
Lab CRNs

Fall 2024 Lab CRNs

Language Learning Center

ESL 24201 24202
AMLA 24203 24204
Arabic 24205 24206
Chinese 24207 24208
French 24209 24210
German 24211 24212
Italian 24213 24214
Japanese 24215 24216
Korean 24217 24218
Latin 24219 24220
Sign Language/ASL 24221 24222
Spanish 24223 24224



  1. Detailed instructions for Lab Attendance Report
  2. Find the CRN for the lab and class that you want to track attendance.
  3. Write the CRN(s) down for future reference. It will be the same for the whole semester.
  4. Go back to the "Browse Lab Attendance by Instrutors" page.
  5. Type the lab CRN(s) in the box(es) next to "LAB CRNS." You can also copy and paste the CRN.