Business: Management, AS S0506
Program: S0506Looking for guidance? A counselor can help.
This Guided Pathways for Success (GPS) is a suggested sequence of coursework needed for program completion. It is not an official educational plan. Schedule an appointment with a counselor or advisor as soon as possible to create an individualized Mountie Academic Plan (MAP) specific to your goals and needs.

To speak with a counselor, please visit or call the Counseling Department at (909) 274-4380
Suggested Sequence of CourseworkIndicates Courses Offered Online
Fall Semester (Year 1)
Course Prefix | Title | Units |
BUSM 20 | Principles of Business | 3.0 |
BUSM 61 | Business Organization & Manage | 3.0 |
BUSS 36 | Principles of Marketing | 3.0 |
ENGL 1A | Freshman Composition | 4.0 |
Total: | 13.0 |
Certificate: Business Management L1 E0525
Submit petition:, Student Tab#45
Winter Semester (Year 1)
Course Prefix | Title | Units |
SPCH 1A | Public Speaking | 4.0 |
Total: | 4.0 |
Spring Semester (Year 1)
Course Prefix | Title | Units |
BUSM 60 | Human Relations in Business | 3.0 |
AA/S MATH | Meet AA/AS Math Comptcy Req | 3.0 |
AA/S LIFE | Area E Lifelong Undrstg Course | 3.0 |
CISB 15 | Microcomputer Application | 3.5 |
Total: | 12.5 |
Summer Semester (Year 1)
Course Prefix | Title | Units |
BUSM 51 | Principles of Int'l Business | 3.0 |
Total: | 3.0 |
Fall Semester (Year 2)
Course Prefix | Title | Units |
BUSA 7 | Prin of Accounting - Financial | 5.0 |
AA/S BEHAV | Area D-2 Elective Course | 3.0 |
AA/S ETHS | Area F Ethnic Studies | 3.0 |
AA/S HUM | Area C-2 Humanities Course | 3.0 |
Total: | 14.0 |
Winter Semester (Year 2)
Course Prefix | Title | Units |
AA/S ARTS | Area C-1 Arts Course | 3.0 |
AA/S KINES | Phys Ed (KIN) Activity Course | 0.5 |
Total: | 3.5 |
Spring Semester (Year 2)
Course Prefix | Title | Units |
BUSM 10 | Prin of Cont Qual Improvement | 3.0 |
BUSM 62 | Human Resource Management | 3.0 |
AA/S USHIS | Area D-1 Hist/Pol Sc Course | 3.0 |
AA/S SCNCE | Area B-1 or B-2 Science Course | 3.0 |
Total: | 12.0 |
Business Management, AS S0506
Certificate:Business Management, L2/3 N0473/N0646
Certificates: Human Resources, L1 E0531 &
International Business, L1 E0527
Submit petition:, Student Tab#45
Total number of Units
Total Number of Units: 62
Program Notes
Degree requirements include reading competency. This requirement is met by attaining eligibility for READ 100 or by completing READ 90. Complete the online Assessment Questionnaire (AQ) at