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Early Childhood Education, AS-T (IGETC) S0401

Program: S0401
Looking for guidance? A counselor can help.This Guided Pathways for Success (GPS) is a suggested sequence of coursework needed for program completion. It is not an official educational plan. Schedule an appointment with a counselor or advisor as soon as possible to create an individualized Mountie Academic Plan (MAP) specific to your goals and needs.
Suggested Sequence of CourseworkIndicates Courses Offered Online
Fall Semester (Year 1)
Course Prefix Title Units
CHLD 5 Prin & Prac - CD Programs 3.0
CHLD 11 Child & Adolescent Development 3.0
ENGL 1A Freshman Composition 4.0
IGTC ARTS IGTC 3 Arts Crse 3.0
Total:   13.0
Winter Semester (Year 1)
Course Prefix Title Units
CHLD 6 Intro to Child Curriculum 3.0
Total:   3.0
Spring Semester (Year 1)
Course Prefix Title Units
CHLD 1 Child, Family, Community 3.0
CHLD 64 Health, Safety & Nutrition 3.0
IGTC MATH IGTC 2 Mathematics Crse 3.0
CHLD 66 Early Child Observe & Assess 2.0
CHLD 66L Early Child Obser & Assess Lab 1.0
IGTC ETHS Ethnic Studies 3.0
Total:   15.0
CHLD 61 & 63 in Spr & CHLD 62/66, 66L Fall Certificate: Child Development, L1 M0663 If CHLD 66/66L is not taken Spring, must enroll in Immunizations Req'd: CHLD 66, 67, 69, 91, 86, 87 Submit certificate petition to A&R via portal #45 visit:
Summer Semester (Year 1)
Course Prefix Title Units
SPCH 1A Public Speaking 4.0
SPCH 2 (or) Survey Communication Studies
SPCH 8 (or) Professional Speaking
Total:   4.0
Fall Semester (Year 2)
Course Prefix Title Units
CHLD 50 Teaching in a Diverse Society 3.0
IGTC SCNC1 IGTC 5A Physical Sc Crse 3.0
IGTC CRTH IGTC 1B critical Th Comp 3.0
CSU AMIST CSU GE American Institutions 3.0
CHLD 67 Early Chld Education Practicum 2.0
CHLD 67L (and) ECE Practicum Laboratory 1.0
CHLD 86 (or) Infant Toddler Practicum 2.0
CHLD 87 (and) Infant Toddler Field Work Exp 1.0
Total:   18.0
CHLD 86, 87, 79 corequisites, CHLD 86 reqs CHLD 73 Certificate: Child Development, LII - N0656 Certificate: Child Development, LIII - N0655 ENGL 1C is preferred Critical Thinking GEOL 8 is preferred Physical Science Submit petition to Admissions & Records
Winter Semester (Year 2)
Course Prefix Title Units
CSU AMIST CSU GE American Institutions 3.0
Total:   3.0
Spring Semester (Year 2)
Course Prefix Title Units
IGTC ART/H IGTC 3 Arts or Humanities 3.0
IGTC BEHAV IGTC 4 Soc n Behav Sc Crse 3.0
IGTC LAB IGTC 5 Physcal or Biol Sc Crse 1.0
IGTC SCNC2 IGTC 5B Biological Sci Crse 3.0
IGTC LANG Lang OthrThan Engl UC Req Only 4.0
Total:   14.0
BIOL 3 preferred for Life Science/Lab Early Childhood Education, AS-T, S0401 Language Other Than ENGL is a UC Requirement only Submit petition:, student tab #45
Program Notes

AS-T Early Childhood Studies-CSU Pomona 

Early Childhood Studies (Teaching & Non-Teaching) accepted

AS-T Early Childhood Studies-CSUs

Use link to search for CSUs that accept AS-T Early Childhood Studies


Total number of Units
Per Unit
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