
CCC Online Course Exchange for Studentsconfused student

  • Are you having trouble finding courses you need when you need them?
  • Are you having trouble enrolling in that ONE necessary prerequisite class, semester after semester?
  • Would completing that ONE required class help you to speed up your ability to graduate or transfer?

If you answered "YES!" to any of the above questions, then you might want to check out the online courses through the CCC Online Course Exchange!

CCC Online Course Exchange Banner

What is the CCC Online Course Exchange?

It's basically an online system that allows you to take online courses at OTHER participating California community colleges, while being a student at Mt. SAC. Sounds awesome right? Read more...

 Some quick answers to some common questions...

    • How do I know if I am eligible?
      Excellent question!

      Depending on your home college, here are the students who are not eligible (list from CCC online web page) <--- cant find link (link isn't there)

      Other Requirements 

      Here are some of the Online Course Exchange requirements:

      • You must have completed your college assessment tests and have an electronic education plan on file with your counselor at your home college
      • You must be enrolled in at least ONE course at your home college in order to enroll in the Exchange courses
      • You may only enroll in a maximum of TWO courses in the Exchange per semester

      Additional questions? Check out the OEI Course Exchange FAQ!

    • Will I be eligible for financial aid?
      Another fantastic question!

      Colleges participating in the Exchange Consortium have agreed to a Federal Financial Aid consortium agreement. Under agreement the Home College will be responsibility for the distribution of Financial Aid awards for Exchange students.

      If you are eligible for federal Financial Aid at your Home College, you may be able to have your Teaching College units and Home College units combined counted towards your maximum financial aid award.  To get further details, contact your Home College Financial Aid office and ask about the Course Exchange Financial Aid Consortium Agreement.

    • How do I get started?
      Here's how to get started!
      1. Check the list of online courses that may be available to you when you have exhausted the available courses at your college: List of Initial Exchange Courses. The current list is also available on the OEI Course Exchange webpage.
      2. When you find the class you need, make a note about the title of the course and where it's offered.
      3. Register for as many of the courses you need at your home college first. You must be enrolled in a minimum of 1 class at your home college in order to qualify for the Exchange.
      4. CCC Online Course Exchange Entry Button ExampleLook for the Course Exchange Link on the screen when you receive confirmation that you have successfully registered at your home college.

  • Mt. SAC as the Home College
      • Financial Aid

        Panel 1.

        • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
        • Ut gravida tortor sit amet felis consectetur, sit amet gravida purus congue. 
        • Proin dictum leo at hendrerit laoreet.
        • Quisque porta sem quis suscipit dictum.
        • Curabitur a leo sed nunc porta convallis.
        • Proin a eros et felis scelerisque tincidunt.
        • Vivamus non ante ornare urna tincidunt pellentesque vitae at orci.
      • Transcript Policy

        Panel 2.

        • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
        • Ut gravida tortor sit amet felis consectetur, sit amet gravida purus congue. 
        • Proin dictum leo at hendrerit laoreet.
        • Quisque porta sem quis suscipit dictum.
        • Curabitur a leo sed nunc porta convallis.
        • Proin a eros et felis scelerisque tincidunt.
        • Vivamus non ante ornare urna tincidunt pellentesque vitae at orci.
      • Disability Accomodations

        Panel 3.

        • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
        • Ut gravida tortor sit amet felis consectetur, sit amet gravida purus congue. 
        • Proin dictum leo at hendrerit laoreet.
        • Quisque porta sem quis suscipit dictum.
        • Curabitur a leo sed nunc porta convallis.
        • Proin a eros et felis scelerisque tincidunt.
        • Vivamus non ante ornare urna tincidunt pellentesque vitae at orci.
  •  Mt. SAC as the Teaching College
      • Financial Aid

        Panel 1.

        • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
        • Ut gravida tortor sit amet felis consectetur, sit amet gravida purus congue. 
        • Proin dictum leo at hendrerit laoreet.
        • Quisque porta sem quis suscipit dictum.
        • Curabitur a leo sed nunc porta convallis.
        • Proin a eros et felis scelerisque tincidunt.
        • Vivamus non ante ornare urna tincidunt pellentesque vitae at orci.
      • Transcript Policy

        Panel 2.

        • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
        • Ut gravida tortor sit amet felis consectetur, sit amet gravida purus congue. 
        • Proin dictum leo at hendrerit laoreet.
        • Quisque porta sem quis suscipit dictum.
        • Curabitur a leo sed nunc porta convallis.
        • Proin a eros et felis scelerisque tincidunt.
        • Vivamus non ante ornare urna tincidunt pellentesque vitae at orci.
      • Disability Accomodations

        Panel 3.

        • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
        • Ut gravida tortor sit amet felis consectetur, sit amet gravida purus congue. 
        • Proin dictum leo at hendrerit laoreet.
        • Quisque porta sem quis suscipit dictum.
        • Curabitur a leo sed nunc porta convallis.
        • Proin a eros et felis scelerisque tincidunt.
        • Vivamus non ante ornare urna tincidunt pellentesque vitae at orci.