
Astronomy & Earth Science

A group of students learning to use telescopes

Earth Sciences & Astronomy Programs

The Mt. SAC Earth Sciences and Astronomy Department is among the largest in the California Community College system, offering a full range of exciting courses for transfer credit and for general interest. Our modern facilities include a state-of-the-art planetarium, well-equipped laboratories, and evening sky observing opportunities.

Mt. SAC is known for its excellent geology field program, and instructors who strive to bring you an education that is relevant to today’s world. Explore Mt. SAC’s Astronomy and Earth Sciences Department and prepare for a lifelong love of science and the world around you. Come and investigate the stars, planets, rocks, and waters of our existence - the universe awaits!

Featured Events
Two people skygazing at night sky
The Astronomy Program at Mt. SAC takes students on a journey to the stars, planets, comets, or black holes, among other wonders of the universe. We offer degree applicable courses as well as special projects in astronomy. Plenty of hands on experiences with evening telescope observation sessions, field trips, and research projects exist. The state-of-the-art Randall Planetarium and the new rooftop observation dome are exciting learning labs for astronomy students.  
Photo of Earth from space
Earth Sciences
The Earth Sciences Program at Mt. SAC explores different focuses such as Geology, Meteorology, and Oceanography. We offer degree applicable courses in these focuses as well as a transfer degree for our Geology program. Students have the opportunity to receive hands on experiences with filed trips and research projects. 

Our Team

All Departmental Faculty
Earth Sciences & Astronomy Department

Building 60
(909) 274-4148