
Spring 2023 Elections Referendums

RSCO Officer GPA Referendum

During Spring 2022, Inter-Club Council (ICC) voted to amend their constitution to change the eligibility requirements for Recognized Student Clubs/Orgs (RSCO) Officers. Currently, the eligibility requirements include a 2.5 cumulative GPA and enrollment in 6 units. This referendum proposes a change to the GPA requirement to a 2.0 cumulative GPA (which aligns with the College Good Academic Standard) and minimum of 3 graded units. During Fall 2022, A.S. voted to change the RSCO Officer eligibility requirements to reflect the changes in the ICC Constitution (listed above). For more information, see the A.S. Bill #7

Do you approve of the RSCO Officer Eligibility requirements to include a 2.0 cumulative GPA and enrolled in a minimum of 3 graded units effective Fall 2023?
___      Yes, I support the updated RSCO Officer Eligibility requirements to include a 2.0 cumulative GPA and enrolled in a minimum of 3 graded units
___      No, I do not support the updated RSCO Officer Eligibility requirements to include a 2.0 cumulative GPA and enrolled in a minimum of 3 graded units

 Student Activities Fee Referendum

The optional Student Activities Fee (S.A.F.) is currently $11 per semester (fall and spring only) which was the established fee in 1980. Due to an enrollment decline over the past 5 years and inflation of costs, Associated Students is faced with less funding to support campus activities, leadership development, student conference and travel, campus departments and teams, retention and transfer programs, recognition events, and student scholarships. After 43 years, A.S. is proposing an increase of $4 to the optional S.A.F. bringing it to $15 per semester (fall and spring only) so that they can continue to provide students with co-curricular experiences. For more information see the A.S. Bill #9

Do you approve of a $4 increase to the optional Student Activities Fee (S.A.F.) per semester (fall and spring only) for credit students effective Fall 2023?

___      Yes, I support a $4 increase to the optional S.A.F. to bring the new total to $15 per semester
___      No, I do not support a $4 increase to the optional S.A.F. thus keeping it at $11 per semester

Executive Board Candidate Tickets Referendum

According to the A.S. Constitution, students interested in running for the following Executive Board positions must run as a pair: A.S. President & A.S. Vice President and two ICC Co-Chairs. Running candidates in pairs has the potential for several drawbacks such as limiting the pool of candidates, and increasing the risk of unqualified individuals being selected for a position as a result of a shared ticket. This referendum proposes an amendment to the A.S. Constitution that would allow a separation of all Executive Board candidate tickets so that students may run for office and be selected based on their own individual merits. For more information see the A.S. Bill #13 .

Do you approve of an amendment to the A.S. Constitution that would allow for a separation of all Executive Board candidate tickets for the Spring 2024 election year?

___      Yes, I support the amendment that would allow a separation of Executive Board candidate tickets
___      No, I do not support the amendment to allow a separation of Executive Board candidate tickets