
Creating A Vision Resource Account

The Vision Resource Center is a new portal dedicated to providing the exceptional support needed to meet the goals and commitments of the Vision for Success through the Guided Pathways framework.

This is the redesigned portal for California Community College professional development supporting the Vision for Success.

  • Mt. SAC will no longer provide access directly to online learning resources and your existing accounts will no longer work.
  • If you wish to use the online learning resources, you must now create an account and log into the Vision Resource Center.
  • If you already had an account with the Professional Learning Network,  you will not need to create an account on the Vision Resource Center. 

If you have any questions or need assistance, please call the Information Technology Help Desk at 909.274.4357 or write to

    • Step 1: Go to POD

      Go to the Professional & Organizational Development (POD) website at

       online training vision resource page

      Note: This link will open a new tab or window so you can read these instructions while registering.

      Click on the link to the Vision Resource Center web site.

    • Step 2: Login/Create New Account

      Login using username and password created with the Professional Learning Network.

      To create a new account click on create a new account

      Vision Resource Center login page

    • Step 3: Fill Out Registration Form

      Fill out the registration form (do not try to log in if you have not set up an account yet).  NOTE: when you enter your username, try entering your Mt. SAC portal username (e.g. bscroggins,  jdoe14, etc.) if that is available. Also enter your Mt. SAC e-mail address and phone number. Do not use your personal information (e-mail addresses are used to verify you as a community college employee).

      Fill out registration infirmation page

    • Step 4: Confirmation E-Mail

       After you register, you will receive a confirmation e-mail. Click on the link to confirm your Vision Resource Center account.

       email confirmation notification

    • Step 5: Vision Resource Homepage

      You will be directed to the Vision Resource Homepage. Hover over the "Learning" icon near the upper-left page(next to the Connect and Support icons ). A drop down will appear select "Browse for Training" to browse for training. 

      VRS homepage


    • Step 6: Choose Your Online Learning/Training Resource

      Choose your online learning/training by Subject, Type, or Search by Title


    • Step 7: Take A Course
        • Skillsoft

          Once you have refined your search for specific courses, click the "Launch" link to begin.

           skillsoft launch page


          After you drill down to the specific course you wish to take, click on the  "Launch" link. The page will appear, click "Watch now" link in the video viewpanel to start the video. 

          image of lynda course selection

        • Grovo

          Once you have drilled down to the specific training course you want, Grovo shows the list of lessons. Click then"Start Lessons" button to begin.

          image of lessons list for selected training course