Trustee Chen Haggerty Honored

August 14, 2024 - 03:48 PM
Mt. San Antonio College Board Member Judy Chen Haggerty was recently honored with a regional award from the Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT) in recognition of her decades of service.
ACCT’s Regional Awards recognize the tremendous contributions made by community colleges
and their leaders to meet the needs of their communities. “Community colleges serve
countless needs throughout the country, from traditional higher education to workforce development, professional certifications, and much more,” said ACCT Chair Jay
Nardini. “The individuals and institutions selected to receive this important recognition
are deeply committed to their communities and regions. They work every day to change
lives for the better.”
“Countless unheralded heroes work tirelessly at ACCT’s member colleges,” said ACCT President and CEO Jee Hang Lee. “We are proud to shine a spotlight on some of the nation’s most outstanding public servants and professionals through our regional awards program.”
Trustee Chen Haggerty has served on the Mt. SAC Board of Trustees for more than two decades. She was elected in 2001, making history as the first Asian-American to serve on the Board. During her tenure, she has served as president of the Board four times.
In her role as trustee, Chen Haggerty has demonstrated exemplary leadership by serving
on various Board sub-committees. Her contributions have spanned critical areas such
as Board Policy review, a President/CEO search, construction opportunities, and legislative
firm selection, showcasing her dedication to the institution's governance and strategic
At the national level, Trustee Chen Haggerty's involvement with the ACCT has been
impactful. She served as Director-at-Large on the ACCT Board of Directors, chaired
the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee, and led the Asian, Pacific Islander,
and Native American (APINA) Caucus.