Ashley Orozco
She is a business major with limited experience. Ashley believed the competition would be a good way to gain some experience and insight. She was encouraged to do the competition by Jonathan Lewin, her business pitch partner. Ashley believed her partnership led to a stronger pitch than if she had done the competition on her own.
"...I really enjoyed participating in the Tri-College Student Pitch Competition. Going into it I was a little nervous since it was my first time participating in a competition of this nature, but I'm glad I did."
Ashley and Jonathan presented their business idea called The Good Study. Their idea was inspired to create a place where students would have a secure place to study especially if they don't have access to that at home or struggle to find one anywhere else. It would also be constructed with all recent events taken into mind such as the pandemic which halted many students studies, and be able to function if another event similar to the pandemic were to occur.