrative Specialist Allyson Stone 
Project Program Specialist  Gladys Cruz 
Project Program Specialist  Heather Pernot
Project Program Specialist  Armando Gastelum
Project Expert Breanna Estrada 




Dual Enrollment 

8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M.
Building 6 Rooms 136
(909) 274-4403