Parent Involvement
Classroom Participation
Verification of a negative tuberculosis (TB) test is required before you begin participation hours. This is available at the campus Health Center for a nominal fee OR most community health clinics offer this test without charge.
The first visit will allow you to observe and familiarize yourself with the classroom.
We encourage parents with special interests or talents to share these with the children, i.e., musical instruments, cooking, reading stories, puppet shows, etc. Parents can sign-up at the classroom week-to-week or month-to-month. Once signed up, your child’s teacher will be counting on you to keep your appointed time since your chosen participation is a special event to the children.
Parent Conferences
The best to create an effective, warm, and supportive environment for children and families is for staff and parents to share their cares and concerns. We encourage this exchange in support of the children’s optimal growth. Parent/teacher conferences are scheduled throughout each semester; however, we hope that you will talk with your child’s teacher on a regular basis or request a conference anytime you have a concern or would like to share pertinent information.
The Center welcomes the input of parents. Parents are an invaluable resource to the continued growth and success of the program. Committees provide an avenue for teachers, parents and administration to openly communicate wishes, ideas, and strategies together. Meetings are facilitated by Lead Teachers and/ or the Center Director.
Parent Advisory Committee
This committee is composed of parents, children’s teachers, aides, and representatives of community service agencies. It provides input into the operation and evaluation of the Child Development Center Program.
Parent Education
In our commitment to valuing children and families, the Child Development Center encourages all parents to become involved in a minimum of 2 hours each semester of parent education classes or workshops. Campus and community programs also offer parent education classes:
- Parent Education classes offered by the Community Education Department, EOP&S/Care Program, Child Development Center Staff and Faculty
- Parent Education programs offered by a local School District
- Parent Support Group meetings sponsored by the Child Development Center