Emergency Medical Services, (EMT - Paramedic Program), AS S1210
Program: S1210Looking for guidance? A counselor can help.
This Guided Pathways for Success (GPS) is a suggested sequence of coursework needed for program completion. It is not an official educational plan. Schedule an appointment with a counselor or advisor as soon as possible to create an individualized Mountie Academic Plan (MAP) specific to your goals and needs.

To speak with a counselor, please visit www.mtsac.edu/counseling or call the Counseling Department at (909) 274-4380
Suggested Sequence of CourseworkIndicates Courses Offered Online
Fall Semester (Year 1)
Course Prefix | Title | Units |
ENGL 1A | Freshman Composition | 4.0 |
AA/S MATH | Meet AA/AS Math Comptcy Req | 3.0 |
AA/S KINES | Phys Ed (KIN) Activity Course | 0.5 |
BIOL 1 | General Biology | 4.0 |
CHEM 10 | (or) Chemistry-Allied Health Majors | |
CHEM 40 | (or) Introduction General Chemistry | |
Total: | 11.5 |
Winter Semester (Year 1)
Course Prefix | Title | Units |
EMS 1 | Paramedic Preparatory Course | 3.0 |
Total: | 3.0 |
Spring Semester (Year 1)
Course Prefix | Title | Units |
EMS 10 | Paramedic Core Content | 11.0 |
EMS 40 | Emergency Care for Paramedics | 4.5 |
EMS 70 | Paramedic Clinical Internship | 3.0 |
Total: | 18.5 |
Summer Semester (Year 1)
Course Prefix | Title | Units |
SPCH 1A | Public Speaking | 4.0 |
Total: | 4.0 |
Fall Semester (Year 2)
Course Prefix | Title | Units |
EMS 50 | Paramedic Skills Competency | 5.0 |
EMS 80 | Paramedic Field Externship | 9.0 |
Total: | 14.0 |
Certificate: Paramedic T0425
Submit petition in portal, Student Self-Svc, #45
Winter Semester (Year 2)
Course Prefix | Title | Units |
AA/S USHIS | Area D-1 Hist/Pol Sc Course | 3.0 |
Total: | 3.0 |
Spring Semester (Year 2)
Course Prefix | Title | Units |
AA/S ARTS | Area C-1 Arts Course | 3.0 |
AA/S HUM | Area C-2 Humanities Course | 3.0 |
PSYC 1A | Introduction to Psychology | 3.0 |
AA/S LIFE | Area E Lifelong Undrstg Course | 3.0 |
AA/S ETHS | Area F Ethnic Studies | 3.0 |
Total: | 15.0 |
Emergency Medical Services, AS S1210
Submit petition in portal, Student Self-Svc, #45
Total number of Units
Total Number of Units: 69
Program Notes
Degree requirements include reading competency. This requirement is met by attaining eligibility for READ 100 or by completing READ 90. Complete the online Assessment Questionnaire (AQ) at https://www.mtsac.edu/assessment/aq/
Students may complete the following before applying:
- Current BLS/CPR for First Responders card
- Current California EMT card
- Valid CA Driver’s License
- Valid CA DMV Ambulance Driver’s License
- EMT Experience letter from your Employer, verifying 1000 hours completed with a percentage breakdown of number of IFT/Transport hours as well as 911 response hours. This letter must be on official letterhead with a “wet” signature
- Military applicants need to provide your DD-214 form.
- High School Diploma or equivalent
- Official College Transcripts
- Mt. SAC English and Math placement tests results with minimum eligibility for English 68, Math 51, and Read 90. The placement tests may be waived if you have a Bachelor’s Degree from a California UC or Cal State school. Your counselor can provide more information.
- Proof of Mt. SAC College Orientation completion.
EMT is now offered through School of Continuing Education: https://www.mtsac.edu/vocational/health/