
Board OKs Bond Measure Resolution

Color artist rendering of Tech and Health building

August 07, 2024 - 10:30 PM

The Mt. San Antonio College Board of Trustees unanimously approved a resolution Wednesday night that will place a $750 million general obligation bond measure on the November ballot.

Funds from the successful passage of a bond measure could help fund essential upgrades to outdated and overcrowded classrooms, labs and equipment for career and vocational education programs in nursing, healthcare, public safety, manufacturing, renewable energy, robotics and technology, and other disciplines. If passed by voters, the measure could also place Mt. SAC in the position to receive state matching funds.

A recently conducted independent community survey shows residents strongly support the affordable and high quality programs Mt. SAC provides. Conducted in July, the survey provides insight into constituent perspectives on current academic needs, with concerns about affordability, safety and basic repairs topping the list. For example, 82 percent of respondents want Mt. SAC to expand opportunities for local students to earn college credits, certifications, and job skills at a reasonable price and then transfer to a four-year institution.

Residents identified key priorities, including the protection of drinking water, and removal of asbestos, lead paint and mold from older buildings. Residents also recognized the need to keep students safe and expressed support for upgrades and improvements of the college’s security and emergency systems through the installation of cameras, lighting and other safety measures.