
Cristian D. Ramirez (2019 Update)

Cristian D. Ramirez

January 25, 2021 - 09:05 PM

Cristian D. Ramirez – 2017 Kepler

Being a recipient of the scholarship has really made my transfer to Cal Poly a lot smoother. I take great pride that I was honored to attend the Kepler event–the experience was a blessing. If there was ever any doubt as to whether I would go on to attain a Masters, receiving encouragement from functions such as this has surely shaved it off. Astronomy has definitely been a persistent obsession in my life. Thus, a joy to be able to apply what I learn in the academia in my role working for the Joint Space Operations Center as a traditional reservist in the United States Air Force. In the near future, given the opportunity, I seek to attain a full-time position supporting the JSPOC. I can’t thank the Kepler committee enough!

Kepler Award Recipient Updates