
NUANCE Syllabus and Outline

Semester:  Fall 2023
Leaders:  Elizabeth Hernandez, M.Ed., and Heather Ponce, MS, CCC-SLP
Schedule:  Fridays 11-12:30 PM        
Class Location:  Building 9E Room 1060              
Phone:  (909) 274-6484 (Liz’s office), and (909) 274-6332 (Heather’s office)
Office Hours:  By appointment                                                   
Advisory Pre-Requisite: Interview with instructors
Required: 3-ring binder specifically for this class materials, pencil, and paper for notes.

Grading:  The NUANCE (Puzzle Project) is offered as a series of weekly workshops. The NUANCE is ungraded, but ability to continue within the class will be contingent on: enrolled in one or more academic credit classes, performance, growth, participation with mentors, and class participation. Parent communication is required for carryover of skills learned within the NUANCE.

Mission Statement:  The improvement of: social language, social interaction and its appropriate use; executive function including initiation, planning, organization and execution; and self-regulation and control of appropriate and inappropriate behaviors in order to facilitate positive educational outcomes such as passing credit classes, earning certificates, two-year degrees or transferring to four year institutions.

NUANCE Concept:  The NUANCE is a series of 14 individual sessions for motivated young adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). These are designed to assist with academic and social skill preparation for success in a college setting.


Attendance: On time attendance for any workshop is important. The NUANCE will meet once weekly on Fridays for 14 weeks from 11-12:30 PM, excluding holidays.

Twice weekly with peer mentors: Students are required to meet twice weekly on a consistent, agreed schedule with their mentors outside of the class session. Sessions will consist of academic and social practice on specific goals set with the leaders. The mentors are not personal tutors.

Pre and Post-tests:  We may be giving some surprise quizzes during the semester.  These will not be graded.  These provide feedback for topics we are working on in NUANCE. Each student must identify a goal to address for the semester related to the NUANCE.

Role Playing: The NUANCE will include many opportunities for practice of skills learned in the class. Students may role play with other students, peer mentors or Instructors.

Class Rule: Set all electronic devices to be set to vibrate or off and related headsets removed. Unauthorized use during class can result in forfeit of the device and/or your removal from the classroom.

Required practice: Students may use phone, email, and other communication to practice learned techniques from the workshops.

Class Outline (subject to change!)

1 - Introduction and review of syllabus, class outline, and expectations.
Release of Information, parent/student contract, and Pre-test (TASSK)
2 - Academic and vocational counseling
3 - Mental Health Clinician, stress management, and self-care/hygiene
4 - Finding a Source of Friends
5 - Trading Information and Maintaining Conversations
6 - Electronic Communication (grade update form)
7 - Entering Group Conversations
8 - Exiting Conversations
9 - Get Togethers
10 - Appropriate Use of Humor
11 - Handling Disagreements
12 - Handling Direct/Indirect bullying
14 - Interpersonal Relationships; Dating
15 - Post Test TASSK, goal surveys Peer and student (Party!)


Winter intersession 2024 info sessions will be held in January or February 2024 (dates to come)