ASAC Mt. SAC, Your One Stop Shop for Success: Computer Lab. Multiple-subject Tutoring (in-Person and Online), Computer Lab (136 Macs  and PCs), Student Canvas Support, Student Achievement Workshops, Quiet, Comfortable, Accessible Space to Study
ASAC Mt. SAC, Your One Stop Shop for Success: Computer Lab. Multiple-subject Tutoring (in-Person and Online), Computer Lab (136 Macs  and PCs), Student Canvas Support, Student Achievement Workshops, Quiet, Comfortable, Accessible Space to Study
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ASAC Computer Lab

The Lab has 136 computers (PCs and MACs), an additional 19 stations available for studying and personal laptops, technical assistance, and WEPA printing. ASAC Computer Lab staff offers Drop In Office hours between 8 am-8 pm Monday-Thursday. 
Online assistance is available upon request via Zoom or call us at 909-274-5666.

Featured Events

Canvasadors can answer any Canvas related questions:

Student Technology Support

This sections provides information to assist Mt SAC students with their online success:

Resources for Faculty

Instructional classroom availability: 6-122 is an instructional classroom with 35 computer stations, Bright Link projector, and one instructor station. If you need a space to hold class session(s) or are interested in reserving the room for the term, please contact Robin Cash ( to make the reservation.
The open lab space (150 PCs and MACs) is also available for class use or for office hours. Please contact Robin Cash ( to make the reservation.


ASAC Computer Lab Staff

Name Title Office Location Office Hours Email Phone
Robin Cash Coordinator Room 06-121A 7 am - 530 pm (909) 274 - 6601
Frederick Byaleero Lab Assistant Room 06-121B Office Hours (909) 274 - 4303
Richard Afdahl Lab Assistant Room 06-121B Office Hours (909) 274 - 6318
ASAC Computer Lab

8 am - 8 pm
Building 06
(909) 274-5666