CCC Online Course Exchange for Students
Are you having trouble finding courses you need when you need them?
Are you having trouble enrolling in that ONE necessary prerequisite class, semester after semester?
Would completing that ONE required class help you to speed up your ability to graduate or transfer?
If you answered "YES!" to any of the above questions, then you might want to check out the online courses through the CCC Online Course Exchange!
What is the CCC Online Course Exchange?
It's basically an online system that allows you to take online courses at OTHER participating California community colleges, while being a student at Mt. SAC. Sounds awesome right? Read more...
Some quick answers to some common questions...
<put some words here (maybe a graphic also) explaining the info below>
Mt. SAC as the Home College
This information is for current Mt. SAC students that are participating in the Online Course Exchange and taking a course through another college. In this instance, Mt. SAC is your home college.
Mt. SAC as the Teaching College
This information is for students that are participating in the Online Course Exchange and taking a course through Mt. SAC, where Mt. SAC is NOT your home college. In this instance Mt. SAC is your teaching college.
For more information about the Online Course Exchange at Mt. SAC please visit: <website? email? phone number?>